Baltimore's Multi-strain Bonanza

That’s the reason I went with a bigger bucket so I could have more water. I have my pump on a timer also it runs for 5 minutes every hour, but if its in a hot environment it will eventually heat up. Although there are different perspectives on how hot in can get before becoming a problem, there seems to be no gold standard when it comes to cloning lol.


that was the other thing, i never had mine on a timer, so running 24/7 you can see how heat could of built up quick.


I I’ve been tossing that around since this morning and I figured the same thing. Number one I don’t need it in my room with me and I can probably keep it cool enough because right now I’m not doing shit so it’s not like a I need to be there 24/7 and from what I read the people put them on timers do they need to run non-stop or can you cycle them like every so often the old analog timers I think they’re only in like 15 increments.

Ma Dukes was thinking of buying me a kloner king with the nice dome. I wanna build one so we’ll see. I absolutely need one though. I kind of wanted to use the cloner taquicardias going for a little bit to stretch him out kinda for the next run but honestly the goal is to get Cuts routed into dirt or whatever medium so holding clones in a cloner for 30 days isn’t going to happen. I was kind of thinking of reasons that I needed a cloner what are the five clones making it isn’t a good number for me.
Some rosin the ol boy dropped off.


I dont get why you need a cloner. A tray, some rapid rooters, a dome, and a heat mat are pretty much set it and forget it.


Im losing clones due to the inefficient setup I have. My uncle is swamped at his job right now so when he gets a chance he’s going to build those boxes for me. I’m losing a lot more than I’m keeping. I got to a point now I’m throwing out strains I know I’m not going to run anymore just throwing em out.

I figured a small aero cloner would do the trick. I live in the room that I flower out of so trying to stick anything else in here that I’m not sure if it’s going to be loud is a definite No-No for me. I may have a room to stick it IF its not super loud. I just need a few sils above it.

I was seeing roots on dudes cloners in a week so it was something that seemed efficient. After this run I have got to seal my house up. Its 80+ years old. You know like I do Reiko, its deffinitely my shoddy ass set up.

I need to get some power tools I’m just getting my life back on track and I’m learning how to manage money and everything I’m not trying to sound stupid or like a junkie but I’m just getting myself back on track really and having things that every man/person should have like drills circular saw.

I don’t have it and I’m I don’t borrow a lot of stuff from people (neighbors are fiends) so I’m really trying to save and buy things like equipment and a cloner just seemed like something that would alleviate that space that I have with half dead plants and shit in it.

IDK why really tbh… Seemed like a necessity. Thats all.


@ReikoX Im making another batch. Ditched even the MG perlite for Vigro which has no value to it. MG always has fertilizer on everythaang!

Waiting on the Kelp Meal now. Thank you for the recipe. The single best change ive made. Period!
Love this brand EWC. Half locally sourced Leaf compost and have earthworm castings for my bass mix I think he’s an on earthworm castings and not using any of the leaf compost would have a bad outcome that’s just my personal opinion.

The soil absolutely destroys for one pot no bottke additives to flower a plant for a hundred days and then veg for another 60 on top of it and it still be green is Some solid ass fucking dirt.:blush::metal:


Today’s my year back on OverGrow sine it and I went down for a bit😊.

Ive loved this place since I was a teenager. I remember Shabang and BOG. I was a lurker but I soaked as much in as a teen who’s father is so straight laced something wrong will get you knocked the fugg out. Haha fuk that tight ass.:fu:

I put so many plants in Potter’s of my Mom’s and my Grandparents and acted like I didnt do it. Hehe! We moved to the Burbs. Jesus Christ! I had plants Outback asap lol. I got older the neighbors dimed me out to my father he couldn’t stop me I had plants everywhere I always seemed to finish up one or two.

One day he caught me hanging this was when 9/11 happened and I thought he wouldn’t smell it and my mom asked me what happened to skunk she remembers that plant one plant being that rank. So my dad fucking me up daily didn’t stop me and the police didn’t stop me. You mother fuckers are stuck with me.:rofl::metal:

People talk about me because I give most of my grass away. I know that’s fucking crazy and sounds retarded but it’s nothing for me to give people a couple grams here and there. It’s never with the intention of acting like I’m some type of God either but someone always has something to say about what I do I guess it is stupid to give you shit away when you sweat over it but I’ve never looked at it that way. Im not a dealer. I don’t know that’s my yearly fucking daily rant that you might be able to actually understand this year.

Heres a pic of an out of control covid go for broke shit. Im worried for real.:confused:

Too close.


MKa.g.e the Legend Continueee!

Dude are you kidding me!

Look at the bottom of this plant it looks like a palm tree because it took literally 90 days for it to come out of this crazy-ass veg because of pot was wet. It’s telling the plants growth I almost threw it out if a cat is alive and looking like this is fucking crazy I don’t even know what to say.

Every little bud is like a rock. Shes gotta be close. I mean for fux sake.

I’m just amazed that there’s no mold on it it didn’t write you know with my luck dude it’s fucking this right here is crazy as fuck. It shouldn’t even be happening! :laughing::v:


Stellar job @Baltimore. Time to smoke dat shit!



I agree with @ReikoX - I have an aero cloner but have gone back to cloning in clean bought dirt under domes - no hassle and better results - and no f’ing around with pumps and water and sprays …


Agreed. I have too much going on. All my clones have made it. Just about. Honestly by the time there hooked up, the tent should be cooking along. I dont have a veg area. Thats a problem.

More so than a friggin aero cloner. After thought and comments. Soil suits me best. Another device with more to watch after. I appreciate the feedback. Money that could be better used. Sometimes I just need to do the math and figure out where I went wrong.

