Baltimore's Multi-strain Bonanza

Which country?

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Spainā€¦helping him escape Europeā€¦allowing them to secretly build advanced radio stations close to the shoreā€¦allowing them to build a submarine base (Spain had no subs) seems like maybe atleast towards the end they had a low-key alliance ā€¦was one of the few he Didnā€™t March into


There finding Nazi settlements in South America pretty cool stuff also seems our government and others continued to hunt for him until the mid late 60s

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Youā€™re absolutely right. Those planters are sweet af! One think I lack is what every man needs. Drills, saws, a dremelā€¦love dremels! Power tools. I love to tinker and build. That canopy is solid. Deffinitely nice pruning.:+1:t2:

You been hitting any fish yet Motz? I gotta get my rods out. I have a small Creek behind my house but unfortunately we donā€™t have any bass in it so Iā€™m stuck Just Fishin for little sunnies and God forbid the eels 5 ft long eels no catfish. I just love sportfish I think itā€™s a lot more active.:blush::+1:t2:

Definitely show me homie I owe you some clones Iā€™m going to get these plants upright and I am going to get a couple out to you.

I didnā€™t listen I had to learn for myself about Instagram. Iā€™m done with Instagram I did meet a couple really good people on there that Iā€™ll continue to talk with But Iā€™m going to get these out to you let me know when your next run is coming up that way Iā€™ll give him a time to get about a foot them to snap you all some clones and I canā€™t be talking about that fuck never mind I will send you Hemp zero THC Tropicana cookies how about that? Iā€™m going to get a tongue lashing.

In the process of getting stuff ready.
Crappie bite was on for a bit but temps are swinging back to the lows, snow tonight into a.m.


Yeah the temperatures are different kind of low here at night to which is made me hesitant to put my plants out yet do you know of anyone whoā€™s got outdoor crops going right now because I know a few people who got burned putting them out early.

Gotta love those crappy I used to love going down in Georgia to the little tributary streams and smashing the fuck out of crappy. Never ate them are they really bony fish are they good eating? Sorry if Iā€™m holding you up I just enjoy fishing a lot

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I can take in clones whenever you have them ready space is no longer an issue ā€¦itā€™s getting real close to the time when I will be getting the cap Mac clone Iā€™m gonna veg it a month or so and take some cuts to send to motz Iā€™ll take you some to

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Iā€™ve never fished Crappie before Iā€™m mostly a catfisher

I did my term paper and did a lot of research on World War II Hitler how Hitler came to be how he was gassed in World War 1 I read intimately his doctors notes who was the quack Doctor Who was injecting him with feces methamphetamine oxycodone he was a quack doctor the first time he met Mussolini you can see the picture his doctor injected him with methamphetamine he talked nonstop for 3 hours straight like I do and you can see Mussoliniā€™s ready to shoot him already.

My family is from Holland my uncle Henk and his wife Ennicah. He was a watchmaker he survived by fixing watches at a forced labor camp for the Germans so what my brother came home with white power shit on him we had a really big fucking drag out fight out because they invaded Holland and our people fled.

My grandmother was in London and was bombed out twice by V2 rockets and aerial bombardments from luftwaffe bombers. weā€™re here by sheer luck when you watch Dunkirk and you see what real men are all the civilians took their bows and pick their men up because if the Nazis had not stopped for repairs they would have smashed 500,000 French and British troops Dunkirk was one of the most amazing feats and modern history as far as actually taking men back to their country and thatā€™s when Winston Churchill went down to Downey Street and made his address it still gives me goosebumps because I feel the same way weā€™ll fight anywhere in the streets in the air on water to the last man woman and child will never give up Will Never Surrender.

if you get a chance watch The Devil next door on Netflix it talks about Ivan the Terrible who was the gas chamber operator at Treblinka and Auschwitz. He was fingered in a photo lineup by a survivor of the death camps who was looking for someone else who worked at Treblinka and pinpointed Ivan the Terrible who at that time was working at a Ford plant in Michigan insane and he was never killed for his crimes he was an absolute piece of shit and most extreme sense.

sorry Iā€™m just a history buff it really gets me going to know that these American companies were supporting Nazi companies to see who was really supporting and making money off at his death and shit what if Hitler had not double-cross Stalin. He ducked up like that little French fuck. Stalingrad broke the Germans the Russians are savages.

