All these scammers

I’m new here but I definitely am ok with paying my dues on a new forum and having to earn your way in. Keeps the trash out. Somebody mentioned earlier about a six month waiting period before being able to enter contest or being able to acquire seed and that seems fair to me if it keeps the douche bags at bay. Somebody also mentioned quality over quantity users and that would help with that as well.


Well since this isn’t my forum and I’m just happy to be around you fine stoners, I’m just going to keep showing up here until they take my internet priveleges away.

I don’t have that kind of power.

I don’t want that kind of power.

I also think that as long as this forum is free to join, the only restriction I think is reasonable is an age related one.


I guess what I mean is that the site is really not responsible for the behavior of its attendees. We must police ourselves to have any effect on the bad actors unless we are willing to change the nature of it, which I for one think would be a big mistake.

Assholes need calling out. It’s part of their function frankly, like other pathogens they strengthen the immune system by stirring it into action.


All I know is that when I came here I had like 5 seeds and hardly any knowledge of growing, now I have too many seeds to get too and an abundance of knowledge, but I’ve also made 100s of seeds and given them out. So I started with nothing, was new and ppl were generous with sharing knowledge and seeds. There’s no way I could leave with less than I came here with. If I got ripped off 9 outta 10 times I’m still glad I was able to share with that one person who will feel the joy of paying it forward and will also make seeds for other ppl and so on. I am thrilled about how this site currently works and I believe nothing should be changed. It would be nice to weed out the scammers and sellers but there just doesn’t seem to be a healthy way to do that.


Yes I agree 100% and this is key!
That is what we are doing here, having a rational discussion among friends.
Is not how men get things accomplished?

No one is even suggesting those that wish to stay the same and take no action should do anything other than what they wish.

But some of us see a need for a change if we are going to continue with our current level of generosity.
Hell I was planning on increasing my generosity, but I may rethink things.


@Dirt_Wizard, happy to see we come up with the same answer hahah.

This topic gets raised every month it seems now lol. which, i understand.

ill say this, ive been fortunate to be sent seeds by @middleman, @catapult, @Floyd and the Boxes thanks to great @G-paS and the Co-Op Team. i made @middleman lose a pack of mothermilk f2, and @floyd lose a couple of gg4 packs because of issues with my local post office (and the washers on my end apparently got stopped). after that i have stopped trading and/or receiving boxes, but im around - hopefully will continue to be around - and I hope they know they can trust me to help them in any way i can if they ever need it/reach out.


You seem like a very sensible gent.
It is all very logical and makes good sense.
Like a fence to keep bears out of the dump.

This was not a real question, it was used to bring certain thoughts into ones head.
And I know this is not my place, I am not acting like it is.
What I speak of is not out of bounds, I am not asking nobody for nothing.
All this is to bring awareness to the situation and discuss a possible solution like adults.

We need to do this in the real world.
I think it is a real-world solution and a good one.

If the white boys are kept in check by other white boys there will be balance.
You know judged by your own peers, people just like you.
If Cops police the cops, there would be less dirty cops.

Why sure there is…
Me and a small group are in constant contact with each other.
When we see something suspicious we talk about it.
We don’t go for the scammer tag right off the bat or anything but we watch that person as a group.
We look out for our friends and family here.
That is why we need this discussion so more that are interested can get involved and get informed when need be.

I think I prevented @Hellablaked from scamming several members he in just this manner.
So it seems to work pretty well in fact.


there was/is a personal feedback trade thread. you were supposed to put it in your header i believe. some still have it there, but it rarely gets used. and then some people have positive experience with a user, others have negative experience, and it ends up the same.


Thanks @the_bot
There is also this for those who wish to take advantage of it.


Good point :point_up:

I’m flattered to be listed among such fine people.
Thank you.


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

edit -

I am not “defending the scammers” or whatever people were saying to those opposing site imposed changes. I appreciate that the site allows each user to decide how to handle it for themselves. You make more rules, they will just find a way to circumvent them. Repeat.

There is no perfect fix in my mind. I would hate to see this place locked down because of a few bad actors.


I appreciate all input : )


I’m no knocking or arguing with ya @shag ,

but I think we’re overthinking things too much.

There have always been scammers, there will always be new ones to replace the old. There will be sock puppet accounts and those who sell giveaway seeds on other forums.

The fear that the good people here will change and stop the good things we know and love them for because of a few clowns is kind of unfounded or it already would have happened.

Millions of seeds are made and given away or traded through this amazing free forum, and that’s not going to stop.

The mods are aware and always watching like ninjas in the shadows.

The more we talk about a few bad actors, the more power we give them and the bigger the idea gets that they’re a real problem here.

They aren’t.


Sorry if I was a bit defensive there, I do like a good discussion but I do not wish to argue either. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
You do make some good points, so I hear ya. :thinking:
And @Yetigrows I too respect your opinion although I may not totally agree with it.

Here is an idea…
It is kinda corny but it could be effective.
It is kind of what me and a small group of others is already doing.
This is how we got the word out about hellablaked.
Word got around very quickly but it was limited to the few in our group.
It would have been more effective if the network was bigger.

Neighborhood Watch



Where the older folks who remember these characters? Haha


FYI I’m in the business of giving beans back or forward so if anyone has a grievance with me and how soon I pop beans let me know and we’ll get something in motion. Don’t need any bad vibes wished upon me


I remember this guy and his followers. Is he still around?

Yeah, still doing wild stuff.


Shit now I have to throw out my red beret.