Caps BOG Sour Bluetooth Twin embryo Hoedown

You guys I’m in Hog Heaven right now.The Smell of the male keeps cranking up it is like the sweetest Fruit candy smell you have ever smelt and what makes me even more excited the Female has doubled in size and filled in nicely her pot and She also smells almost exactly like the Male but 10x more sweet with this Heavenly sticky icky smell that Makes you want to suit up and Terraform Mars with it.Fuck I hit the jackpot the shit blows through my carbon filter


I am excited for you bro. I have been lurking here for a little bit. I find it curious that no one has responded since february, maybe they’re all lurking like me. Im so mad because when i bought SBT it was when they were only putting 6 in the pack. The OCD is killing me when i look at it. On the plus side…i regifted some SBT f2s a few months ago and the other day my neighbor gave them back because he doesn’t have the room to grow em, so at least i have those as well.

Just remember having kids didn’t work out too well for the Lannister twins :smiley:

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Good thing in the plant world incest is totally cool through Fillial assembly and doesn’t produce psychotic inbred little shits you want to drown in a bath tub.But then again there are those few that pop up.Fingers crossed this will not be the case and these two breed awesomeness


I think they will… you have a cool thing going on with the m/f twins… and they both look great and now they stink. Everything you wished for so far…

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We’re not out of the woods yet but we’re coming close to see what these will do waiting on putting out the rest of my big plants for Spring plant after Mother’s Day the day they go out I’m flipping so give or take two weeks.These guys have been running a long time.I wanted to Get them to a big size to get as many beans out of it as possible and do some larger sifts and do an F2 set to try and fish out the best of the best and tinker with them.In the meantime within the F2 set keep an eye out for any twins and see if there is any frequency or I just caught the lighting in the bottle at the right time.I’m taking cuts tomorrow off both of them to keep in my tool box for all I know these might be sterile like Tony said then the real fun would begin and that’s a slim chance to catch that flash in the pan really slim but if not I would still have something good to play with so I chalk it up as another window for success in a different path if I so choose.I’ll let them do that for me so I’ll be waiting and watching

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Yeah that is the only part of this thread that confused me. Do you actually wish for them to be sterile? What would that mean? And how would you benefit from this?

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Don’t wish for them to be sterile but Tony talked about the possibility of True breeding Plants being achieved through Sterile plants being treated and reversed with Colchicine To get true pairing in genetics.Would be an interesting experiment if I encountered it to see if it works.Like I said it’s a slim chance these should be fertile and make many good beans I’m not too worried.The first set would have to be an experiment any way if I treated sterile plants with Colchicine couldn’t really sample the F1 set only observe it can’t smoke colchicine treated plants seeds they have to be grown out a set to an F2 from what I’ve heard the F1s would be toxic.I doubt we would ever get that far it’s a slim chance.That’s like how many years of inbreeding for a true set of genetics what are the odds of that?Like winning a steep lottery

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He commented somewhere on here it should be in the thread somewhere that would explain it better than I could

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Yeah i read that last week and that was the post that confused me. You just cleared it up for me though. So if its sterile it’s good, and then once treated will make seeds that… will be like all the same? Kinda like clones in seed form? Is that the benefit?

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Kind of in a sense catching all the favorable frequencies I liked in a bottle so to speak.I was curious to see if I could make zerox copy beans achievable through minimal repetition.

I’m a Cheetah

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Yeah that makes sense, it’ll be interesting to see how it pans out

Not cheating!.. work smarter not harder!

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The Days are counting down and the growth has not even slowed down.Even in 3 gallon fabric pot nothing can stop that male he keeps throwing out site after site a well deserved lollipop session for him is soon to be had.The Mrs will also get a Thinning of her own and some cuts will be taken and set aside for future further work from both of them


Almost there going to transition to flower feed next week They keep bulking up and the filler branches are coming out the male grows exactly the way I wanted and what I was looking for.The Female is a perplexity to me Grows these beserk Branch patterns I had to shag a couple huge leaves to let some light in all was yellow immature branches and leaves now all hard and nice and green and shooting out everywhere.The Mr Fulvic has put on quite the show.These things are almost like crack babies for it.So much new growth.



Was going through today and Homeboy is not a HomeBoy but a HomeGirl.She decided to preflower a touch got the bait and switcharoo and I caught the two white hairs No balls just hairs the other one same thing 2 white hairs no balls got that one right. I could have sworn they were balls But alas that’s the game and Two Females ain’t a bad thing either I’m taking cuts tonight and Dougs Blue Kush pollen should be here in a couple and I’m thawing out His Bog bubble pollen from 2022 so change in direction on this project.Not the Twin breeding I wanted but might just be the thing I needed.Man o man I love this shit .

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The Real question I have if anybody could shed some light on it would be what would happen if One these ladies cuttings would be sprayed with STS and the pollen dumped on the other plant?I know they would be feminized but would that mix in some of those alleles in a different manner being that thier Twins but fraternal?


Well I was Duped on the Squat BOG the little cones with what I thought were white hairs turned out morphed in to little ball crowns :crown: now.Looks like the Soup is back on For Seeds once more.The other Taller one with spear like kolas popped 2 white hairs everywhere so I know she’s a female So that’s that.Freaking frustrating With the flip flop but that one was being so damn stubborn and it grows Nodes just like a female does and even does that candelabra thing on the bottom and up it showed way way after that Female did my males usually show first this little shit threw me for one.I have a NorCal Backpack female in there with them.This could get interesting.


BOG Male throws flowers in a pattern like female buds?


Tony’s Backpack the middle finger one turned into devil horns El Diablo


Consulting with people who know a hell of a lot more than me right now. The Flipper Has Single Crown like ball and not clusters no white hairs and not hairs and balls for a herm?The female showed way before this one spot out those wierd Sacs.Males in my grows always pop up first not the other way around.I’m so confused