Sounds like a bit of radiation burn also
Having grown up typing and playing video games for the past 35 years, I can’t really complain about wrist or finger pain unless I type sloppily or rest my wrists in front of the keyboard.
I try to hold my hands and wrists as if I’m holding a tennis ball in my palms akin to playing the piano, otherwise my pinkies go numb. Let you know how my wrists feel in 5 years.
Does this mean I shouldn’t keep my phone in my front pockets?
your a big boy, but I never do. If you do please let me know what sensation you get
Don’t put it on vibrate😮
Could add some surprise to your day if you do
I genuinely think i grow better more potent weed if i play my plants loud funk/soul music
What a great shot that is!!!
I don’t ever remember seeing a shot like that before! Once in a lifetime kind of a thing!
The phone industry after denying phones can cause radiation problems like cancer, have started to quietly add a hidden disclaimer on all cell phones advising you to not carry them on your body, not to put them next to your head when making or receiving calls and using them for only very short periods at a time.
So I would say keep it off your body.
This is a much better place to start this bud.
@Gonzo , @Lady.Zandra63 , @shag , @Piter , @Abbbian @Mrgreenthumb
Best of luck @chronix , you will get through this. Let me know if there is anything I can do
@DougDawson Correct!!
@chronix Hope everything goes well with you brother!!
Wish you the best!!
Sorry @DougDawson got caught up in moment…
I know bud, @chronix is awesome so I wanted to try to head off the 100 posts and shift them here, lol.
Oh this is the famous chat room
And with respect to @chronix… the only that I can help you with from this side of pond… is with my bad sense of humour to distract you.
Get well !
“Nunca choveu que non escampara.”
Hey @chronix !
Thank you for being such a big part of this forum. You are much appreciated by us all.
Prayers for you bro. Folks like you make this the family we feel it to be.
@chronix sending positive thoughts and vibes your way!