Acro's Farm Adventures

Will be grown in my new target compost bin. 1.5 gallons and perfect for having a water reservoir below some elevated plants. 5 and I will be tinkering with it as a hydro pot :joy:

And another new hydro station :unamused::joy:


Excited to see how your Z x PBB goes. Hopefully it’s not an auto :crazy_face:


Same principle as a hempi bucket?

I personal grow with an autopot system and fabric pots could be happier with this set up been using it for about 9 years now.


Glad they arrived and you like them!
Onto Cookies!! Lol :v:


Beans and treats from a friend :drooling_face: Definitely making a strain called Squashiez in honor of him in the near future! I think I need to go on a hunt and find something to hit with Harry Palm’s Papaya and strawberry guava and the Mac Daddy.

Many thanks brotha! :v:


Found out what Harle V is from Captain Stubing…

“So it’s a Varin 1:1 (THC/THCv) x HarleTsu f3BX1

Generally it has ratios that are 2:1:2 or 3:2:1 which interchange back and (T/C/V) forth through the recessive phenos. Some being CBD Dom and some THC, some have higher amounts of Varin. Usually the higher the Varin, the longer they go in flower. Whole idea was to shorten the Varins flowering time while adding CBD to the mix and a better nodal structure/flower production.

The best phenos run in the 10-13 week range. 8-9 is possible but usually CBD Dom. The longer flowering phenos that produce Varin are the ones I looked for.”

Here’s hoping for a long flowering girl :crossed_fingers: I have 4-5 other THC-V strains I might pop as well in case I get all CBD leaners.


Funny you got a TN hogs breath related strain, I’m growing TN Hogs Breath x Alien Stardawg


Well… it’s

(Z terphogz x Z auto) x PBB Mendo Leaner some day it will be one of role filthy autos :joy: I ran a few of these in a 3 gallon bubble bucket, they were kind of incredible. Uniform and beautyful structure with lots of great smells. The bucket was a weird little experiment and I was just germ testing. Next batch is 50/50, then we’ll have full auto.

I really messed these beans up by soaking them a day longer than usual, germ rates were great, survival rates won’t be…the good news, the survivors will be strong plants.

So, we have…

Blueberry x More Cow Bell these all had to be hand cracked save for one, they were older lighter outdoor beans. Looks like there’s going to be a bunch of little rocket ships in there.

Blueberry Muffin (F8 HSC breeder cut) x (Blueberry Muffin x VB F2)

Z BX1 fast x PBB Fems (mendo leaner)


I’d never heard of it until it landed in my lap. Definitely went down the rabbit hole yesterday.

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Yeah, unfortunately my dawgsbreath might have intersex tendencies but I’m hoping to find a stable fire pheno

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Were you running these specifically because of the Hogsbreath? Don’t you have a weird thing for THseeds?:thinking::joy:

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I do not, lol

I mainly ran them because im intrigued by older work like Stardawg or Alien Kush etc. TN Hogs Breath definitely intrigues me, but overall I’m intrigued by a lot of stuff. I’ve also got an Astro Dawg going, 3 Goji Margy, 3 ONYCD 3.0, stuff like that.

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I could have sworn I remember you talking a lot then on discord a couple times :joy:

Interested to hear what you think of the Goji margy, I’ve got the Roasted Garlic Margy and I’ll run one of these days. Hell, maybe when I pop the GMO x Strawnana

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I had cake x frozen margy flower and it was really nice. Goji definitely better than cake

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Purple widow freak smoke report this was the winner of a big outdoor hunt. It was chosen in 2022 and then taken indoors in December with her 6 remaining siblings. Crazy cold resistance and resilience in general. BBM x VB was my 2023 champ.

She ended up the winner in just about every regard, but they were all very interesting and good. She smells of berries in veg, along with perfumey chemical and earth notes, think no more tears shampo. In flower she gets underripe berry, persimmon, tomato, summer squash, Italian food. But, it’s cheese cellar funk you’ll smell in the tent and bag first and as she gets close to finish.

I was in the wine industry for a while and at times she smells like barrel samples of acidic minerally wine with all the complexities you’d associate with a good burgundy. There’s something citrus there, but it’s more limestone than actual citrus. She reminds me of a complex glass of wine (Burgundian) more than any other strain I’ve grown and shares a lot of the subtle elegance of good widow

The high hits hard and behind the eyes, feels like it improves vision and makes everything a little brighter. It reminds me of a really nice watermelon z I once grew, some faceoff hybrids hit like this at first. It’s energizing, focused, and very functional after you get through the initial hit to the head. Not many strains do this for me anymore, but she speeds up time. I wonder if there are some different cannibinoids at play, she just feels kinda different.

