Composting bin

Well I been hot composting for a few months now. Built compost bins from pallets.


Here is a mix using homemade compost and worm castings from worm bin recipe from ChatGPT

From ChatGpt

Here’s a simple soil mix recipe using compost, worm castings, perlite, and peat moss:
1 Compost - 40%
2 Peat Moss - 30%
3 Perlite - 20%
4 Worm Castings - 10%
1 Measure the Ingredients: Using a container, measure out the proportions of compost, peat moss, perlite, and worm castings.
2 Mix Thoroughly: In a large mixing container or on a tarp, combine the ingredients. Mix thoroughly to ensure an even distribution of all components.
3 Moistening: Gradually add water to the mix until it reaches a slightly damp consistency. It should not be waterlogged but should hold together when squeezed.
This mix provides a good balance of nutrients, aeration, and moisture retention for healthy plant growth.


Some casting from my worm bin I used for the mix.


That sounds like a good base, however i would add some lime and gypsum and rok dusts, if i were you…

Best of luck!!

That sounds like a good idea. I’ll have to pick some up.

Make sure you use ag lime and not dolomite lime… :slight_smile:

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