31 grams im guessing
What were you pressing buds or shake . And you got 30 some grams of rosin correct?
Yes I agree inquiring minds want to know, is it buds or shake 🫨!
I will go for a optimistic 73 grams.
A question… The rosin Is not too dark?
Buds and yes.
It is all over the map, from a light Golden Honey color to a dark amber color.
Time for a reefer break.
If its fairly fresh buds you could turn down the temps. Old buds come out dark.
I am running at 205° I’m trying to get rid of my old bud so I’m mixing it about half and half with my new bud.
51.7 please
I was gonna mention looked like too hot of temps. But that explains the colour now.that or pressing too hard will give you off colour.
70.2 grams of rosiney goodness
56.2g or 53.4g or over 9000!
74 grams it can be.
Let’s go 64.32g for guess #1
My guess is 53.1
26.5 grams is my guess.
439.5 grams
Quick update, I have 6 more to go. I ran out of time yesterday, after around 5 hours of pressing.
Going to go get back at it right shortly.
In my dreams.
Haha! Sorry about that, I was reading through the thread and replied to the previous question, I should have read further down