Alaskagrown’s Blueberry Auto’s

I’ve got everyone packaged up and ready to ship Monday…

Let me know if you asked for some Blueberry Auto’s and didn’t receive any…my inbox is crazy and I’m doing my best to go through all the messages.

Thanks OG



Looks like you opened a giant can of worms with these beasts :joy::rofl::wink::fire:


Got the 3 phenotypes selected to move the line forward…

Hopefully I can lock down more Blueberry Dom phenotypes and consistency in size…larger plants is the goal!



Very nice plants, the colors are amazing.


Or hydroponics :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


My girls from a few days ago… Interesting array. One has a wide open structure and is sativa looking and latest to flower, layer resin pod development, bit is the most seeet blueberry forward. The other is a nice bush that responded well to topping and smells like Thai basil, curry, and berries. Third and fourth are growing almost like a single cola with side branches that are small, one was a runt from the start, but I didn’t cull her since she had healthy roots, an interesting structure, and smelled good and had some funk and skunk.

Resin pods on the bushy thick girl, the tall lanky one has almost no visible pods.


Nice looking ladies @Reefer !!

Yes the phenotypical variation is quite large it would seem…lol

Two main goal’s moving this project forward will be a higher percentage of Blueberry Dom phenos and more consistency in size and structure.

But with 8 females and 6-7 males that’s kinda what you get…Ha

I’ve selected down to 3 seed gene pools…

“Blueberry Heavy”

“Light Berry(Not really light…)

“Sticky Lavender Sodaberry”

Maybe some “Oily Girl Berry’s and Fuel” too



I had to cull the boys, they were just too vigorous :crazy_face: But I harvested some pollen from the best 3. I still can’t decide what direction I want to go, but there are really nice traits in all 4. They’re all remarkably different.

However, if you want blueberry hybrid type growth, in my eyes, I have one standout winner. She’s got great spacing and structure, she took training like a champ, her resin pods are insane, she’s vigorous, I’ve topped her 3 times and lollipopped her, and she’s just blueberry sweetness and lemon verbena on the nose. She also had the thickest stem and largest root system of the 25 seedlings and now of the 5 girls that remain. Not counting the oddballs that were culled and being allowed to live in a microgrow experiment.

Lastly, she has pretty purple veins in her regardless of conditions and darker green leaves than most, and she was the only one to display the color as a young seedling, others are getting some purple as they mature, but not like her.

Can anyone point me to an article that thoroughly describes an old DJ short blueberry plant? The one we’re all searching for, the one I’ve only tasted but never seen :joy:


Also, this is how I remember the smoke…

So obviously blueberry you almost called BS on it because it was more Booberry than real blueberries, super mellow, happy and uplifting and super relaxed and maybe sleepy depending on tolerance. It still has a brightness to it though, so it wasn’t always a clear line between delicious natural blueberries and something artificial.

Anyone else remember it different?


Looks awesome!!

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I’m glad you found a nice female…I’d dust her with all three male’s! Lol

Currently I have one that reeks of Blueberry, dark berry, citrus, spice and a bit of skunk on the back end…But the Blueberry is up front and slaps you in the face…can’t wait to smoke her.

Hopefully in the future I’d like to see 50% of the phenotypes to exhibit Blueberry dom smells…it’s a lofty goal I know but that’s what it is…more work! Ha

The classic DJ Blueberry plants had dark reddish rhubarb coloring to the main stock and stems, leathery leaves when grown proper…finicky as hell…liked a airy soil with minimal organic nutrients and large root volume…but produced pretty decent yields of some very high quality smoke that was covered in trichomes with a blueish moonshine glow to it…beautiful to look at and smoke! :wink:

Also the hairs coming from the calyx’s look a certain way…usually relatively long and with a skinniness to them…hard to describe but I can tell the Blueberry Dom plants just by looking at them…

This one’s starting to mature…but like these


Man you describe those DJ plants perfectly, I can picture em in my head vividly


just popped three @Alaskagrown very excited based on your photo documentation!
will update as they go, really hoping to find some of that nostalgic blueberry flavour.


I popped a few seeds as well (Thanks guy!) and they’re currently under 24/7 lights.
They’ll be moved outdoors in about 45 days, so we’ll see how they do. I’m pretty excited after seeing yours.
Great tips here, especially regarding 1/2 nute strength. I’ll def keep that in mind going forward.
I also was gifted some Lemint autos, and have about 20 of those coming along under lights. They’re about 5" tall at this point, and getting ready to go from solos up to 1gal pots for the next month.

Grow LOUD :slight_smile:


Some Blueberry Auto’s before harvest…



those look GREAT! Nice work!




Damn man those turned out excellent!


Thanks guy’s!!

Definitely some crazy variation between phenotypes…a few are very strong Sativa leaning. Some I absolutely do not like…weak structure and very loose bud production! But some winner’s too!!

More work to be done…
