A Better Way to Giveaway?

'Dibs 'n Dabs", ugh??? Sounds like something a “Master” would come up with…lol!!! Dibbers and Dabbers of the Universe, Hail Sir ReikoX…you better!! Do say safe, continue to take special care, and be well. This Group REALLY does owe you so much!!! mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


My problem has always been finding the time package and send out all the seeds. I have a bunch id love to give away right now just dont have the time atm. Last time I did that I got nothing done but filling out envelopes and going to the post office for about 3 weeks.


Maybe we could organize a massive giveaway. I’d be willing to donate a couple hundred mephisto beans to get the party started.


I like the random generator.

say 50 spots. pick one number from 1-200. list full, GAW stops and numbers chose.

Wish I had a solution @anon81143130 , envelope stuffing hell march.

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Hi folks, as a newbie in growing and a 6 month member, I have been learning tons here, in the most unexpected way… and as I kept visiting the site I found out about some of the giveaways such as @ReikoX, @Mr.Sparkle’s, some Mondays while they were up with @Chronickyle’s giveaways up until I stumbled into OGenerosity running wild round here, from a number of individuals, @Floyd, @Eagles009, @Oldtimerunderground, @JohnnyPotseed, @Guitarzan, @Slick1, @corey, @anon93244739 with this massive event we’ve just had, and a bunch of others I can’t remember now, as well as this flood of OGAttitude, @DougDawson, to name a few…

When I first heard the thing, “dibs” I thought, what the heck is that? Maybe it’s a backwards way of saying “bids,” but soon I learned we could bid and get seeds… (mind you, in prohibition countries, even the very act of purchasing seeds from overseas would imply the crime of importing and trafficking), so then, after asking, a member told me I had to be fast to be able to get the dibs…LOL! Long story short, one of the reasons I love our community here is that there are different events going on, some are based on dibs, others on trivia and dibs, besides others who prefer a throw of dice or a list… all in all, I have been given a bunch of seeds here and I’m always in awe of such generosity, friendship, brotherhood, sisterhood, you name it… probably already reaching a point of having too many options to what should be grown next, yet I don’t stop learning, interacting, laughing by myself, getting stressed out to be the fastest dibber in this land… I have no idea how many people are here every day, but as someone had mentioned before, the ones who aren’t here just to grab something and run, not even interested in other threads besides the “Free seeds and clones,” they are present, helpful when needed, always willing to have a good conversation on a subject and promote mutual learning among ourselves.
I understand the frustration of the ones who are unable to have either fast connection or other unforeseeable problems, but I seriously doubt whether someone who is frequently here, engaged in conversations, not pretending to be nice and friendly in order to get seeds, would be able to say he or she hasn’t been offered some seeds or help anyhow…
I love all approaches here, and other than maybe varying subjects regarding Art, Movies, Music, Pop stuff, weird ones to get everybody’s attention, questions regarding growing and or history of cannabis, Cars, Mind altering issues, I don’t know, thought I could suggest!! But please, keep the “dibs” LOL! :laughing: :wink: :yum: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :hugs: :hugs: :shushing_face: :upside_down_face: :laughing:


Just to clarify, the spirit of this post was just trying to come up with alternative solutions to make aspects of the community more accessible for people, not trying to set up a bunch of restrictions on people. I said something like “Anyone can give away seeds however they want” at the beginning, this is just trying to draw some attention to the problem to see if the community has some solutions, and I think we’ve got some ideas at least.

@G-paS I love the idea of a guardian bean angel lol that’s wonderful.


That is why I liked the pay it forward I was a distributor for some with the seeds but not the time or $$.
:green_heart: :seedling:


Send those beans MY way, I’ll spread them far and wide ON MY DIME!! Giveaways, Donation/Signup, etc. I ain’t turning down any seeds. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


@misterbee … pm me your info and I’ll send hundreds of mephisto beans your way.


Lucky dog! Aren’t you looking for autos too @misterbee? Can’t wait for your next fundraiser!


Growing out a couple of those white crack beans you sent me! They’re in my thread. Doing pretty good so far. Thanks again!


If there are any extras of those Mephisto beans consider sending a few this way :wink:.
I won’t distribute them, I’ll grow em!!!


I’ll second that, always looking for beans to add to the collection, no mephisto beans here



I have a bunch going out this weekend but ill post whats left here early next week. I’d be more than happy to share.


@ChronicMcBudz what the name of the thread? I’d love to check out your grow!

Edit. I found it and joined the party

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I like the idea. Free seeds. I didn’t come here for that. Nothing is truly for free. People shouldn’t expect that. I enjoy reading about it. I try and support what I see. Don’t need free seeds.


I think that’s great family spirit. The thing is you will always have people wanting more.


Very good. Not everyone is as humble about the free giveaway. You respect what’s going on.


It was apparent you came to learn. :heartpulse:


It WON’T be nearly as interesting/entertaining as that BEANS N BBQ!!! Hopefully, it’ll raise a few $'s and put some of this OG Heat into member’s hands. I think I’m almost up to 100 strains!!! I’m thinking maybe 75 Signups, ONE STRAIN EACH, whatever is not chosen gets put on the Trade Winds. I do know there WILL be multiple slots of a particular strain because of all the generous donations. I’ll come up with favorable logistics before September. I CAN state, there will be Photo/Reg, Photo/Fem AND Auto/Fem!!! Take that!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: NOTE: Cards/Envelops/“Non Machinable” Stamps/International Stamps procured!!