7 Years of OverGrow Anniversary giveaway thread

The “likes” to likeable shit ratio in here is way off


I have to agree with that. I’m capped

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Waiter …waiter …there is a roach in soup…

He says

Quiet …then everyone will want one…


Hahaha ha nice

Waiter …waiter…

Why is your thumb in my soup…

…“my doctor told me to keep it warm…”…

Well why don’t you take that thumb and shove it in your ass…

Waiter replies.:… What do you think do in the kitchen


Congratulations @amumayuk @Themouse1967 @Tejas @Smoklahoma @Papalag


Still need one more joke to get to seven people

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Pharmer Phil fires up fine flower? Lol

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why did the chicken cross the road?

Because it didnt go to school.


knock knock
whos there
you can
you can who?
you can send me a pack of that punchline


Alright that’s 7! Thank you all for a good laugh :joy:


Send me a pm with you details and I’ll get these sent out today. If you’ve gotten punchline before make sure you remind me in your pm and you’ll get something different


@amumayuk send me your deets too, I have plenty


thanks pharmerfil im getting my seed fix for the day now the junkie in me is soothed :rofl: :rofl:

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Woo hoo!! :grin: Thanks! @pharmerfil I like these joke giveaways! As intended they’re always good for a laugh! :joy: :fist:t3:

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Good one @pharmerfil thanks for the opportunity

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Thank you @pharmerfil

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Thanks @pharmerfil

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Loves the jokes guys. Thanks @pharmerfil good job :+1:

2 trees are planted in the forest, one is a beach and one is a birch.
They look down and see a sapling and start to argue whether it’s the son of a beach or the son of a birch.
They see a woodpecker tapping on a tree and ask it to come over.
They tell him that they are trying to figure out if the sapling is the son of a beach or the son of a birch and the woodpecker, being a bit of a tree expert, fly’s down and pecks it a few times.
When it fly’s back up it looks at them and says. “It’s not the son of a beach or the son of a birch but it’s the best piece of ash he ever stuck his beak into” :crazy_face:


I don’t catch it …:man_facepalming:
Probably something is lost in translation… :