Beginning grower trying outdoors

Looks like the dog just took a little sample from each one…to see which one he’ll be back for harvest time lol. He’s barking up the wrong tree!


I can only hope it was the male plants that were sampled, time will tell. He is definitely barking up the wrong tree here. I am just glad they were young and not in the flowering stage. Fingers crossed I get there…lol

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This morning I noticed browning on more leaf edges of 4 plants. These plants leaves were chewed on by my grand dog we are watching Monday afternoon. Monday there was only a small spot on one leaf on 2 different plants.

2 of the plants were planted in pots from solo cups on June 16th using our own compost mixture and MG Performance. They were given some Superthrive on June 17th, mixed with spring water, as were all the other plants.

One of the other 2 was moved on June 18th using Fox Farm Ocean Forest with some blood meal mixed in. The other is planted in Fox Farm Ocean Forest only.

All 21 of my plants are watered about every 5 days with regular tap water. These are the only 4 with this problem. It rained Monday night and since it was the 4th day since watering, I left them out in it, other then that it has always been tap water.

All help is appreciated as always.


Enjoying some down time working with our flowers and garden.


I would say snip the damaged lower leaves or even branches, but I don’t have the experience with Autoflowers. We need one of those OGeniuses to let us know.

These are just regular bag seeds. I will clip the damaged stuff away and see how that does. Thanks for the advice.

The first one I’m doing a 6 cola mainline and the second is going to be lollipop(ped). I figure all the bottom stuff would end up coming off anyway.


Sounds like a good plan. I will trim them on Friday.

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They are looking good

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Thanks Bullskinner. I appreciate the kind words.

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You are doing great! As an outdoor grower you will experience a lot of different leaf damage that you need not sweat. Bugs, bird shit burns, Burns from water drops, some leafs will fade out or die from transplanting or nutrient changes. This is not a big deal. Other discoloration is what you watch for… odd yellowing between veins, leaf splotches, leaf clawing. This is the stuff that needs your assistance. From what I see, your plants look just fine nutrient and water wise. You are gonna lose a lot of leaves by the time you bud and you are gonna gain a million more. Hope this eases your mind. Watch out for caterpillars though!!! They are the biggest issue growing outdoors. Those little brown moths and the white ones will lay a jillion eggs on your plants destroying leaves and then bud. I suggest, weekly sprays with organic caterpillar killer starting now through the entire time in bud. I use Safer brand BT and it’s the only thing that kills them. If you are not familiar with BT it is a biological agent and does not kill them instantly. Once they bite a leaf with BT (a bacteria) they stop feeding immediately and starve to death in a few days to a week. So it’s best to spray regularly to attack them the second they hatch. I do it once the sun is not directly on the plants, so it works overnight. Once direct sunlight hits the plants the BT is killed aka deactivated.
Trust me on this. I’ve lost so much bud to those bastards.


Great advice you are giving out there. I usually plant gorilla style and plant with the expectation of a 50% loss. Some years I hardly loose a plant but some are hell. Outdoors is tough and plants are constantly under attack from bugs, deer, rabbit, mole, mice, weather and something I’ve never seen every year. Plants are never going to look as nice as they are indoors


Meesh, thanks for stopping by. I appreciate all the advice and reassurance I am not killing my plants. I know many say it is hard to kill it, but I see the stories on here of how people manage to. I just try to stay out of Mother Natures way and let her do the heavy lifting.

As a new grower patience is the hardest thing I feel, but there can be a fine line between patience and being complacent. I would rather error on the right side. I will look for the spray you recommended. I would hate to see all the time and work put into them, for them to not go up in smoke. Thanks again for your knowledge and insight.


Bullskinner. I am learning more and more every day. We do have a lot of deer around us, one of the many reasons I am doing the containers on the deck. I have been thinking of placing a couple in the ground. Just so many variables to lose them to. Being new to growing and experimenting with different things, I figure why not give a couple a shot at it. Experience is the best teacher, although there is a lot of good teacher aides on here to help too.


being able to move them does have a big upside at times :slight_smile:

all the best



I agree dequilo. That is why they are still in pots. I chase the sun around all day with them. I try to keep them in as much direct sunlight I can. :slightly_smiling_face:


also if you have a place to put them you can shorten their day earlier

in the year to finish them sooner

if you get heavy dew in the fall as your hard bud indica in finishing

move them inside no grey mold

move them back out after the dew is gone

all the best


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I do have a room in the basement that gets extremely dark. It is a storage room with the window away from the area I was thinking about. I will try that with a few of them. All about learning. Most of the plants are 3 weeks old, I placed them in the starter pods on May 26th. Since I am not sure their sex yet, when would you suggest trying this with a couple? Thanks as always.

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I trimmed all the damaged leaves from the dog attack off the plants. It was tough in the beginning to cut them off being a new grower, but after a couple of them, it got easier. :slightly_smiling_face:


with a brown paper bag you can take a branch on the plant and give it 12/12 it will

show sex

right outside
