Beans for everyone (Part 2)

This is SO much fun. Appreciate the healthy mental stimulation. Congratulations on the win @funkyfunk! Much love

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28.25 pounds dry and 6.2 pounds wet.

I only share if you come for a visit. A bit too much for myself.


Please teach me how to do this!!! :joy:
For sure some magic weed! :slightly_smiling_face:

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You could smoke a half a lb a week at my calculations.

An ounce a day keeps the doctor away.


Did I not send you some of my beans? LOL :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I am so impressed with my new strain, ā€œPurple Freakā€ it might be my favorite all time strain.


I mean dry and wet are backwards or you have some magic beans for sure! :joy:
And yes! Of course ya have! Thank you my brother! :fist:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


could just be what has dried so far

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Iā€™d go for that! :+1:t3:

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That was a magnificent haul! Good lookin buds on that bad girl too! :facepunch:t3:


I will get 2 more pounds, at best when dried, off the last 5 in the ground.

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I will put some in with the ā€œDickCheeseā€ when I find them.


:exploding_head: Thanks bro! Thatā€™s awesome! I need a giant mutant in my life! :grinning: Iā€™m about to take my mini bike ABC cross down. Itā€™s so cool! I like the freaky stuff! :heart:

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If anyone has seen @THCeed s beansā€¦
Theyā€™re HUGE :joy: :rofl:

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Purple Freak is best yield and best high so far. I think I should grow that. I just planted bodhi DLA16 and if purple freak was 10-12 weeks I would throw it in there!

Trust me autocorrect helped with that :wink:


I did not get if there was something to win? Stumbled in the game, and feel like I found half of the answer. Not that it matters so much, had fun bombing OG for a number :smiley:

Pretty sure you got both numbers correct.

Always Brother.

Whatā€™s the make up of this one?

And nice haul you crazy bastard! :wink:


Hahaha ā€¦ I missed something, but I am too lazy for make calculationsā€¦ :rofl:

That is a lot of weed @THCeed .
Is all of them to make cement? :rofl: