Changing DWC buckets with ScrOG net in place... tips?

I’m in the middle of my first grow, using 5 gal buckets with net pot lids.
Changing the reservoirs was easy at first, when the plants were small.
But now that they are 3+ feet tall and interlaced with my trellis net, it has become more difficult.
Can anyone offer and tips or suggestions that would make the upcoming mid/late bloom reservoir changes easier?


It’s easier when all your buckets are linked in a RDWC system. Here’s a pic of an old one I built.
I just put a hose bib on my central bucket. Hook a hose up and cycle clean water through the Rez and let the pump do the work.:+1:t3:

Before I had them all linked and ran individual buckets I just used an old transfer pump or shop vac to clean out all the buckets. That was a bit of a pain.:grimacing:


Unfortunately you screwed yourself by combining the 2 elements. Generally with DWC you want to use manifold technique (nebulas manifold technique OP) and have attachment points at rim of buckets. I did the same thing as you my first grow, DWC + scrog lol seems silly in retrospect. Good luck.


I’d suggest you remove the net now if possible using scissors


Even with a RDWC system I don’t think you should combine with SCROG, rdwc system recommends trimming roots intermittently and that’s almost impossible with scrog


I never recommend a net ever… anywhere. They’re a pain in my butt. I also never trimmed roots in my system. :man_shrugging:t3:


You are right my mistake. Just assumed that’s why you were chiming in on a scrog post.

You don’t have to trim the roots nobody is telling you that you must however under current is the current (lol) leader in the RDWC system and one of their recommendations is to trim 10-15% of the root mass weekly.

I’m planning to upgrade to RDWC next grow, but that won’t help me with this one.

I guess for now, I’ll just continue to struggle through the water changes. Fortunately the scrog net is very flexible, so it will stretch as I lift the lids up the 6" or so that I need in order to swap the buckets.


Place a few books or a brick underneath your bucket in order to raise it off the ground a few inches before the plant starts to tangle it’s self on the net. Make sure it’s high enough so that when you remove those books/brick, the bucket can be lowered down enough to clear the net cup (if you’re using one) for res changes.


I use kitty litter bucket with the lids turned around so there’s a little flap.

For this grow right now I suggest you drill a hole you can add solution and stick your arm in to pH.

I can’t recommend the brick stack suggestion. I would not be able to hold a bucket with plant in my face and get the bricks out, then the bucket out, while the plants dangle? I’m unsure on those logistics.

Heres another answer.
Hydrobucket with Hydrolid for Deep Water Culture Gardens. Hydropod and 3.5 Neoprene Insert Included (1)

Or you have to make a rig for the scrog net that sits on the lid. Some crazy bastard around here grows that way. Let me see if I can remember who


I’ve never in my days.

What’s the purpose of weekly trimmings? So it doesn’t clog the system?

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I was able to sit the buckets on 6" individual risers (had to raise the net a few inches also).
It should make future water changes smoother, although it will also likely require 2 more hands.
Fortunately, I have someone who can pull the riser out and hold onto the lid while I swap buckets.


This won’t help you with this grow, but if it suits your setup it might help with the next one. PVC frame is attached to the netpot, so when I want to change buckets I can lift the whole thing and the screen comes with it.


I cannot speak to the purpose as Under Current would state it. However, in my last grow I accidentally vegged a Lil too long (my first grow) and what occurred was the roots from one module reached out through the pipe to the roots of the other module and became entangled with them blocking the pipe, then when I tried to fix it using scissors and a lot of effort (was working around a scrog) I was able to fix it but then the roots wound up clogging the recirc pump grate so I removed the grate for a second to fix and some particulate matter got into the circ pump and clogged it. Killed my grow cause I couldn’t figure out the problem until it was too late.


That’s a cool solution. Still think manifold is less work lol

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To each their own on SCORG… I am a firm believer in SCORG to keep things at same height aswell as limit heights in general keeping the entire plant shorter. They also help hold up heavy flowers as they near finishing and pack on the maximum weight. I use pumps to drain the resivor when changing. My set ups are all RDWC but they share the same revisor making it easy to pump out without disturbing the SCORG . Shop vac with a smaller attachment can get a lot of hard to access pots in a pinch. Just work out some new plan for the next run if you want the SCORG. There are lots of ways.

I think I will not scrog again w DWC buckets.

I hope to have a RDWC system w drains running for next grow… in which case I will keep scrogging.

I came across this DIY RDWC ‘Fallponic’ system that I might build:

I know CCH2O is the ‘gold standard’, but they’re so damn expensive… and this guy seems like a good dude to support.

Can anyone share their experience and/or opinion on the ‘Fallponic’ system from PA Hydroponics?


Other than the roots and pumps issue as mentioned, it looks like a solid system. Leaks are always a bigger problem in RDWC too. Get a bottom tray that can hold your whole volume of water and a leak sensor. So 5, 5 gal buckets id strongly suggest a bottom tray that can hold 25 gallons of leaked water.

It will leak. I’ve had buckets develop cracks and slowly leak everywhere driving me mad. If you do hydro long enough you’re going to flood something.

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I’ve used his system since he first started selling it. It will grow monster plants if you don’t keep things in check, only need to do it once and you’ll know what I’m talking about. I consider it a “production set-up” fwiw, as a 4 13gal unit can get you more than a couple pounds per cycle very easily. Make sure you have as tall of a tent as you can fit in your space. My current grow is clear up into the lights because I had to delay the flower cycle by about a week, I knew it would turn miserable…
Mostly, we use autopots now. Much easier to maintain and control.


I honestly never change my water in the bucket. I always just let it get a bit low and refill.