Cold floors+clones=death. Raised em up. Added a few sils. Perfect.:+1:t2::pray:.Ty gentleman.


Hell, you got Skywalker to root, your clone game is on point. :grin:


True. Every last one. I let my Mom hold one. I got it back. She tried. Any ways. Thanks for all ths help guys. Its goin great so far.


Has anyone been in this position with a super long flowering plant. Its not being cut. I actually fed it and left it alone. Little foxtails are popping everywhere and.most of the trichromes are milky clear.

Maxiumum im hearing is 2 more weeks or less. Im going by a scope but the loupe Mr. Bee sent me tells me theyre still a no go. However they will not go further than that. Its been pushes to the max ready. Shes almost pooped out ya know.

We tried a small piece. It wasnt there for sure. Its probably 2-3x’s the trichs since then as well. We’ll see. We’re lovers of MK Ultra! :blush::metal:

Sessions at my place.:grin:
More white pistils being thrown.

She’s such an asshole sometimes.:smile_cat::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Her fur ends up in my final lol. Shes my helper. She eats ants flies mice whatever. Sbe doesnt get high and never back talks. Love my Gato.

I need some different smoke. I’m trying to think of reasons the cutter down at this point I really can’t sarcasm is all I can do to stop from being pissed off at it took this fucking long. It’s gone 14 days into my new flower cycle talking crazy man!

Just a guesstimate. Im gonna say 3 ouncea dried. Its super dense. Ill be very surprised if I get much less.Later yall. :grin::v:


Had the same thing 2 weeks past, had others waiting.


Yeah man. Another week is all im gonna go. Ive seen alot of pla ts that are just healthy to the end. They must be pulled though. She’s taking up precious space. So if she’s definitely got to go quick.

I’ll give ol girl a week. Thats it. Shes foxtailed out and her little diamonds. I think she’s ready for the ball. “Walking the Green mile. Gettin right with Jesus”.:persevere:

Im ready to throw the switch tonite. Hehe! My lungs desire a new flavor. Thanks Motz. A week. No more…:+1:t2:


Tropicanna Cookies getting pumped up to part her out for the next run. Steve-O gave me some Orange Durban. See how it turns out. It looks amazing. (TropcookiesXorangeDurban) Homer drool…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Tonite a special night. The MKage came down imo the right time. Others said two weeks amber. No space no time…have clone. We move on but first. Some pics of o’l girl for she’s diced. I got asked to weigh her wet and I was like I’m absolutely not cutting this plant up to weigh each little piece individually wet and then record it dry.

I don’t have a hanging scale like a fish scale so it’s over a pound and that’s what it is so I expect to 3 oz is off of it 80% water weight 85% water weight I’m expecting like 2oz that’s what I said 2-3 oz dried. Not answering a salty rookies insults. Hope y’all are well.

I made an enclosed little garden this year for veggies. We’ll see how it goes. They steal pot so, no point.:thinking:

I lost a bet to myself I bet myself that when I took the restraints off this plant that it would stand up that it was hardened off enough by the fan to where it would support the weight totally fucking wrong it took a nosedive ASAP funniest shit.

I needed something potent bad. I’ve been hurting terribly. Ultra helps somewhat. Neuropathy is a bitch man. Anyways.

Thanks to all these guys that helped me out for real turn my grow around. I appreciate a lot! Advice from you guys. I value it all very much, there’s too many of you guys that I really enjoy talking to to list here and I Hope You Know Who You Are especially Reiko he’s taken an interest in me for some reason maybe I’m a whack job or maybe I think that he honestly sees something worth molding here. Being me.:blush::metal: and he has helped turn my grows around for me and instill some patience and some positive reinforcement and that’s what a brother does for another brother for real. Ty @ReikoX :pray::call_me_hand:

I appreciate that shit from all you guys I may be slow as shit but I’m going to come through it with something nice for you guys man that’s why I said stay in touch with me I’ll definitely do right by you I’m getting myself while right now so my mind is not always there you got to remind me but don’t worry about it it’s cool.

Fuck Yeah it made it! No rot, no mold, trichs are only cloudy but ill take that. The potenxy is there or not. I thi k we’re good n yes I cloned it baby. Y’all be easy.:v:


I’ve been up for a bit contemplating. I’m always looking at guys stuff. Like kak coming over. My stuff looks like I’m walking backwards. Reiko slays, Motz, fucking so many talented growers. In one hand I notice my pluses. On the other not happy.

You have to have a bar set. This is life. I can clown alot but there are true clowns in every niche. I do t wanna go down the road. Acting like a manic crack head isnt a good look. :grin: Ive chilled. I need a new therapist as well.

Reiko has been a God Send! My sensei and brother. Motz is like my Dad if we grew together. Super clean grows. Plugged in like a lamp cord. Hehe! Steps in to whack me in the head. Show me. My budda. Shade 45. Momma my momma. Sebring? Like smoke vapors. He moves so much. Awesome guy. Mr. Sparkle. Love his setups and grows. My Uncle/Brother old Skool. Luv you guys man. All of ya.:wink:

That Im super grateful for. These guys are also breeders and do this every day. It’s awesome to have this tutelage at our disposal and that im so grateful for. Thank you guys.

I was smoking 9this amazing BlueBerry that I partially pollinated correctly and mostly fucked up. Then you get smacked in the face. Lol. Now I have 4 BB seeds that are Brown n fat. (4 GojixBB)- Im kinda scared to run those.


Salty rookies :joy::rofl::joy::rofl: you bring some Instagram growers with you lol

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