Alaskagrown’s Blueberry Auto’s

Water her ffs :rofl:

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It is watered :laughing:


She looks like she’s drooping because she’s thirsty. :thinking:

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Damn…give her a few days…hopefully she turns around and finishes strong!


What type of foliar are you using?

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That’s amazing, never seen that before. Nice!
Little guy already making fishbones. Super roots.

I want to pop some and join the party.
Great, great, great, great, great.


Another batch heading to the Post Office…

Just a heads up the Blueberry Auto stock is getting quite low…when they’re gone they’re gone! Well…until the next stage of the project anyways…

Have a amazing weekend OG!



I’m out of likes so here goes “Like” “heart”


Any chance of getting some of these blueberry autos my good man.


I recommend soaking that fabric pot in a tub of water for about two mins…
Also a good folliar spray would help do it right when lights go out !

Overheating and dehydration …how would you treat your body :crazy_face:


Personally, I’m dehydrated 100% of the time so it might be a bad comparison :joy:(kidding)

That’s a good idea. I’ll do that right now, there’s nothing to lose at this point 🤷


Just don’t soak to long and check color of water after soak if it’s yellow brownish you have leeched some of the nutrients out that could be causing problems or water is practically clear she needs feed give her a week and see how she reacts
Like you said what’s there to loose !

Good luck brother @ImpaLa604


I’ve been checking out the progress of these amazing plants and Im interested in growing some out if possible, anyways good job on these🤩

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Hey it worked!! Not back to 100% yet but it looks dramatically better, I’ll add a pic later. Thanks for the help guys :slight_smile:


@ImpaLa604 Totally awesome ! Just make sure you stay on top of watering if you can put a catch tray for the roots to soak it up also that fabric pot will soak some up using capillary action



I use a product from Kelp4less called Extreme Blend…once a week.

It’s a mix of Norwegian Sea Kelp, Humic, Fulvic and Amino Acids…can see results the very next day!

Or depending on the situation just normal well water with whatever natural nutrients from Mother Earth’s teet. Lol


You’re using well water too? You ever have any cause for concern about salt/mineral build up from harder water like that? I got a soil test a while back that showed really high sodium levels that had me kinda stumped. I figured it had to be either from the kelp or from the well water.


That would not be good from the well water, I would not want to drink high sodium. I use well water straight from the well for watering plants and use a water softener so salt goes there to the hot water. We do not drink the well water, it tastes good but has lots of minerals but not salt per the Water test we had several months back, so how does the sodium get in your soil? After watering? I get mineral build up in coffee makers, ice maker so I use bottled water to make coffee and buy bags of ice. There are a lot of wonderful things about living in the country having wells for water is not one of them. I grew up with nice water in the city and suburbs.


We had our water tested a while back and it didn’t show any higher sodium, so that’s why I wonder if it’s coming from the kelp or another input, but I didn’t know if it maybe bound with other minerals that are in our water. We do have hard, mineral rich water, which I always saw as a good thing, but that sodium buildup was a head scratcher for sure


@LegsMahoney No, my well water comes out of the earth @ 6.5 pH and 135 ppm…it’s pretty clean and tastes great! :slight_smile:

EDIT: I don’t use a water softener just a 3 stage “Big Blue Triple 20” (4.5” x 20”) filtration system and then a U/V sterilizer…for my aero system’s I use R.O. water and have 600 gallons of R.O. storage! :wink: