Bag Seed Growers

Just curious how many OGs started out their growing hobby because of seeds from the bottom of the bag. I’m on my first plant because I found a lone bean myself and I though it would be fun to see how many OGs can relate and what happened to that plant :smiley:


Great way to start a hobby!! :beers:best of luck on this run


I didn’t start with bagseeds but grew quite a few over the years! Black domina and pink kush bagseed were great :+1:


About 24 years ago, 13 year old me bought my first gram for $15. Fast forward 1 year to 14 years old…there’s me in the closet, with a small kitchen flourescent light in a carboard box in my closet with a cup of garden dirt and tap water (no ph, no nutes…lol). A few seedlings had the 2 cotyledon leafs and about 8 inches of stretch…in comes mom…“WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!!!” SMASHBANGFLIPSMASH**
It’s a great story, everytime.


found some and grew out a patch of 50 with a friend down in the woods by the house when i was 14. thanx to my dad’s “handbook for us forces in vietnam”, we had some killer booby traps too: shotgun shells over an igniter, fishhooks on line at eye level, punji traps (minus the bamboo smeared with crap but we had sharp sticks), etc. went back one time and they were all gone, no traps tripped anywhere. all about a foot high. ah, to be young again…


Bagseed was where I started well over 40 yrs ago. Started them in solo cups out behind the shed, then moved them out into the corn fields after the farmers sprayed for the last time. Grew a lot of immature plants, got some to harvest, lost a lot to the Eye in The Sky, and some to farmers when we couldn’t get out there in time.
Oh to be young again!!!


about the same here only i just put em right on the window sill in the litchen and told her biology agricultur tomato seedlings :grin: all went well until my asshole fag brother narced me out havent said 2 words to him in over 50 years cant talk to some one you cant trust he ha salso f%$#ed me more than several times over the years when i really made an effort “shruggs”


I still grow bagseed, here’s one that I have going now…


Almost the same story as mine. But it was the early 70s. My Mom was pissed too.


Lol that’s pretty industrious for barely a teenager!


50! Holy moly! I wish I had space for that! That’s an insane first grow.


yeah, shows you what kind of weed we smoked. full of seeds that time anyway. mostly leaf pot or shake. 14 though, no job yet, no money, etc. also what happened to them. every single one gone. kids.

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I still love growing bagseed. That’s all I’ve been growing the last two years outside. Got a bunch of seeds out of some 6 mill. Dude that grew it had no idea what hermied on him. Every seed was great, bummed I don’t have anymore


I started growing when Mexican brick weed was a thing


It’s crazy to think people could just do that once upon a time.

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Looking absolutely primo brother :+1:.

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My first plants were bag seed. That was in the mid 1970s. I continue to grow bag seed, though it’s not what I grow primarily.

Last year I grew 3 baggies. This is two of them, clearly the larger is thirsty.


The first was '71.

All we ever saw was Mexican brick weed back then.
It was a time of no internet and almost no printed information. Most info was word-of-mouth rumours… Virtually all ‘bro science’… :laughing:
A buddy had a cultivation handbook that he protected like the crown jewels…
…That was it… :rofl:
Needless to say the attrition rate was basically 100% … but we sure tried!



My first grow in 2018 was seeds from some dispensary flower. Captain’s Cake (to this day still the best stuff I’ve grown), girl scout cookies, and an unknown bagseed from my dealer previous to getting my med card. All turned out soooo good especially for being under a couple cheap blurple LEDs.


I think people forget a lot of amazing clone only finds were discovered in bag seed not a 200 dollar pack of seeds :v: