Cannabis infused Whiskey!

I read this story the other morning…it was talking about hemp infused whisky being available now. I thought to myself “meh”, no biggie.
Then I kept reading and saw this recipe!
I do not drink Whiskey, but this concoction sure looks interesting😎

Haha, within the article was this recipe:
*Cannabis-Infused Rye Whiskey:

1 750mL bottle Rye Whiskey

8 grams Cannabis

These portions are somewhat “choose your own adventure.” Obviously you can add more cannabis and infuse longer if you desire a more potent concoction (or less and shorter, for something more mild). Cut or grind your bud of choice and place it on a baking tray in the oven at 240-degrees Fahrenheit for 45 minutes. Pour the bottle of whiskey into a sealable one-liter jar, and add the baked cannabis. Agitate it lightly and let it sit, out of the sun, for 48 hours. Pour it through a cheesecloth and a strainer, making sure to squeeze any remaining liquid out of the cheesecloth.


I saw a show on vice where they were making cannabis infused wines. It really interested me cause I make my own wine. I wanted to make some blackberry wine infused with plushberry.


We are doing just this. The nice thing about distilling your own is first run through the still I am getting 169 proof or 84%.

I have a bucket of trim the wife is making into wine in the morning. Thats her gig.

I can distill the alcohol out and make oil easy with my smaller still and reclaim the alcohol.

I want to make little 3 ounce bottles with a fat dose, a shot for 2 people and both are stoned but not drunk.


And what about honey? Whisky seems easy, but weed honey infused in whiskey?
I am in

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Easy, make the concentrate tincture, add to honey, simmer off the alcohol.


they will blame the weed for the effects of alcohol :sweat_smile: