3 Hole Dry Hash Pipe

I’ve been on the hunt for a three hole vented hand pipe for smoking pressed temple ball style hash for a while now. Ever since seeing Frenchy Cannoli (RIP :sleepy:) hitting one made by Andy Roth Glass, I’ve wanted to get my hands on one to try but it seems like, from the looking around that I did, there aren’t a lot of glass blowers that make them regularly. Most seem to be a novelty or a really high end specialty, like Andy’s, which ill never have enough $$$ to buy.

I stumbled across this gem on chameleon glass’s website tonight though and immediately bought it, and felt compelled to share in case anyone else is in the same boat looking for an affordable one:

$45 plus $5 shipping and I even found a 10% off coupon just on a google search. If anyone actually cares about this I’m happy to post about how well it works when the thing shows up, but I just figured I’d put it out there in case there’s someone else on the hunt like I was. :v:t2::v:t2:


And a smoke report please.
I’ll see if I can find the POS that I got recently…

I usually end up smoking a bowl till it’s ash
Then place hash on top - seems like a better hash-hit than:

Top a bowl with hash and fire it up!


Same boat I usually just mix with flower but wanted something to be able to smoke just the hash. Did the metal screen thing for a while but don’t love smoking out of metal. I’ll report back once the new pipe arrives whether it’s worth it or not :call_me_hand:t2:


I do the exact same thing


Curious how it works

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Great minds think alike heh. Been on the same hunt for a hash pipe for a bit and have been eyeballing that same chameleon glass pipe/wand since its one of the only ones available on the internet it seems lol. I don’t have any temple ball, I was just going to use it to take a little sip of blended CBD/THC rosin when at my desk or take a little glob with me when going to work at my fathers place.


That looks really promising. Excited to hear all about how it performs


ill report back here once it shows up, glad i went through the trouble to post about it, i figured i couldn’t be the only guy looking around for one of these and coming up goosegg.


For anyone that has the scratch who’s looking for one of these you should really check out @andyrothglass of IG. His dry pipes are gorgeous looking and came endorsed by the master hashishian Frenchy, so they gotta be legit. I messaged him a while back and he said they go for $400. Not sure if that price has changed but if you got the money and want the best that’s probably the guy to talk to about it.


Tracking says the chameleon pipe should be here by Friday, so should be able to post a function report by the weekend if USPS doesn’t fuck up the delivery. Pretty stoked, I’ve got a ball of some 2:1 hash that’s been curing out in my seed fridge for probably like 4-5 months that I’m hyped to try out.


Pipe showed up today. Gotta hand it to them on the packaging, came in a nice padded zippered case, basically a sunglasses case, but I’ve bought pipes at 3 times the price that have only showed up in bubble wrap and newspaper, so they get at least one point there. Some first impressions: glass feels a little thin, particularly in the stem, not really a surprise there, considering the price, but this is for sure a table piece, not a road pipe, unless you get a couple and won’t get bummed out if you break one. Fuming is actually pretty nice from what I can see. The biggest thing I noticed was the size of the three holes in the bowl as compared to the carb and the stem holes, they’re wicked tiny, think pinholes, so it feels like you’ve really gotta chief on this thing to get a big hit. I could be wrong when it comes time to fire it up, and who knows, maybe you don’t really want a lung buster out of a proper hash pipe like this, but on the dry hit it feels like it doesn’t breathe as freely as you’d want it to. I’ll post a function report tonight after the kid goes to bed and I can crack into this temple ball I’ve got in the fridge and see if I’m right or wrong.


So first couple bowls down and I have to say it’s not bad. it’s not like hitting a flower bowl in terms of the volume of smoke that you get, and I went admittedly small on the chunks I threw in there so it didn’t really provide a huge rip, but I did get more out of a moderate pull than I was expecting, definitely didn’t feel like I had to pull like crazy to get anything out of it so I think I can safely say I was wrong about the issue with the small holes, she hits fine. The heat wand feels like it’s more trouble than it’s worth at least for now. If you’re used to taking dabs or something, then running the thing under a torch before taking a hit probably wont be a problem, but for me being used to taking bong rips and smoking bowls, it feels like a cumbersome additional step. More than likely I’ll just take a lighter to it. All in all I’d categorize it as pretty nice, I’m sure there’s a bit of a learning curve as to how to really get this thing cruising, but I’d say it’s worth the moderate price to have around as an option if you regularly have pressed hash on hand. Hopefully this was at least moderately helpful to someone. :v:t2:


Very nice. I don’t have any temple ball, but was thinking of using it to take a sip or 2 of some rosin. Glad it came in and seems to be working alright.

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I take back what I said about the heat wand, after another couple bowls, the juice is definitely worth the squeeze. Regular BIC lighter is a little tough to use. Because there is no center hole below the hash you can’t pull the flame into it to get it lit. If you’re going to forgo the wand you’ll probably do well with a butane dab torch. But with the wand you can really press heat into the hash and get a much fuller, tastier hit. There’s definitely a learning curve for this thing, but it just means you’ve got to smoke a bunch of hash to get it dialed. :v:t2:


Thanks for the report!

Pretty sure they make battery powered heating elements you could use in place of the wand.


Might have to look into one of those. I’ve got a butane zippo that I tried out and it worked all right, you don’t want to hold it over the hash because then all you taste is butane, but if you wave it over the bowl to ignite it then it works pretty well, a dab torch with the angled head would probably do the job better. will definitely have to look into the battery powered wands though, saw French a couple times using something along those lines, it looked about as big as a dremel!


You have any rosin to try out of it?

Update please - did those tiny holes clog yet?

Can’t find my little POS pipe - it has (had?) a little glass “flower” at the bottome of the bowl, supposedly to hold the hash better - but in reality it clogs waaaay too easily.

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nope they’ve stayed clear, i did clean it with alcohol after like 6 bowls though to keep it from getting too mucked up.


Nice. They are out at the moment so I am waiting for their next run to be done. Also we shall see if I convinced them to do a run of Gandalf hash pipes as well. Would be amazing if they do, would work well cooling the air a bit more since they are much longer.