What are you thankful for?

I’m super thankful for family!

Tonight I realized the importance of family after reviving a few relationships that were on pause for no real reason. My grandfather is 93 years old and I just had supper with him, my aunt (from a few provinces over), my dad (our relationship always stuck in arrested development).
I haven’t seen them all together since I was a child. Seeing them tonight and hearing the way everyone talks and the stories being told, I knew I was home.

I was brought to tears when I got home after my dad and I had some words and just reflecting on the night.

Was an epic night. So incredibly thankful!

Love you OG!


Something similar bromigo…


Oh man could I go down some sort rabbit hole with this, but in a nutshell I’m just thankful that I’m alive and get to experience life in a way I’m sure many people dream of. As frustrating as the day to day can be at times I feel extremely lucky to be in the life circumstances I’m in. There are so many directions ilife could have gone for me that would have had dark endings that just didn’t work out like that cause of a bit of luck and a phenomenal support system.

On the topic of weed, man do I feel lucky to be at the time and place I’m in. I mean, living in a prohibition state sucks but that will end in the near future. Pretty cool to be watching and be part of the death of the war on weed in real time.

And since the 2018 farm bill passed for hemp has anyone taken the time to notice that we are at the start of a cannabis genetics rennesaunce? Never at anytime in human history has there been an open exchange of seeds and cuttings like there is at this point in time. And of such great quality. So many seed banks now its ridiculous, not to mention guys and gals like us doing our own little projects and passing stuff around for free. Who ever believed we would live to see it? Lets drive the final nail into the coffin of prohibition.


Shoot…didn’t see that one. Thanks much!

Can a mod merge this topic into that one or whatever magic they do?


Simple… My strong wife that I just celebrated 35yrs with… she has seen me thru 4 back surgeries, both hips replaced and needing 2 more back surgeries.
She is my rock, my nurse, my best buddy, my football pal… we laugh, we cry, a lot. JK. She wakes up, pretty. Never wears makeup, yet is beautiful day in, day out. She hurts to , but pushes herself beyond most… and I cannot imagine life without her. I love that girl known as Ladybug…
so off to bed… night


just to be livin L I V I N


The one thing I’m thankful for is my Chocolate Lab Hershey (RIP) He kept me afloat and going through a very dark time in my life. He alone turned me around and helped show me a different outlook on life and the world around me.
Animals have a 6th sense, and are some of the greatest beings to help those that need it.


Thank you for making this thread, there’s no such thing as too much gratitude or too many threads about gratitude! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’m thankful for attracting people that need to talk and that I can offer them some relief just by listening and sharing a few words. Feels really good to be able to be useful.

The more I listen to people individually, people who are being real and honest and raw, the more I see how beautiful and strong mankind really is.


I’m thankful that my wife lets me grow cannabis and she understands how important it is in my life unlike my other gfs


SUPER CONGRATS!!! I wish I could have experienced the same. Consider yourself lucky, indeed. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Grateful for another day on this earth…:pray::pray:


Grateful for my beautiful angel, my wife. Through thick and thin, huge ups, extreme lows, long hiatus’ joy, pain and sorrow she is there pushing me forward and cheering me on. She is my love, my life , my heart and my soul. Truly . I know for a fact I would not be here without her several times over and I’m so grateful to have met her and been given the chance to experience TRUE LOVE and enjoying life with the best friend I’ve ever had in my entire life.


I’m also thankful for my friends, real friends and real people I truly consider my brothers. For instance @Mithridate this man has opened my eyes to things I truly didn’t understand and helped me to see deep inside myself and granted me the ability to truly change for the better inside and out. Every once in a while someone comes into your life that you just know has made a long lasting impact and altered your perception and state of mind, and he has done just that. All while being one of the most real, generous, smart people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. TRULY ! Thank you brother :pray:t2: for Everything you do and for just being you.


I’m thankful for ANOTHER YEAR OF LIFE :hugs:

It’s my birthday today. Mid forties. I gotta admit, i look and feel better now than I did through most of my thirties.


Simply, I’m grateful for the gift of life.


Happy Birthday @RookieBuds


Thank you!


Any time left on the planet and…



Very thankful that we are able to celebrate cannabis the way we do.
Prayers and thoughts to our brother, Tangaraju. To be executed tomorrow. Be strong, brother. :people_hugging::pray:

Was carrying 1kg of herb in Singapore.

It is confirmed that he was hung today. RIP my brother! 🫂🙏