Blueberry Ghost Cookies Giveaway

Yeah I’m sure they’re great

If you’re in U.S. please do!

Best you can do with a clone only is make S1s. Which is fine but still not the same.

unless the strain is super stable. even seeds from the same batch will not create the same pheno. so yeah, it’s all chance and luck. s1 dont even grow to be the same as the clone so.


Exactly my point

yup, some people grow to find that needle in the hay stack, some grow for fun. so if it free seeds, or super cheap seeds and people wanna try their luck. good luck to all. and i appreciate @Bobgrows for this giveaway, just make sure i get the 5 pack, thanks. and much love :laughing: :+1:


yes sir, I do.

I would disagree. When a breeder finds that one in a million pheno they keep it and take clones. Than call it clone only. There is nothing special about the plant other than being the pheno they wanted as far as I know. Grow 1000 seeds and you may not see that pheno again but than again you might. No reason it can’t be hit with pollen, after all it was created from a male and female. Correct me if I’m wrong.


i added you to the list. good luck. if you get the 5 pack, name 1 plant after me. haha :laughing: :+1:


thank you kindly.

Sounds like some really amazing plants man wow glad you all are doin this. Thank you and OGood luck to all

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Look, I’m just trying to get some good seeds in hands of people who might want them. For FREE…
If you want the BEST genetics, go pay for them !
This is open to anyone that needs seeds!
But you @OGTreeSlayer … they don’t seem good enough.
Never knew trying to do a good thing would turn so bad…:thinking::v:


This is a wonderful thing you are doing @Bobgrows, don’t let a little grief bring you down. I haven’t been very active recently on here, but you motivated me to get some seeds in motion, again.


I was so excited to do this…
Only takes one to discourage you, really.


keep your head up. they’re not blaming you. they just unsure about the breeder. @Bobgrows you’re going great :laughing: :+1:


Cool man! Good times!

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Your doing good things @Bobgrows . Don’t let it get you down! Positive vibrations to you!:grin:


Thank you for the positive vibes @anhthormap & @Budderton & @other_barry :green_heart::v:


clone only means it’s a cut of a line that either with unknown linage like GSC. or all the male seeds are gone like Chem line. so yes, you can pollenate the cut, but it will create a new cross, not further the line. hope i got that right

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Firsts are awesome….have fun! @Bobgrows

@DJSF & @Ny_pifftrain interested? :+1:t2: