Thought I would share my recipe for gummies. It is quick, you dont have to spend a long time in the kitchen, and if you like me you just want to get high… not be a baker… so i like quick and easy.
What you need.
1 large box or 2 small boxes of your flavored jello (Sugar Free)
53.20 grams of Geletin (or 7 packets if you buy it in little boxes)
Alcohol Tinture
Candy molds
1> In a medium size pot pour in 1 cup of water.
2> Measure out about 2/3 cup of tincture set it aside
3> Measure out 3/4 cups of water and add the Gelatin. Stir with fork get all powered clumps to dissolve. Wait about 15mins for it to birth. It will become a solid
4> Turn on heat on medium. I usually set it to 5. You do not want it to boil. Put pan with 1 cup of water on it.
5> One your gelatin gets solid your water in your pan should be ready to go. Dump in your gelatin blob and stir until it is dissolved. Do not let it set there as it will stick to the bottom of the pan and your gummies will not be as good.
6> Next pour in your jello. Use sugar free as your gummies will be stronger because the extra sugar is not taking up the space that the good stuff can be in. Stir real good 2mins or so. Don’t let it sit or you will have black crush from the bottom of the pan in the gummies and yes it taste like shit.
7> Now pour in your tincture. You really dont want the water to boil as it will kill the thc in your tincture. Low heat. Stir really well to mix it in. If you decide to use more tincture consider cutting back on the amount of water you put in the medium size pot. You dont have to use alcohol tincture. This is just what i use. Remember stir really well.
8> I use a small re-boiler to pour the liquid into my candy molds. Doesn’t drip and make a mess. Fill each mold space to the top. You are going to loose a little moisture in the frig.
9> Refrigerate when completed and let it set in there for at least 24 hours. I usually let them set for 48 because i am a lazy ass but they come out with most of the moisture evaporated.
10> Keep them refrigerated! You can keep them in a plastic container if you go out etc but in high temps they will melt no worry though you can toss it down like a shot of whiskey or put it back in the frig and it will harden up again. There are other ingredients you can use to make them stiffer but my thinking is the less junk in each gummie the higher i am going to be.
11> This receipt makes about 60-70 piece of candy in the molds i use.
If anyone has something to add to this or to make it better let me know. Just here to share!