Concentrate Extraction Techniques

I have a couple of alcohol stills. Since I prefer to use concentrates in edibles it gives me a lot of lattitude in how I work. Its a self sustaining system.
I can brew up batches of hooch , distill it it and store the jars of high proof liquor.

Take my herb and quick wash it with cold spirits and frozen herb.cold filter and distill that and get my alcohol back and have some prime honey. Possibly do a fractional distillation.

Take the washed herb for a long soak, filter, distill that to get my alcohol back and have a full extract for medicine and edibles.
Alcohol is not great for you but its not as toxic as butane.

Rosin is very clean, love the idea of 0 PPM Butane. True medicine there. :slight_smile:

I will not call BHO medicine. its not.

Just like any brewing process, garbage in garbage out. Lots of shady outfits blast moldy bug eaten shitweed purchased in bulk. I enjoy saying “They know thier shitweed!”


I’m in the process of acquiring some items to allow me to experiment with rosin pressing, without too much over head cost. I located two large aluminum blocks, which I believe will hold enough heat in them, that I could use an oven to get them to the temp I want to try, and I’m trying to source a 10 or 20 ton shop press in my area, for as cheap as possible.
I’m handy with mechanical items, and do my own auto fixing, so if the press isn’t they bomb diggity, Im not several grand into it.
I have a month or so for R & D, then some Autoflowers will be available, and I hope to try pressing some live rosin, as well as dried herb.
My friend has an Extractcraft oil machine, which he hasn’t yet used, and I intend to try that item out as well, but I still think that pressing might be the easiest way to create other concentrates like budder and shatter. His Extractcraft machine seems like alot of extra fiddiling around to get those types of extract. But he prefers smoking oils, and I prefer budder and shatters, and we all love them all mixed together, in a crippling, triple hitting joint.

Thanks guys, for adding your knowledge. I’m going to pursue this experiment and hope to keep you posted of the results.
Would love to hear more about how others are manufacturing concentrates, as there are so many viable ways to extract.


this guy has 275$ rosin press build. you can also do very small squishes with a hair iron!


Thanks for the link, I found that guy, and I have begun to source the parts in Canada. I hope to get it together and give’r an go. I’ve tried the hair iron before, as a precursor to this experiment, and found that, while it works, I’m looking for something bigger, with more re-producible results,ie: consistent and variable temps, and pressures, to experiment with different end products.
If anyone here has built one of these, feel free to share your insights,


@Kraven has shared his custom press build in another topic:

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@LemonadeJoe thats the vid I used to study how i wanted to do it…that build is closer to 225.00 w/o the press. I just upgraded a few components.

I made my own press too. Mine is a small 6-ton with 2.5"x2.5" plates. I press out about two grams at a time. It was about $185 total. I can press put enough rosin for a session in less than 20 minutes from jar to nail. No purging, no waiting, no shaking, no stirring!

I also like me some good bubble or dry sift, but those require more time and product. Rosin is perfect for a small personal production.


I went with 5x6 plates so i could rock on zips, I do have a set of smaller plates i made for 1/4’s. I find 180F low and slow gives a good stable product. :peace:

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apparently at the 3-day Masscann Freedom Rally in Boston next month there will be a “press-fest”. One of the vendors is bringing a massive press machine and it’s bring your own bud.


A question for those using ethanol to do their extractions…Where can I get 5 gal.of high proof food grade ethanol?

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in america they use everclear 95% and in canada we have a grain alcohol called alcohol-95

Try this place Ethanol Extraction
They work with the device called THE SOURCE a vacuum
extraction counter top device for low temp alcohol recovery at a reasonable price…
It doesn’t extract the way I want, but would be great finishing/purging alcohol.


I make a mash of sugar, water and yeast in 6 gallon food grade buckets. wait 2 weeks then run it through a still to get 85%+ then run it through again to get into the low 90%.

So yea, make white lightning moonshine super cheap, I can wash big bulk of weed and not pay tax to the cocksuckers who would throw us in jail.


do you by chance use that co2 in your grow room?

I have some clones in the mash area but the CO2 is just a trace, about as much as a farting pitbull.


good morning and happy easter to all which extraction do you do? to make rosin and hasc

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BHO for me…

beautiful but botano pine
I wanted natural extractions

I thought I would post my method for hash extraction when you have lots to deal with.

You will need,

Hash bags, I i use the two of them, blue and yellow (73 micron)
Two buckets
A high pressure washer
3 or 4 bags of ice
A bag of weed


A cement mixer, clean the bowl with your pressure washer first!!

Smash up the ice and tip in into your mixer along with your weed to be extracted.

Turn the mixer on and as it’s spinning; blast the contents with your pressure washer until you have about a 20l buckets worth of water.

Leave it to mix for 10 or so minutes, occasionally smashing it with the washer till it’s like this, a semi homogenous green slurry…

Then after 10 or so minutes tip the contents into your blue bag and filter in into a bucket, then tip the contents of the fist bucket into your yellow bag…. Sometimes I smash what’s in the blue bag with the washer just to get the trichomes that are stuck. When all the weed is filtered and squeezed dry throw it all back in the mixer and repeat the process.

After about and hour of work you will end up with something like this:

The breakfast of champions!

To turn it into sticky black hash, dry the hash and then I extract some dab from and few ounces with naphtha, when that’s evaporated, I usually do this with a porcelain baking dish on an electric skillet set low as it will go, and then when the naphtha has evaporated and with the porcelain baking dish still hot, tip your dried crumbly black hash Int’l the baking dish on top of the dab, then I cut and mix it with a clean paint scraper till it has mixed into a black paste, let it cool a little and then roll it into a ball…

Much easier than a paint stirrer on a drill. :slight_smile:

Edit: end result