Acro's Farm Adventures

Not a bad thing to look at while I smoke a joint of purple widow freak.

I’m thinking of changing the name to Omija or Schizandra. She’ll get deep red and purple, smells sweeter berry earlier in life, which gets replaced by cheese/wine cellar. When you smoke her you get bitter, sweet, sour, savory. Just a great old school head high, and while not an overly delicious smoke, a very interesting one. Like a strong white widow, she’s kinda subtle and in your face all at once. Mu cheeks are numb, neck pain feels better, head depressurized :ok_hand:


Random photo dump, newest to oldest.

Let’s see, I’ve…

1.) made a batch of fresh STS and have sprayed Daywrecker, Original diesel, Blueberry (pnw 80’s clone only), SLH Franco, Z Cake (jungle boys), and Mac Daddy.

2.) I’ve also reversed 6 autos from my hunt and have several really nice females ready to make seeds.

3.) I’m down to 36 autos from over 100 (this run). Really happy with what I’ve got. This run has been volumes better than last run. I stressed the last batch too much. I’ll get some great plants from the beans, but I killed a lot of perfectly good plants. I’ll also only make enough beans to have limited amounts to share :pensive: This run anything that got killed was for the betterment of the genetic pool. Plus, some of these girls are going to out out bean wise. I’d speculate that the top 5 auto girls are 10 ten I’ve ever seen. Still time, but one might be the best I’ve ever seen as far as vigor, smell, speed. It’s the kind of plant I think I could pull crazy amount of great bud from in a hydro bucket. The others aren’t far behind, but this one, ugh…

4.) I’m running a bunch of old Z auto, fast photo, and pbb fem stuff, circa 2020. It’s so incredibly nice, and the plants look like they’re an advanced f gen in some cases. Z x Blueberry Sativa are standing up to and showing up some of the best auto genetics available. Both parents are quirky, but those quirks seem to have blended really well. Maybe two others can stand up to them smell wise at this stage, and theres one savory leaner, like a soup with leeks and berries. So many of these plants are still working on smelling like anything. None of these are too 5 plants right now, but 4 of them would round out the top 10. These are plants are the anomaly in a pack, the Zibba, as I’ve been calling them, are potentially already really nice a consistent :thinking::man_shrugging:

5.) Speaking of consistent, the Z x PBB :drooling_face: Such great looking little plants, and look at the Blueberry Cow Bells acting all blueberry like. I add to it, I had to hand crack every shell, then they had to be saved even after that. This is regarding the bin with the seedlings, and you can see the middle seedlings are behind. These are the crazy tiny seeds I got from BBM x BBM x VB.

6.) everything from #5 are the seeds I soaked too long and thought would have low survival. Overall, I’m pretty happy with what survived. Culled the weak and have a good assortment. More BBM BX would be nice, but I hold BBM, have a BBM x VB keeper girl, and have pollen from the boy last year. I’ll be able to make something fun. I also have about 10 small blueberry plants for random pollinations and S1. I’d say Blueberry x (Blueberry Muffin x (Blueberry Muffin x Vintage Blueberry) will happen for sure. Should I do another BX to the HSC clone?

7.) Sent a bunch of clones outdoors, most have been pissed and died. It’s still been 30’s and 40’s. Dream Axis, Blueberry, Blueberry Muffin have rooted in these miserable conditions. Jammy Dodgers x Blueberry has been incredible in the nasty weather. I send all the boys and a runt outside weeks ago, and most are now producing their second batch of pollen. 4 really outstanding boys. One I’ll be using primarily and three others that will be in the mix.

That’s just a quick update, lots more to come!!


Some cloned autos and kratky moms


Excuse me, you can’t just say “cloned auto” and not elaborate


Now, now, you didn’t have to personally attack me like that :joy::rofl:

Great update though. I love it.


Thanks my friend, so much more to update!

A couple big ones I forgot…

Blueberry Autos: I’m doing a one pot repopulation of the 9 beans I had left from @Alaskagrown. Three of the four best plants are girls, none of the boys have shown, it’s super odd, but this has been the case a few times with the beans from those males. Z x BBA the boys were runts and late. I think one of the big ones will be a boy, but we’ll see.

Cereal Milk S1: After toms of plants and years of hunting I believe I’ve found two S1 to cross and self to see what we get. One is very savory and funky with some glue, the other is a fruit loops type.

Leet (and others!), since you slammed something I did a while back, I know you’ll be honest :joy: Thoughts? They’re all quick mockups.


The last one is a little modern than I’d like

But it seems like the one that jumped out the most at me

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14 days from paper towels, these were in inhospitable conditions until a day after this pic was taken. They’ve been in a humidity controlled environment getting some sprays the last couple days, they should be looking good next update :crossed_fingers:

This is better than expected, I thought I’d lose all the BBM x (BBM x VB) but I have at least 4 solid/resilient plants to look at. These survived me soaking them way too long and they were really tiny and/or underdeveloped seeds, so not worried about the size.

All that said… The surviving Z BX fast x PBB are really putting the others to shame for now, and they’re fems, despite the PBB being from regs.

The BBA X More Cow Bell is working out the kinks of being the hardest to crack seeds I’ve come across single the last time I tried to germinate these seeds a few years ago :unamused: I had to crack all but one after a 3 day soak and paper towels, then more paper towels. Considering all that, I’m impressed.

I was really happy with MCB and all the crosses when I ran them years ago, but never flowered any, only germ tested and took a gander at a couple months of veg. There should be some really nice plants in there! But, getting the sense they share some of the finicky nature of those old blueberry genetics. They don’t like being overwatered. I get the sense they don’t like higher nutes either, but we’ll see.


It’s weird, I have 9 girls that were pulled from auto regs that will be part of my breeding, only one boy is bring considered. It’s Z x BBA, smells great, great colors, was a runt, but not as runty as his brother…

There were no signs of blueberry weirdness except that thing, he’s being removed from duty. In fact, just about everything I run with that blueberry boy churns out big strong girls, and lately, some runty boys that flower late. :man_shrugging:


Ok I think I’m in the right place? But I’m along for the ride !


You are, welcome, lots happening. You’ll be seeing lots of auto stuff of late, but photo love come soon. Just reversed some elites, will likely be hitting papaya and stawguava with one or more of original diesel, blueberry, z cake, SLH, and a few others is all goes well.

I rarely do fems, so yours catching me at a weird time.:v::joy:


The experimental stuff is the fun stuff, I used to have a torture tent where I would literally just blast the plants which whatever ridiculous thing I could read about and see the effects.

Also do you do a lot of washing or are these more for the flower side?


I need that lmao


Enjoying your work a lot @Acro
Thanks for sharing it.


I have two of them now :joy:

I got a little press and some dab and vape stuff to play with which led to me seeking out some hash specific genetics. I am a total noob when it comes to hash, but I’m going to try breeding plants specifically for it anyway :man_shrugging::crazy_face: I think I’ve got a good handle on most of it, but I’ll need some help with what I’m ideally looking for trichome wise.


Here’s a little snippet I just sent to someone growing some of my blueberry auto regulars selection outdoors. Which is cool, because I just recently sent some battered stunted girls outside be pollinated by the happily thriving progeny (jammy dodgers 2 x blueberry) that share papas with them and they’ve bounced back really well despite less than stellar weather. All indications are they’ll do great outdoors!

I’ve got multiple BB progeny that I crossed to other strains and now have multiple boys hitting a few selected girls for a BX of sorts. I 100% love sorting through all the wild possibilities of the blueberry repopulation stock I’ve done and, but outcrossing the best of them have elicited generally better and more consistent plants. I’ve also kept variety in the straight blueberry stock, using at least a few boys or girls in most cases. They’re probably f10 plus in some cases, with no signs of being bottlenecked.

I have a couple favorite types I’ve come across. One that’s primarily a sweet curry aroma with skunky berry notes, thai basil and fried food kinda vibe. Beyond the skunk, they taste like dole fruit cocktail cherries and clog the hell out of a joint, there was one I simply couldn’t smoke without getting resin on my teeth and lips from a cone. They grow in a more bush like shape, and are rocketships, often outgrowing the more Christmas tree like plants by many magnitudes.

There are also some lanky lime green plants that smell like blueberry cotton candy, booberry, and little else, leaning more confectionary sugar than anything. They were both used as moms with a few dads, and the sweet curry has carried over to some of the offspring. What I can most happily report, even if you don’t get the smells you’re after, they’re often quite resinous and have a very happy and motivating high. No clue how they test, but my joint test says an entire joint hits me hard for a bit, then I spring forth and conquer.

I hope you get a girl, and I hope you enjoy growing them. Here’s one I stress tested brutally then dumped outside to be pollinated, 2/3 girls are purple, roughly half of their progeny seem to end up purple, but it’s definely cold weather enhanced in some.

What I’m most excited about are the Z x BBA autos and the repopulation of straight blueberry I’m doing. I only had 9 beans leftover from when @Alaskagrown sent me a boatload years back. Of the 9 I’ve culled two, 7 remaining, 5 girls, one spectacular, one great, two very nice potential, and one mutanty runt. I’ve now grown obscene amounts of blueberry plants and gotten close and intimate with well over 100. If you count clones, well over 200, and one boy had one girl are among the best I’ve seen.


2 Acro freak berry seedlings.


I’m guessing those are Freaky Blue Widow, aka Blue Widow Freak, aka Blueberry Popgun :crazy_face::joy:

Thanks for getting them wet!


Yeah. As sloppy as I write with a sharpie I almost filled out the FULL name. But I am excited about these. To make the rush to the top list is nice. Outdoors. And homemade. It caught me to pop NOW.