Beans for everyone (Part 2)

For the next pack of beans, first one to tell me the total weight for the dry bud and the fresh bud.
Good luck.

All weights are in ounces.


Aww snap! 3rd times the charm? Lol. Thanks for the chance!

I say an even shitload dried. A metric ton fresh.


545.2 I know I’m pretty close. Much love

11 lbs maybe :thinking:

Separate weights, for fresh and dry.

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A bit more than that.

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Close to combined weight.

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446 dry and 99.2 fresh? Much love

There are a couple hieroglyphic decimals though I think I can sort them. This is fun! Your games are fun for feeling the brain working. Appreciate these mental exercises. Much love


This is correct. I might have to do my math again for the other number, but I got a slightly higher number.


You’re probably spot on, it’s your handwriting after all and I didn’t double check the computation on my end there could easily be an error from me in that regard. This is fun. I like number puzzles and math stuff like this. Much love


My writing is half the math problem. :rofl:


It’s a significant part of the fun too! Quite enjoyable. Really appreciate these fun games. Much love

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546.3 dry? Much love

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A little higher. But now I am going to go add it again. :laughing:

Point 8! Lol. This is awesome. Much love

550 dry? :green_heart:

no , let say 547 :smiley:

99.2 fresh 549 dry