Beans for everyone (Part 2)

Sounds cheesy my neazy,

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Don’t forget super easy peasy.

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Sounds cheesy my neazy ,
super easy
So Weazy

I take a razor and scuff my seeds gently and it works like a dream.

@blowdout2269 Sorry to hear that brother, would you like another pack of SourGrape F2’s? Or would you like to trade up to a pack of Blueberry Terpnado can send either one Wednesday. Let me know.


@Heliosphear lets make a deal seed extravaganza . Did you want curtain 1 or trade up for curtain number 3 . lol


Nah man, as much as I love to hoard seeds, :nerd_face::shushing_face: lol. I still got at least ten I think. I might go give em a squeeze, maybe replant, idk.
Though if I somehow manage to fail em all, yeah I’m probably gonna take you up on that offer. :rofl:
It’s all good growmie.
Much love!
I think I smell a challenge…
I’ll be back!


Hey @THCeed!
Does…said mason jar get sealed or left open?


Next time try the @THCeed style birth in Hot tap water… he is going to send me some seeds and i will post how the Hot water bath works… Will post in my log


Good , Question

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Hey, come back! Lol, is this one sealed?____^

@Estacionsj, y’all bout to get the play-by-play. :wink:

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I’m hear going to take a shower and I will be back…

Hopefully with a Home run…

@ShiskaberrySavior :rofl:
@blowdout2269 understood, let me know.
If anyone is interested, the sign up to giveaway seeds for prizes at the 2023 Picture of the year is up…

Ugly sweater contest this year.

Of course there will be stickers. :sunglasses:


Sounds like another excellent overgrow CONTEST… I might have to dig up that horrible sweater.:anguished:.:thinking:.:sob:
Thank you @Heliosphear .your a champ
Thanks to the many fine OG’rs for putting together 1 hell of a prize pool as usual.:trophy:.:trophy:.:trophy:.:muscle:.:green_heart:
Where to enter


Seal it up and I put it in one of those little 6 pack coolers. Dark and holds the warmth.

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Here’s some fun and games y’all this evening!
Got that wild hair up my ass.
All of this was done right before this post.
:musical_note: Duh Duh :musical_note: (just imagine Law & Order)

What started it all…


Challenge accepted.:wink:

We’re 'bout to find out!

The tap water. It hurts.

The selection.

The drop.

The landing.

One with lid on, one off.

Done. :+1:t2:


Right on, So in a cooler

u need to put in a cooler, to hold the warmth.
Last Step…


Out for today
But that was a good Slidw show