Beans for everyone (Part 2)

How about a cardinal?

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Woodpecker, or cicada

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Yes that reminds me of my father all the camping days we used to do that was his favorite listening to The Loon not the right answer but a great answer
Being in the city, it would probably be a "loon"itic


Not a bird. Although they are in the background.
I have to listen very closely to hear this.

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Iā€™m thinking you might laugh the hardest at my answer

Allright, a squirrel rustling around in the woods?

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There are tons of those things.
Hint Many of you may of never heard this before. LOL

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Feral cats

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This is my view


Moose sex? :rofl::sweat_smile:


Itā€™s hard to hear, but itā€™s there. Only a trained ear can hear it. :rofl:

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I donā€™t think itā€™s a different bean. The structure is identical to the other 4 plants. I just think itā€™s the 1 in a 1000 that shows male.
Crickets possibly or chipmunks


Quieter, everything has to be silent to hear this. Lol

The creek?

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Second hint
Iā€™m pretty sure @Tracker has heard it based on the size of his grows.


An airplane? :rofl:
Oh wait, thatā€™s not a sound of natureā€¦

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The rustling of your plants

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This is close.

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Just saying howdy :wave:
Plants are looking great homie :metal:

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Youā€™re hearing the sound of your giant weed plants growing :rofl: