About our wives and partners

I just want to give a shout out to my wife, and hope you growers take the time to do the same. As a father and husband who puts it all on the line with my ‘hobby’, I sometimes forget how important the silent support from my wife is. Mothers who toke are very reluctant to ‘come out’ to society and even close friends, for fear of reprisal from both. Everyone these days, it seems, are looking to call out their fellow men and women for their ‘sins’. Mothers are especially at risk these days, with social services et al, looking for any reason to punish a mother for their involvement with cannabis. You guys know how paranoid you can get growing in an illegal environment by yourselves. Your spouse or girlfriend stands to lose much more from your activities when it comes down to it. While my wife is a direct beneficiary of my hobby, I can’t say enough about being allowed to pursue my love of cannabis, without having to fight for it in my own house. The support our significant others is invaluable, whether they water your babies or not, and I couldn’t be where I am today without her. I would simply just be alone. Its getting near Valentines Day, so even though she never reads these forums, I encourage you all to give your partner a big hug kiss and a thank you for letting us ‘do what we do’, and still loving us for who we are and not what we do. Cheers Ladies (and guys too)!!! and Thank you ‘K’ from the bottom of my heart.


I couldn’t have put better words together my friend. My wife is everything to me, while she isn’t the mother of my children she is their “mom” in my eyes even though they live with their real mom.

She holds the fort down for me, takes care of my big baby Doggo the dog, motivates me to do better for myself, and is the Spoon to my fork.

If it were legal in my state to grow, I’d post up a pic of us :slight_smile:

And who needs V-day to use as an excuse to spoil your loved ones, Why wait, I say do it now, everyday, and every tomorrow.

She doesn’t read the “other woman” (OG) but she’d appreciate this nonetheless!


Great words friend…

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Valentine’s day getting closer…


I would have OD on pills, if it wasn’t for my Blondy helping me get off of them by letting me grow my flowers of power. She even got me out of jail 3 times because of getting busted for growing.

I would be dead or in prison for life if it wasn’t for her.

When they say, your better half. It’s so true…