Bag Seed Growers

Thank you my friend, hopefully I’ll be up and running soon as I get the last of my pieces and parts. Finish my room and get it fired back up :+1::+1::v:


My outside bagseed grow this year…


I still grow out the very few orphans, I find occasionally.
I got a couple going on now, Frosted Cheeks, and MacV2 I got from Cap’s gear I ran a while back.
They are just as frosty as the OG’s were.

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Pulled her from a flower area, yesterday. Found 3 seeds, in the harvested plant, last year maybe.
Got 3 females, one is bagged, 1 looks like shit, but has ok buds on it. She will be an edible’s plant, or get capsulated.

Dang, I love me some super cheap buds, free seeds, reused medium, poked into cheap seats, outside the LED coverage area.
Cost for those buds might be $10.00 - $15.00 to grow out.
Love me some baggie bounty seed.


The best bagseed I’ve grown in a very very long time…


Looks pretty good , looks a lot like the last good one I grew. Got a few more beans I’m gonna search them try to find another one and make some seeds :+1::+1::v:

My first Grow was 9 plants. All bagseeds collected over the years from street and dispo weed. I grew a haze like plant that had one of the most Cerebral psychedelic highs I’ve ever had. Like tripping from a joint. I’ve been racking my brain for years trying to think of what it could have been. It was very potent.


This was my bagseed I got from a bag of mixed sativa types of flower. Just 1 seed in the bag. Just grew it out and let it do its thing. Very resinous, lack in the smell department but I took some cuttings so I can do another run of her to improve my grow with her. She was also lightly seeded by a Sowah Apple male I had so I want another crack at her for some sensimilia flower this round.