With her I made…

White Widow (clone) x (Berryfreak x Duck IBL x Huckleberry Soda) x (Blueberry Muffin x Vintage Blueberrry F2)

The boy in the mix seems to be outstanding, this has been the best strain in testing so far and there are some really gorgeous leaf shapes and variegated plants. The boy didn’t variegate that I saw, but I’ve now seen it in two of the crosses with him. The third cross used a variegated Sour D BX3 F3, so that should be interesting.

I also one bonkers plant that I found in germ testing that I’m about to flower along with a couple nice siblings. They seem great indoors so far, but these were made with the great outdoors in mind.


In the center here is a topped Marathon OG. And there are a few others on there, only one smaller one with leaves that look OG in any way.

Structurally it’s OG, and was pungent OG before most plants smelled of anything. But those leaves… when they’re smaller they look like some weird tribal tat version of a leaf :joy: it’s top 10 of the 150ish beans I’ve popped for this hunt.

Older pic…


Not a bad thing to look at while I smoke a joint of purple widow freak.

I’m thinking of changing the name to Omija or Schizandra. She’ll get deep red and purple, smells sweeter berry earlier in life, which gets replaced by cheese/wine cellar. When you smoke her you get bitter, sweet, sour, savory. Just a great old school head high, and while not an overly delicious smoke, a very interesting one. Like a strong white widow, she’s kinda subtle and in your face all at once. Mu cheeks are numb, neck pain feels better, head depressurized :ok_hand:


Random photo dump, newest to oldest.

Let’s see, I’ve…

1.) made a batch of fresh STS and have sprayed Daywrecker, Original diesel, Blueberry (pnw 80’s clone only), SLH Franco, Z Cake (jungle boys), and Mac Daddy.

2.) I’ve also reversed 6 autos from my hunt and have several really nice females ready to make seeds.

3.) I’m down to 36 autos from over 100 (this run). Really happy with what I’ve got. This run has been volumes better than last run. I stressed the last batch too much. I’ll get some great plants from the beans, but I killed a lot of perfectly good plants. I’ll also only make enough beans to have limited amounts to share :pensive: This run anything that got killed was for the betterment of the genetic pool. Plus, some of these girls are going to out out bean wise. I’d speculate that the top 5 auto girls are 10 ten I’ve ever seen. Still time, but one might be the best I’ve ever seen as far as vigor, smell, speed. It’s the kind of plant I think I could pull crazy amount of great bud from in a hydro bucket. The others aren’t far behind, but this one, ugh…

4.) I’m running a bunch of old Z auto, fast photo, and pbb fem stuff, circa 2020. It’s so incredibly nice, and the plants look like they’re an advanced f gen in some cases. Z x Blueberry Sativa are standing up to and showing up some of the best auto genetics available. Both parents are quirky, but those quirks seem to have blended really well. Maybe two others can stand up to them smell wise at this stage, and theres one savory leaner, like a soup with leeks and berries. So many of these plants are still working on smelling like anything. None of these are too 5 plants right now, but 4 of them would round out the top 10. These are plants are the anomaly in a pack, the Zibba, as I’ve been calling them, are potentially already really nice a consistent :thinking::man_shrugging:

5.) Speaking of consistent, the Z x PBB :drooling_face: Such great looking little plants, and look at the Blueberry Cow Bells acting all blueberry like. I add to it, I had to hand crack every shell, then they had to be saved even after that. This is regarding the bin with the seedlings, and you can see the middle seedlings are behind. These are the crazy tiny seeds I got from BBM x BBM x VB.

6.) everything from #5 are the seeds I soaked too long and thought would have low survival. Overall, I’m pretty happy with what survived. Culled the weak and have a good assortment. More BBM BX would be nice, but I hold BBM, have a BBM x VB keeper girl, and have pollen from the boy last year. I’ll be able to make something fun. I also have about 10 small blueberry plants for random pollinations and S1. I’d say Blueberry x (Blueberry Muffin x (Blueberry Muffin x Vintage Blueberry) will happen for sure. Should I do another BX to the HSC clone?

7.) Sent a bunch of clones outdoors, most have been pissed and died. It’s still been 30’s and 40’s. Dream Axis, Blueberry, Blueberry Muffin have rooted in these miserable conditions. Jammy Dodgers x Blueberry has been incredible in the nasty weather. I send all the boys and a runt outside weeks ago, and most are now producing their second batch of pollen. 4 really outstanding boys. One I’ll be using primarily and three others that will be in the mix.

That’s just a quick update, lots more to come!!


Some cloned autos and kratky moms


Excuse me, you can’t just say “cloned auto” and not elaborate