Build or buy next light? $800 budget

Hey everyone. Hope Santa was good to you all.

I have a $800 budget. Wondering what I should do. DIY strip? SF4000? Or?

4x4 tent, and plan 4 plants at most at a time.




Please build so I can follow along :slight_smile: need to DIY one


all the best and be safe



HLG Canada? What boards?

@Mr.Sparkle I saw you posted on another thread the EB3 22” 20 pack strips. I like that they have stock still at FE. How many would I need for a 4x4 tent? And power supplies?

I want to use the same light for veg and flower.


Oh crap. No, its the american site. Didnt know youre from canada. Sorry!

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Looking for something like this?

Came in at 770.00 CAD



Depends on how you run them “underdriven, nominal or a bit over driven” and how much light you want.

Say you go after 30-40w/sqft at 16sqft thats 480-640w at the strips, which could be covered by two of either the XLG-240’s on the low side or two HLG-320’s on the higher side, to somewhere in the middle with say three XLG-200’s but for the price difference between those and the 240’s you just get the 240’s and that would give you an overkill light amount of about 720w worth at max, and you could run 40 strips for any of those combos.

Would be about $500cnd before taxes and the likes for strips and drivers if you went with the triple xlg-240’s route, and you would need all the other bits, wire and frame materials to complete it.


I’d wait for a sale. Their $1299 600R goes 20% off when they do a sale. Last time was Black Friday. I’m sure they’ll do something for New Years or 4/20.

That’s about 1175 after discount and taxes. Save up another 375 in the mean time. It’s well worth it!

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The 600R is available refurbished for around $700. You can use the “dude” coupon code on top of that.

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With your budget and a 4×4 tent i would definitely build one, you will be able to build a quality light that will cover every inch of your tent for less than $800. If building seems uncomfortable to you i felt that way and honestly I was over thinking it and it was actually really easy, I also had so much help from lots of people on this forum. Definitely check out the DIY led build thread so much knowledge and helpful people in there.

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I am thinking of the DIY route. I saw some of your posts. I am good with electronics and such. I just suck at knowing what part numbers and qty to order and from who. That’s where I hope to get everyone’s help. And I will for sure post the whole build along the way :).

Let me know what ya think :thinking:

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There sure is a lot of stuff on there. Is it actually cheaper to buy from him rather that HLG?

Ya totally, even if you diy you can’t get a better price unless you buy directly from china. You’d still have to buy in bulk also to get a better price.

There’s lots of folks that will help you, @Mr.Sparkle and @nube have helped many, I’ve helped a couple too.
If you are in Canada aluminum is cheaper (no tariffs)!


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Thanks. I can’t wait to get started. I will try and do my homework first and then ask for help when needed and before I place my orders.

Can’t wait to actually build my own light :).


Ooh. Look foward to seeing what you come up with!!

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Some nice builds here to get you started:

I enjoyed my strip build, not sure if I’d do it again though.

Shopping tools…


20 pack city

If your in Canada check out - on line . Pretty reasonable if you don’t want to build your own .