Comprehensive Breeding Information Sources

That one’s in the zip file too. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the welcome @Ginger_Rick! Sure thing, Scihub has been a useful tool for me these past few years. Yes, I had a feeling I’d be in good company here!


Indeed it is! Thanks for posting that. I found a link for Advances in Hemp Research and added it to my post for those that are interested.


Welcome to OG @anon82574406. I can almost tell by your entrance here, went straight to breeding thread, your bringing something to the table :nerd_face:
Either way, glad to have you here


Here’s a link to the Genesis Project site. They pull research from all the big paywall companies including Elsevier and Springer, and they’re tied into sci-hub also. You can search by keyword, or by the DOI number of the report, if you can find it. A lot of times it’s printed on the abstract page.

I love these guys. So much research is funded by taxpayers. Then a for-profit company rolls in and wants you to pay $20 a page to see the results that you’ve already paid to produce. Screw that.


So many angles to breeding
-standard f1 hybrid
-back cross ibl
-or “front cross” lol to get f2-? Whatever you want
-lets not forget some famous strains started from a hermie
Example You can make an f1 cross from a bX ibl with a f3
I honestly dont see much information that goes to deep into breeding or crossing breed strains together in-depth other than your typical f1’s or doing a ibl


Thank you @Indoornesian. I like your username, gave me a laugh haha. The breeder’s lab is what drew me in, no shortage of interesting things here. Appreciate it!


Very nice! I wasn’t aware of the Genesis Project. Looks to be a great deal of resources on there. Thanks for sharing that.

Couldn’t agree with you more on that @Guitarzan. It’s so nice to be able to freely search through academic articles. I hold serious qualms towards paying those gatekeepers. On top of that, as you had alluded to earlier in this thread, there might only be a page or paragraph that has the information you are looking for.


I believe it follows that the attention put into breeding should also be paid to the preservation of seeds. After all, they holds the gold.

Temperature and Moisture Content for Storage Maintenance of Germination Capacity of Seeds of Industrial Hemp, Marijuana, and Ditchweed Forms of Cannabis sativa - Ernest Small & Brenda Brookes

The gist:

  • No apparent benefit was noticed from oxygen-free seed storage.

  • Tightly sealed storage container to ensure moisture content doesn’t change. (Mylar bags would be a good option)

  • Medicinal variety seeds of intermediate moisture content (~6%) stored at 20◦C (room temp), 5◦C (refrigerator) and -20◦C (freezer) exhibited 100% germination at 66 months.

  • Intermediate moisture content was achieved by placing seeds in a room with the humidity at 50% for a month.

Lemeshev et al. (1995) outlined plans for storage of Cannabis seeds at the Vavilov Research Institute Gene Bank in St. Petersburg, Russia, the largest germplasm collection of Cannabis seeds in the world. For their active collection (referred to as a working collection), used for short-term purposes of reproducing and distributing seed, the policy was to store the seeds at about 15◦C and 10% moisture content. For “medium-term storage” (up to 10 years), collections were stored at 4◦C–6◦C and 7% moisture content. For long-term storage (10–20 years), the storage temperature was −20◦C, and the moisture content was 6%. (p. 243)


Dammn, checkout @anon82574406 dropping some more hot science here! Over the years I’ve seen much discussion on proper seed storage but not much actually cannabis specific science. Very nice, thanks for that! :wink:


Excellent post… Thanks!!



Would you be willing to share the tissue culture zip as well?


Absolutely man. The link should take you to 3 files., General Lab, and Lab The first one is the actual TC stuff, the 2nd is just basic lab stuff, how to wash glassware and shit like that, and the last one has some details about starting a low-cost TC lab.

Dropbox - Canna TC Info

There’s a lot of heavy science in some of them, but by understanding how these processes work, you can pick up a lot of knowledge on cannabis botany. There’s one publication called “The Botany and Biotechnology of Cannabis Sativa L.” that’s got some great botany info. “The Biotechnology of Medicinal Plants” has some cultivation stuff in it.

Good luck man, I hope you find something interesting in there. :grinning:


You’re awesome thank you! I worked in a TC lab all through university so I’m excited to see what resources you have. Should be some good refreshers as well as some new info.

I really really appreciate it!


Trevor Wittke (sungrownmidz) posted a 8GB torrent of breeder resources today. I think dropbox took it down yesterday.

Magnet link here:

A bunch of powerpoints and PDFs.


Good post. Lots of good stuff in there.

Here’s a flat dir listing, the actual files are well sorted in dirs.


Looks like this magnet link is dead? is there another one somewhere?

Link is still good?

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strange, my dns was filtering out that link. I had to go to on my phone over LTE to copy the ACTUAL magnet link to google keep, then i could copy/paste it into qbtorrent and started downloading.


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OK, I am a little slow today. I can not find a way to save the zip file or the individual books.