Article: How to Design a Passive Solar Greenhouse

A solar chimney is a solar powered air ventilation system, I included a nighttime baffle where the cold air is trapped from coming into the greenhouse by stopping in the “well”.
Here is what has worked for me in the past,
Please note if you use vent pipe he corners are rounded in this image:
Better air flow.

As far as heating goes, I’d invest in an electric waterbed heater and have my pots in sealed buckets placed into reservoirs of water heated by it. The res should be covered with 2" insulating foam, like for basements. The bottom sealed buckets fit through holes in the cover.
On super cold nights you might need to cover the plants with micro fleece blankets supported by a frame.

My first greenhouse was made of clear fiberglass glazing and has lasted 25 yrs, the last few it has been converted to a wood drying shed for firewood.
Due to an illness I have not been able to build a new one and will wait for sweet, sweet retirement so I can do one proper.
My next design will feature benches heated by a 6" rocket mass heater similar to this.

I start and grow vegetables and flowers indoors now and only take hem out after the frost date has passed.
Other than 2 small outdoor guerrilla plants, weed growing is done in tents in my basement.


That’s something I’ve never seen for ventilation! I’m not sure how I would build it in though. Your idea of insulating and heating with water takes me back to my first idea for winter growing; DWC with an aquarium heater. I could have it on wheels and put it under awning at night. I’ve seen it done in the desert down south and their temps are pretty comparable. My only option after Christmas is to grow year round outdoors. So I was experimenting with different ways of growing. The greenhouse seems to present more problems than solutions money wise.


Just went to YouTube to get the link to this exact video lol. It just blows my mind that this exists, and actually seems to be financially viable for some types of produce!