(complete) Kush 4 x Sunshine Daydream Coop run

They just heard you…positive vibes bro! :wink::green_heart:
I’m sure they’ll get on just fine…:ok_hand:t4::blush:


Quick update on the girls. Flowers are forming nicely. Looks like about 2x stretch maybe a little more.
Here are the first 6. Top right is a different strain.

So 5 of the females are relatively similar, some small differences on the stem rubs. Most are a kind kushy soapy smell. Variance is in the sweetness of the scent mostly. One is more distinctly on the kush end though.

There are two females which stand out from growth pattern. First is one that has wavy stems which are a little intriguing as they are quite strong as well, not floppy at all. This was the one not in the previous photo.

Then the other is just a smaller and more indica structured.

So on the male side, things are looking strong. First nuts started opening and pollen has dropped.


Good Job buddy! I appreciate your time and space to do this run for us. Wishing good vibes


yes everything is looking great!
Those males are gonna start spewing!!!
good show @Kyumonryu :wink:


Thanks bud. Appreciate the encouragement. Youve also got me looking at inline ozone generators haha


ya I have used them for years… first one I bought was in the mid 90’s and it was a learning curve. One of my friends did the same but he plumbed it into his intake. His plants were dead in days LOL
There are some precautions when using ozone but it’s no more dangerous than a host of other products/materials people expose themselves to or use on a regular basis. Respirators and such don’t do anything to stop ozone from damaging your lungs, eyes… any moist surface it contacts when you breath. Good thing is it goes into the exhaust system and any particle that the ozone oxidizes, the ozone is rendered inert. So the exhaust must run to the outside of any building the grow is in. It can’t be vented into the structures internal atmosphere. The discharge air after being ozoned and filtered , should contain virtually nothing but cleaned air. Ozone is natural to our environment so discharging into the air is not a “pollution” or a harmful thing.
I also treat rooms with ozone by cleaning them with pinesol or bleach and then I seal the room with a high powered oscillating fan and the ozone generator. I’ll leave it for 24 hrs or more and then shut off the ozone and kick on the ventilation for a 1/2 hour or so before I open the room. Anything organic in there will be consumed by the ozone. Overkill yes… but sometime’s it’s necessary if you are making lots of seed and want to ensure no cross contamination.


Great advice, I have my two rooms vented on an 8 inch to the rear of the building so inline would work well for me without risk. Mind you I’d not thought of a small one for cleaning out a space. Some food for thought, now I just need money haha


look into the DIY ozone generators.
A friend built mine and it uses two charged plates and a micro fan inside that create the ozone. It is very powerful and creates a lot more ozone (for it’s size) than most retail units. There are some that use the germicidal UV lamps as well but they don’t produce the amount of ozone needed. These can be used in the intake but that is a whole other conversation and I don’t use it for that.


Looks like fire! Ooh I didn’t realize you had a campfire outside. I’ll be out here roasting marshmallows peeking in every once in awhile. (Think I did that right)


Nice plant ramification.


Is this closed or open


Started in Feb and still open.


I am waiting to join the list!! lol


Oh man ! That’s exciting news on the pollen starting to fall haha
Your plants look gorgeous :raised_hands:
And “Kushy Soapy” is a very interesting stem rub smell… :yum:
I’m really excited to see how they turn out for you :green_heart:


OK! Have some good news for everyone. I have been a little delayed posting as my little one brought home a flu that wiped me out.

All of the girls have been cylcled in the bukkake cube for a good blasting and all 7 girls are very pregnant. All the hairs have retracted and turned orange. I’m going to clean off the excess pollen and get them back in the main room tonight.


Hope you’re feeling much better.
The party’s gone wild…:laughing::eyes::grin::herb:


those leaves though


Thanks man! It really kicked my arse, its just nice to be able to think straight again.

Now I just have to see if I can collect some of the remaining pollen.


those girls are looking great! :fire: :100:

And hope you get well soon! :slight_smile: :v:


Oh man those look delicious haha !

And I really hope you feel better. Zinc and vitamin C should help you out. It helps me whenever I feel sick.
I get Elderberry with added vitamin C and Zinc. It knocks colds and the flu out pretty quick