I hate to say it but he would have fucked everything up I mean Nevel Chambeerland think that was his name. Went over there and signed a fucking piece of paper and Hitler went right back on his word and laughed at him and called him a pussy cuz he was saying we made an agreement everythingā€™s cool now let us keep the sudetenland and shit fuck that.

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War is always waged for profit by those with nothing to lose


Awesome I have a little money put together so what Iā€™m going to do is Iā€™m going to go ahead and veg these Tropicana clones is big as I can get you and Motz (if you want. No bs) or more than welcome to get clones because youā€™re done so much for me as well as other dudes but you know what I mean.

Iā€™m not going to promise you the world or nothing like that but I will cut you some phones out if theyā€™re rooted or not itā€™s up to you it probably be better for me to root them solos tape them upside down three in a box ship them to you cuz when theyā€™re rooted theyll make it you know what I mean how they made it from Colorado but they came from and aero cloner and he wrapped them in a paper towel and they even sat for the 3-day quarantine in freezing temperatures and still made it but they act absolutely smell loud right now and theyā€™re that small but this pheno like I said it 47 days starts turning really dark black and pretty beautiful strain. Potent as well.

Deffinitely on the Mac. I have slurricane fem bean ill pass some as well. I never passed one up. Put me in for a MAC. Be nice to get you caught it up Wilson zero I got to but I will discuss more of that is we go further that I definitely want to get you some of these Tropicana cookie hemp clones lol.:wink::call_me_hand:

Tropicana cookies is pretty sought after here Iā€™ve never had it

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Would love to find a big yielding cookie strain lol but I donā€™t think they exist

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Same here bud. The pb soufle from cannarado hes growing but thats a personal cut is amazing. you know everybodyā€™s got their own personal stuff they wonā€™t come off of which is perfectly understandable canā€™t give away everything you know what I mean but then again I think about it and I just donā€™t want people to rape me and thatā€™s what Instagram is or at least I feel like that.

No Troppicanna out here either or MAC a real cut. Real MAC tastes like sprite if you havent had any. I had some MACxDLA5 holy shit dude. Ill grow a whole run of those. Bodhi n MAC. Hot Damn it made me have to shit asap. Sweaty forehead after a bong rip. True high grade. No doubt. Cant you gat mac from alien genetics tho?

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You know itā€™s kind of a trade-off dude with those cookie strains you get a lot of potency but I havenā€™t seen any really big chunky stunners so to me theyā€™re more of like a boutique strain theyā€™re very potent.

Iā€™m not denying that but I just mean like a boutique strain. Iā€™ve never smoked big bud before but when I was a kid I used to get on Sensi and look at Kali Mist and big bud get on Heavens stairway and just wanted Super Silver Haze the old school. Does real g 13 even exist?

I wanna try real Matanuskaā€¦I heard akbb has a bx. Hmmm probanly cant even find it. I had money put aside a little bit of money for a van and I was trying to get from a friend that fell through and I missed a Strawberry Cough Drop from hazeman seeds. That strain sells out immediately I get on the waitlist and I can never get it. Ahh well


I think the leaders of the country since theyā€™re the one that popshit all should go over there and fight the other leader of the country instead of the backs of the poor and those who sign up for bonuses of money and then when they get their realize this is real war and weā€™re really going to die


Chop her and smoke her! It will likely be your only chance. Enjoy!


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Idk itā€™s the capulator cut thatā€™s only supposed to be gifted Iā€™m not normally a clout chaser but dude Iā€™m getting it froms personal pics have made me a believerā€¦well atleast a believer that it can yeild we both know the name sells the shit anymore so we shall see


I believe akbb has it in pure form itā€™s a 100 instead of his normal 60 email dude ā€¦I made a post with his complete catalog a week or so ago

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