Automatic Writing

earlier chop = heady, more ethereal, thinking smoke for me. Later chop = more couchlock the later it gets. I doubt you will be disappointed…

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:speaking_head:@Nagel420 I’ve had a bud of JLo and a branch of Black Cream. Pretty Darn Stoney Stuff! (already!) :drooling_face:


Automatic Writing
27/28 August 2022

As the grow enters its final week I’d like to thank everyone for following along and joining me on the journey. Your kindness, helpfulness and encouragement have been second to none. Thank you!

It’s a real mix of emotions that are swirling around my head. Joy in watching the grow come to fruition, anxiety in harvesting a bit earlier than is ideal, anticipation at wondering what the final yield will be, and a mix of exhaustion and relief that this rapid grow is rapidly coming to a close.

Not knowing what to expect or what is normal has certainly kept me on my toes and has made the grow both fun and challenging.

During the next week; the last before harvest, I will be focusing on bud shots and flower highlights. At this point I am planning a short harvest day video on YouTube that will be linked here.

Thanks again folks
The final week (or so) starts now …


Like the new avatar

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:speaking_head:Thanks @Cybersmib - made with a Kaleidoscope drawing app on the tablet :+1:t3::wheel_of_dharma::v:

Automatic Writing
29 August 2022

Todays Featured Flowers: JLo 78 days old


Automatic Writing
29 August 2022

Todays “other” Featured Flowers: Black Cream 78 days old


Automatic Writing
29/30 August 2022

More automatic musings -

“I am no master, I know nothing, but I am a servant and I know something…”

What a short strange trip it’s been.

Wow, last week for the grow. This one has been a whirlwind. Between new plant types, personal, family and friend health issues, heat, too much time, not enough time and a small mountain of mole hills I have often wondered what the last week would look like.

Now I know; other than what looks to me to be a successful structural training resulting in more branches than is normal (and hopefully more harvest yield) autos are indeed just that; autos. They have their own time schedule and as long as you don’t kill them you’re destined to get at least 2-4 oz’s pretty much guaranteed.

As I mentioned when we started this automatic journey; I’ve been growing for a while but autos are a whole new experience. I still honestly believe some of the most beautiful cannabis flowers in the world are produced by autos. I now also am firmly of the mind set they are indeed a viable and working alternative to growing photo plants indoors when time and other factors will not fit into an allotted 4 month grow. Autos not only give you the option of growing many different strains at once with smaller yields, less work and more variety but also the option of structural attentiveness at the start that can lead to larger yields of ¾ or more of what you get from a photo without the added month of grow time.

I think there are probably as many growing methods and styles for autos as there are for photos. With just as many varying qualifications for success. For auto growers I think the balancing point is just about the center with most aiming for little training and medium yields (for an auto - size IS a factor). However, I think (therefore; I am) that if you limit your number of toppings and use LST to establish a productive plant structure you can indeed improve your yield with less plants. For photo plant growers the emphasis seems to be leaning heavily toward the quantity side. Don’t get me wrong, growing a lot of flowers is a good thing, but growing a smaller amount of kick a$$ flowers is better! I’ve always told anyone I have instructed in cannabis horticulture- “Learn to grow great buds first, THEN learn to grow more!”

If you’ve read this rambling from start to finish - give yourself a pat on the back and spark up a bowl; you deserve a break . :sunglasses:

I canna believe there are only 5 days left!


Automatic Writing
31 August 2022

Parting shots …

Thanks folks! From the seeds to the show - I literally couldn’t have done it without you.
“Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” -Voltaire


Automatic Writing

Itinerary for the Final Days:

  • 31 August 2022 - Parting Shots
  • 01 September - Even more Parting Shots
  • 02 September - Parting Gift
  • 03 September - Weekend Off
  • 04 September - Weekend Off
  • 05 September - Harvest & harvest photos

Final weight and a video will be posted here to Automatic Writing on or before September 13 2022


Enjoyed following, i dig your writing style and obvious skill.

Enjoy the fruits…


:speaking_head: Thanks @GCBudz I appreciate you following along. 4 days till stage light - off :astonished:


Loved the Show!

You really trained the heck out of those autos to maximize yield…

Some pretty large autos…

Can’t wait for the September 5th Harvest :call_me_hand:


:speaking_head:@Maddawg me too! The anticipation is as thick as a brick at our place. More for me than the wife :laughing: I’m not looking forward to being in trim jail for a day, but I’m excited to see what the yield is - and the projected dry weight :v:


Automatic Writing
1 September 2022


Magnificent. Simply Magnificent.



:speaking_head:Thanks @GrouchyOldMan
It’s all thanks to you Brother! If you hadn’t nudged me in the ‘auto’ direction, my misperceptions and erroneous judgements would still be in place. Take a bow my friend, this is all your doing :handshake::v:!


Automatic Writing
2-3 September 2022

Parting Gift :gift:

The plan was to wait until tomorrow to post this but… Not only have I never been good at holding back gifts, but a few have already made the request leading me to offer you good folks my thanks just a wee bit early.

Some may find this about as useful as an AOL disc but should you WANT TO download a copy of BU2B’s PPP Method here is a direct link:

••BEFORE•• you click the link to download the file you should be aware of the following:

  • The PDF was compiled from my postings on another grow site -
  • IF that is an issue or a problem DO NOT download the file
  • The PDF DOES contain links to another grow site
  • AGAIN - IF this is an issue or problem DO NOT download the file

With that out of the way; the info is released into the Public Domain and ALL requirements for distribution are contained within the document itself.

The goal for me has always been to make growing mountains of dank buds as common as tomatoes. If your goal, like mine is to truly Overgrow the planet - I’m pretty sure this can help :v:


For an EXCLUSIVE SECTION (available ONLY on The OG) on using BU2B’s PPP Method with autos please click HERE :laughing:


Thank you for creating this for distribution!


:speaking_head:You are most certainly welcome @Gizmo
A big and I mean BIG Thank You goes to @GrouchyOldMan who was not only the motivator but wordsmith extraordinaire and did an amazing job of compiling and deciphering my meaning more times than once.

It is amazing how many ways good people can nicely say “WTF are you talking about? Exactly?!” :joy: