Cannabis Inspired Art

That’s messing with my head too much lol.




Now that is cool :flushed::+1:t3:


Thanks @BU2B . It’s kind of a mind bender. lol



Here’s a wall hanger i made yesterday during work because I can; it’s called a “Phytogram”.

The Phytogram method is a technique that uses the internal chemistry of plants for the creation of images on photographic emulsion; in this case I used 16mm sound stock which is used for making optical film soundtracks…

aka these:

Turns out a plant I found growing from my yard from last years seeded nugs is a male. So let’s make art!

I took the cuttings and soaked it for 1hr in water + washing soda + vitamin c crystals. The spoons are to keep everything submerged.

Here’s the components.

The 16mm is taped to a sheet of glass (in black bag), and I used another sheet of glass to hold down the leaves firmly to the emulsion of the film stock.

Soaked leaves are shaken then placed on the film (purple stuff under all that green).

Our darkroom was being used so I did all this in our loading bay. :rofl:

And then after I put the glass on-top of the leaves, I placed it in the sun for 25min.

It smelled like cooked greens when I was pulling it all in as it was soooooo very hot and sunny yesterday.

I washed off all the plant matter and soaked solution with plain water, then used ecofixer for 7 minutes to set the image. Making sure to hang everything in order I let it dry overnight because I couldn’t be bothered to take it down yesterday.

I did two and you can see both hanging here.

The second was more dynamic so having only 1 floating frame on hand I mounted that one first and here it is on a light table.

I need to get more frames and then I can experiment on display. I’m thinking sandwiching a very light diffusion into a second floating frame and then glueing them back-to-back would result in a sun-powered light box for a window and using mostly stuff from the dollarstore! :rofl:

Cheers folks!



Cool stuff, I love it!


That is really impressive and it looks great. I love how you always show your methods.

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Best way to ensure we are collaborating even if we aren’t! :hugs:


This is awsome!
Love the tutorial too bro. :+1:

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That’s gorgeous man. I can’t wait to see more.

Awesome process. I’m going oing to investigate more. :+1:

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That is supercool man! Playing with film and werid exposures is fun had photography friend and was amazing. I’m a bit jealous that can be some fun experiments.

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Art work by Brett Rutter.
:mushroom: :broken_heart:



Ok, I don’t get it…
Sorry, I’m a tad dense.

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It’s a sad mushroom, and his family looking on.
That’s what in get from it anyway.

But it’s art, so you get whatever you get from it :grinning:


That’s what I was picking up on. But they all look sad, lol. It’s the extra black that’s confusing me. :wink:





it was me too but i gave up on it much sooner than you did. i never did get it and quickly stopped trying when i read your comment.

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I like to mess around with all the tools in ArtStudio on my ipad when i’m nice and cozy. Always looking to see something i never saw before :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy: