Changing DWC buckets with ScrOG net in place... tips?

Gho, While that may work do you understand the negatives to that strategy?

I do it too. I do a full change at flower and that’s about it.

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No what are they? Iv never had an issue doing it this way. I changed the water out constantly my first few grows. But with 10 buckets going at once all in different stages it’s difficult to keep up, and seems to waste alot of nutrients.


It throws off the nutrient ratios from what I read due to the plants probably not uptaking everything in the liquid and you keep adding new nutrient and it adds up over time. Also the plant expels (i think) some bad or unnecessary stuff throughout its lifecycle and that can be removed too.

For this reason Under Current suggests 50% (minimum) changeout weekly. You get rid of the unratio’d nutrient mix in favor of the ideal ratios.

By changeout I mean: at the end of the week, you remove 50% of the liquid in your system then add in the new nutrients/liquid.

By not removing 100% you can maintain some homeostasis cause there’s some good stuff in the liquid too