Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 3)

Thats the same stuff I get @ShiskaberrySavior :+1: :v:

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It’s good stuff I’d think the red bag with coco the ph would be different . I want my plants to drink often not wet for a week .

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I agree. I don’t like the soaked pot syndrome.
I honestly water some every day, or two days depending on the strain.
I just give them what they need at the time.

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3 gallon pot if you soak it well you can escape 2 days easy 3 pushing it . I actually add more perlite to mine also .

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I don’t have much growing compared to other people so its a bit easier for me to manage watering on the light side compared to other growers.
Much respect to the people that have the field of dreams growing! :slightly_smiling_face: :v:

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I bought some coco this last December from Home Depot. Just happened to catch them when they had a whole box of it so went for it lmao… the lady looks at me all crazy and I don’t remember what she said to me but I told her it was a Christmas present :rofl:

Forgot to mention I also bought a bag of perlite and a burpee seedling starter thing too :woman_facepalming:

Sometimes I forget what the real world is like. And how I’m expected to live my life :joy: and back to Amazon i went.


I forgot to mention I did make a mix of 1/3 coco (pre-buffered), 1/3 ProMix BX and 1/3 of Perlite (med course) for my ΩPot and that mix turned out REALLY WELL:


Dang Boi!
Are you intentionally trying to make MY grow look bad?
Thats a nice looking plant right there.


It’s so thick! Reminds me of a topiary hedge :+1:


Thanks @BigMike55 this was me being silly experimenting with long veg times with being a self contained fallponics rdwc system. 100% worked out great considering it’s a reveged plant in there.

Only wanted to show the benefits of using coco in your mix as i’ve never actually grown using only coco coir lol

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That plant is built strong :muscle: , very nice :+1:

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just hatched my first gecko of the season 🥹 ( just had to share My excitement :relaxed:)


I thought that was a blob of pressed hash until I scrolled further. What strain of gecko is that? :rofl:


Crested gecko ( it’s name might be blob of hash now thanks :joy:)


@DesertHeartGardens thats awesome!
I used to hatch tadpoles. I also had Alligator Lizards that would give live birth to babies.
Fun to watch them grow.


Congrats!!! I’ve always wanted a Blizzard gecko :heart:

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Anyone have any experience with H&G’s Shooting Powder?


It says 65g to 100L and an ec value to aim for when mixing it to your nutes.

I was thinking of measuring out 2.6g doses which would be enough to make 1 gal of solution which i figured would be what i would add to my mix?

Any help is appreciated as i’ve heard nothing but amazing things about this stuff.

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Viviparous you say? That’s pretty neat.

What do you do with all of the lizards?

I always wondered when people breed pythons for unique looking colouration what happens to all of the boring looking snakelets.

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Tomorrow, June 24th, 1hr before sunrise I plan to wake up to BOTH see this event and to scuff and soak 5x seeds of a very special set of F1 beans gifted to me by @CADMAN with the intention of making the strain even stronger.

So, with the epic nature of this grow in mind I figured starting them during a once every 18 year event would suffice for an appropriate amount of dark-geometry aimed in my favour.

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :metal:


You going to name each seed after a planet? Cool event, might have to drag the ol Bushnell binoculars out that night!