Beginning grower trying outdoors

Hey beacher. Thanks for stopping in and joining the conversation. I was really surprised about so many twins. When researching about it, I saw many people just got rid of one of them. I decided to try something different. Separate them and see what happens. So far, so good. They are all still alive and kicking It will be interesting to see if the are both males or females, or one of each.

I paired them up in the picture. The 2 in solo cups will be moved into pots in a few days.


Hey randomguyinthewoods. Thanks for stopping in. I have never had to pleasure or problem of living in the dessert, but can definitely see the advantages and dis-advantages. Nothing like that natural light, as long as the 2 legged pests do not find you, looks like it is a lot cheaper, I hope better too, then growing indoors…lol


I moved it to a pot from the solo cup to see if it makes a difference for now. Who knows, it may be the best plant in the end. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Upstate, I appreciate the time you are taking to give me this information. You could just blow by or say good luck and move on. I like to learn so I can share with others. I have been reading about topping the plants. I have grown lots of other stuff since I was a kid, just never tried this until now. I did throw some seeds in the ground in the 70’s, I am sure you can figure how that turned out…lol. I did plan on not going above a 3 gallon pot to try and help control the height. My plan at this point is once the sex is determined I will cull the males and share the females with some friends to grow their own. I will share the knowledge I gather here, plus give them copies of my spread sheet so they can see what I have been doing with the plants. Back in my day, marijuana was about sharing, socializing and relaxing. I had stopped smoking for 25 years, I got sick, went back to smoking weed and started to get better. So I medicate myself. I will try some of your techniques on a few plants. This is all about learning. With the cost of seeds that I am interested in, lets learn from these beans. :smiley:


You sound like you could be a long lost twin brother of mine!..I’m 51…we have two kids, 6 and 8…and with covid lockdowns we’ve recently had to home school…Can you say “Welcome to he77?” …? :exploding_head:
The adage “Children will listen to anyone but their parents certainly holds true”…Fortunately, I love them more than anything…chuckle


I wondered where my twin brother went to…lol I can appreciate the schools being shut down, we had the same. Here is a real kicker. All of my grandchildren are older then my youngest now…lol. I started young at life university. My oldest is 38. Between my own and the pair of gifts with purchase I have 6 kids. I sometimes wonder why I quit smoking for so long…lol


This morning I found a spot on a leaf on 3 of my plants. They all had blood meal added to their soil when I moved them to pots and have had one feeding of SUPERthrive. However, one was done on the 17th, one on the 18th and one on the 20th. None of the other plants that were put in the same soil are showing any spots or signs of problems. Yesterday, a thunderstorm moved in while I was gone and soaked the plants. This is the first time that has happened.


Did the sun come out after the T.storm? Water drops might have ‘lensed’ the light and damaged the leaf. Second photo looks a little different.



Hello Gpaw. Thanks for stopping by. The sun did come out and the temperature jumped up quickly. I never thought about the water magnifying the light and doing that. :thinking: I am not sure what is going on with the other one. I guess I will see what happens over the next few days. Thanks again.


Happy to help Old Ron. By helping teach we learn as well. I never had anyone to teach me anything when I was younger . I learned out of magazines and books and lots of trial and error( and a few good tidbits from my uncle when I saw him, which was just a few times.) I’ve been growing Outdoors now for 30 years. Learned a lot in that time period. But, I have learned more here at overgrow than all the other sources combined over the years except for hands-on experience. You made a good decision joining this site. Lots of great people here to help teach. I even learned how to use my phone to an extent LOL! I thought you must be a gardener, because your plants had the look of a green thumb taking care of them. That brown spot is awful strange. Sun bleaching is usually a light color, almost turns bleached straw color. I almost think you might have dripped some superthrive on the plant…??? Its as @Gpaw says tho at any rate. Some kind of sunburn, and certainly nothing to worry about. I’d be awfully surprised if you saw any more spots show up. The one light bleach spot on the edge of the leaf looks kind of like a fungus, but being that it’s a haze cross I kind of doubt that it is.

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Thanks Upstate. I used the superthrive on Wednesday, but I may have had some of the water mix hit a leaf. As long as it seems to just be an isolated area I am guessing it will be fine. Lots of knowledge on here to tell me otherwise. I did think the one leaf was strange since it was not like the others. I found it interesting they are all in the same mix, but were all planted in different soil originally in the solo cups. Just another learning moment.

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Bat urine will cause spots I’m sure you have plenty of bats flying at night . Good luck with your grow big pots like grow bags help make big fat plants .


Thanks for stopping by gramps. I do have a few bats flying around here at night. I wish I could use big pots and make big plants, but the golfers may want to play some on my deck…lol


Lol. The more I learn, the less I know.


Lol…that is the truth in all of life.

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So, I just had my granddog eat some of the leaves on a 6 plants. My wife got the dog away before more damage. I am thinking they should be OK, but I know there is too much experience out here for me not to get the right answer. All help is appreciated. Thanks !


This is the pictures the wife sent me.


helping you super crop :slight_smile:

looking good cannot wait to see the trees

all the best



No problem they love abuse .


You’ll be fine…Plants are resilient.


truth to that :slight_smile: if it was not for that fact I would have killed

twice as many plants already :wink:

all the best and be safe
