3 Hole Dry Hash Pipe

you could always clean up dry ice sift on finer mesh dry sift screens as well


static tech is another option :+1: or just ethanol and coffee filters :wink:


believe a “paint shaker” could work with some modificatiions other wiase the Highten" is way too expensive


I bought 1 If those glass 3 hole Gandalf hash pipes. If you find a how to use it video or webpage, please share that…I have no idea how to use it as intended with that glass rod…but I’d love to see a video

Put the hash in the bottom of the bowl, heat the quartz rod up, use quartz rod to “vaporize” the hash in the bottom of the bowl. The rod is your “lighter”.


for Hash Domes check out “Shop.Sitkagold.com” the best dome for hash smoker at $50.00 !!!

Back in the day I had a small blood stone with a narrow bamboo stem that was made for slow burning hash. I can’t even find one like it, but I also haven’t seen hash in a few years

I learned something this thread! I like the shape of those Kop hammers. I may pick one up.

I thought about buying an oil burner pipe but I don’t want to look like a crack head!


I picked up one of Kop’s hash hammers from tako glass a week or two ago as there didn’t seem to be a better option. Came in slightly smaller than I expected but it’s Perfect!!

Not a 3-hole tho. It’s just one big hole on the far side of the bowl. Works like a champ! :muscle:


Hell ya. Out of all the hash pipes in my collection, the 2 from Kop that I have definitely have some of the best function (used for rosin). I like being able to keep the rosin as far away from the hole as possible so it don’t get sucked right into the reclaim chamber heh. I put it on the top edge away from the hole and chase it on down as needed with the rod. :metal:


Ooh that’s a good idea! I definitely wanna pick up another one at some point.

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Nice! I love the chameleon glass triple hole bowl with ash catcher!

I have their older version. I actually like it better than the newer version you have but they claim the new one is a “big upgrade” on the old one (I talked to the owner to see if he still made my pipe).

Here’s a picture of mine:

And here’s a pic of the ash catcher mouthpiece. I would highly recommend everyone buy an ash catcher pipe!

I actually use it to smoke flower too. I love that I’ve never once sucked any ash into my mouth with this pipe in all the years I’ve had it.

I use a toothpick to clean the 3 holes.


Where did u get this i would love to try this

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The hash dome?


Dude I care! Thanks so much this is exactly what I was looking for