Beans for everyone (Part 2)

Alter Cheese Quake is another one in there that is an auto female. Just 1 of that, I think.

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Bubblegum I have not grown but if I’m not mistaken @repins12 has and if memory serves me right he has some info on one of his threads


I think I even have some pollen he sent me a while back still in my fridge, probably not viable anymore it’s been a while , I did use some on some crappy autos I had that grew 4 inches tall. One bowl sized top bud , I got like 3-4 seeds each :joy::rofl:.

For Stoners some of us have pretty good memory, thanks for that info.

Also if anyone has some info on getting me started here, I am all ears. There is barely a root coming out of these things, how do they stay alive till the roots hit the water?

How full should the buckets be?


Roughly an inch below the basket. , the bubble popping . ( if those are bubble buckets) pop at the surface and splash water on the basket and into the media , I grow a lot with bubble buckets. :joy::rofl:


And now experimenting with some 3 gallon totes , the yellow looking auto has had some ph issues and is on the rebound , my ph up is old and not doing its job. So I got another fresh bottle to fix her back up. :+1:


These are air stones.


Yep. Bubble buckets as I call them lol. The bubble put just enough water on them to keep them damp and this allows the plants to survive, and as the plants require more water the roots expand and grow in search of it , the air gap below the basket allows oxygen to the roots and keep from drowning them.


These are the totes I just made and as you can see the basket and the clay pebbles are wet from the bubbles popping


All about the bubble buckets. I got 12 running right now


Genius! Simply genius!


@BIGJ High nice grow, could you please tell me where you got that long thin tent from ? Thank you. Peace C.

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Very nice. My friend. I had 12 , but 12 buckets were getting hard to handle with my work schedule . Then I took a break from growing after a bad grow. Sold 8 to my brother in law, my position at work has changed a bit and I’m not having to work so many hours , and as you can see I’m collecting bubblers again. Lol. Very easy form of hydro with good results :+1::+1::v:


My tent is a 5x4 . 2 in 1 from Amazon , it has a separation wall the can be removed, it makes 2 grow areas, 1 area is 4x4 main grow area and a 1x 4 area for seedlings , I grow on both sides. :+1::+1::v:,


THAT’S exactly why I do HALF PACKS with no Breeder Packs sent. Had a Breeder Pack of Bodhi AND Subcool posted on “The Gram” after receipt!! NEVER AGAIN!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I just started looking into this. I hit an ISS x CT with some auto male pollen from @joheimgrohen, im hoping to knock the flower time down from 12+ weeks.


I love auto

Girl scout cookies.:point_up:.
…off my growdiaries channel that I’ve grown… Autos are awesome… I’ve gotten some up in the 40+ inches…


Nice! Have you entered any of the contests there?


Yes… I won 3rd place but they gave me 2nd place prize… For ac infinity… Won a t5 inline fan kit. I was under contract with mars hydro. & viparspectra. And affiliated for a bunch of seed banks. As well as fertilizer company…Because i got arrested i havent re-do my contracts.:sob:.:sob:… Im ranked as a guru.:blush:.


Well, I think I am going to spray that Bubble Gum auto. For some reason I can’t resist the urge, something keeps pulling me toward this decision. If it works, I hope some of you will take them from me.