Acro's Farm Adventures

you should make a small tutorial thingy that shows how you do it. Unless you did already. Im sure alot of members would find that very valuable, :grin: :rainbow:


@Magu It’s in this thread somewhere, do you think it’s worth a dedicated thread?


I think these are two of my favorite plants right now. So happy I’ve got three frosty boys (same strain) hitting all of them up. The jammy Dodgers 2 x Blueberry are one if my favorite creations so far, I took the best one and pollinated several girls early, then all the beans made after that are from the other three best. They’re all so nice, all got frosty, all got abused and topped multiple times and kept spitting out new growth and flowers from March until now. They’ve seen freezing temps, snow, wind, cold train, lots of 30-40f days and nights…

My favorite amnesia x blueberry

My favorite pink Panama x strawberry nuggets

A final ode to the Blueberry Dodgers boys, I think they’re well past 100 days… I’ve done everything I can to kill them, and they still kicked butt and kept spitting out new bud-sites and flowers.


Some youngins, and the random seed that popped in the old pot of coco in early March towering over the seeds I added recently. I also put some other seeds in there, basil for sure, and… :dash:


Mobile Jay MAC Daddy moved outside to hopefully make S1 and gather some pollen. First pic is top bud, the more boy like bud is a lower. It’s still in Kratky in a plastic cup, so I’m pushing it, especially once it gets hot.


Pollination day ( for the autos) photo dump. Looks like the deed has been done, lots of curled leaf tips


Just a little list of everything I’m making with this autoflower seed run:

Zibba #1 (Z BX x Blueberry Sativa) ended up being selected as the pollen donor. These were consistently good, had great structure, size, and smells. Easily the second largest plants after the haze I’ve been working. Loads of bud sites! Z x BBA with an i tossed in is how the name came about. It’ll likely be changed

what she’s making…

Zibba x

Bananas Purple Punch
Livers BX1
Marathon OG
Amnesia/Acro Haze

Then I have the Jammy Dodgers 2 x BBA, aka Blueberry Dodgers, regular auto crosses

Pink Panama x Strawberry Nuggets x Blueberry Dodgers, which I’m calling Enter Sandman for now… :man_shrugging::joy:

Blueberry Dodgers F2 regs

(Amnesia x Blueberry Sativa) x Blueberry Dodgers

I’ll be needing testing help if anyone is interested. I’ve already got a backlog of strains that need testing. Lots of fem photos on the heels of these that will need testing as well.


Upgrade time for the Franco’s SLH. Farewell Wendy :v:


Does this look like a herm? :wink:

There she? (SLH) is up close, she was just in the furnace room for a couple days while I made sure Diesel only got Diesel pollen…


whats the deal with that LIVERS BC, what is it and where did you get it ?.

thanks for your time …


Hey @JAWS , you probably missed that those are autos. It’s Mephisto’s work, and too many pathetic little plants for me to suggest it even if you did like autos. I swear those guys just default to finish time and frost in their breeding. If it weren’t for one great plant it would have been a total loss.


9 days later… definteky basil plants and maybe flax? :man_shrugging::joy:

Anyway, this strain (Blueberry Dodgers, Dodger Blues?) is fully tested indoors and out now. Passed with flying colors, I wasn’t even considering it for outdoors, but I moved dozens of plants outdoors in April just to see who would survive, and Jammy Dodgers x Blueberry Sativa was the winner by far. As a result I threw some in a 3 year old pot of coco I grow autos in outdoors and voila, I’m now teeth wins youngins and making some F3

Interestingly, the largest plant in there sprouted in March, was a bean dropped by a plant I left rot over the winter. It just started flowering after a long recovery…

The other outdoor sprouts from winter, late February for these… I think they’re Sour D BX3 F3 x (BBM x VB F3), I examined them today and that’s what it feels like. Second guess is Sour D x SSH F3) x BBM x VB. Those were the two most likely to begin with. They very much smell like young diesel plants, and the leaves on that one says blueberry hybrid to me.


I feel like I can say told was a successful reversal. MAC Daddy from Mobile Jay, I have viable pollen. Now we’ll see if she makes S1 while in her Kratky cup in the heat… :man_shrugging: 5/6 was her spray day, she was flipped 5/11


MAC Daddy Part Two, the whole plant…

Have you guys noticed it’s incredibly rare for fem breeders to show their reversals? Any thoughts on why?


I’d say in general, a lot of recommended breeders show less than I realized in general

Like I’ve never seen katsu post a pic of his own grow or plants he grew or flowered

And when I was looking for pics of flowered males indoor to compare mine to, there honestly wasn’t a lot to find

Stuff like that

Lots of zoomed up flower shots, lowers, whatever
Pics of a specific pheno

Usually never the whole grow room, whole plants etc


Many… And a lot of them are legal…

Here I am posting every boy and girl I used for some random auto regs no one will ever buy, and I can’t even find a flower pic of a majority of newer hybrid strains out there that aren’t riding the hype train.


That’s why we’re out here fam

No need to pay for exotic boxsets when we make our own pollen chucks

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I was going to talk about these… I grow a lot of plants, I get a lot of hollow stems… but nothing like I’ve encountered on these plants that sprung up outdoors in late Feb. One was accidentally broken, and I could have easily snaked an airline tube (1/4”” through the main stem and the plants isn’t even 1/2” round. I have pics somewhere…

Also… I found this, I didn’t know I had it still, intoxicating smelling in veg. It’s the other girl keeper from my super silver deez that I thought was long gone. It’s a mass root and tiny and sad looking leaves #thankskratky all the clones under a dome died. Momma was chopped, but I can make fems with the other girl I made beans with!


And then there were two… I was going to make Cereal Milk (limited trees) S1 F2, is that just confusing? And even though this is the last remaining from a bunch, it’s pretty clear we have a winner. We’ll see how flowering goes, but I suspect I know what will happen.

These plants have been subjected to neglect, bugs, overwatering, drought, a wide array of nutrients and my trying yo kill turn with various ipm. One looks good, the other looks like I’ve been pampering it. These have tons of bud sites and train well, but I haven’t touched either either than a mild defoliation and lollipop on the main stem

That one will be great, better than my last two keepers, then she’ll die in some bizarre way die to no fault of her own. :joy::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


If you’re incrossing 2 cereal milk limited trees s1s

Then yes I guess that’s a s1 f2

If you’re gonna use f gen nomenclature though why not just list it as cereal milk f3 and list the s1 parents

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