Current Events (NonCannabis)

^ Surprised face!!!

meanwhile in the soviet union:

In soviet russia, propaganda clicks on you!!!

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The Post’s Fact Checker, as of Oct. 9, the president had made 13,435 false or misleading claims since taking office.

If truth ever does slip off his tongue, Congress will have to declare a national holiday.

Boys there has not been mainstream coverage but on twitter a data scientist was talking about a well known security hole and some other guy said yea I have been begging Teamviewer to patch this over ten years because it leaves them completely exposed, and lots of Chinese twitter accounts belonging to APT41, a group of hackers that work for china military, showed how to do it and proof they have breached billions of Teamviewer users in every country that it has been used for over a decade.

APT stands for Advanced Persistent Threat its the technique of hacking relentlessly with millions of hackers on the same target for years and once you are in stay there and don’t do anything wait for orders. China supplies all electronics chips wafers everything. And USA can do APT but we only use nsa cia etc alphabet soup, in China all college students, all computer science people, even regular joes they get patriotism points from the communist and its easy way to help your loyalty score (like credit score but loyalty to the state is added weight to the rubric) like taking driving test in USA to help with tickets, it’s fucking insane.

Imagine if they use team viewer to see the screen of a hospital and break something there? We are way too dependent on computers and machines we

A. Cannot manufacture
B. Even if we could the adversary makes all the parts
C. Even if not, they speak our language and program the stuff better and can run it from the other side of the world without anyone’s permission or even being aware for a decade.

If you need to see it in drudge report or huffington post or whatever your brand of poison first ok but look it up it happened.

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lmao this guy has, like, near zero support in russia. he’s nothing but a puppet for NED, and now his fake group has to register as a foreign agent to continue operating

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It’s called one party system like in turkey and china (coming soon to the west)


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Yea feds use this to go after weed on the ballot by saying in the western usa “The cartels growing in the woods they are ruining the federal parks and they have guns bbla bla” As if legalizing doesn’t evaporate this revenue for them and make the problem go away.

Science baby!\

Unwrapping the mysteries of life!


How do the rats go driving their cars in 3 hours worth of gridlock? Still relaxed? Must be good food yea? :sweat_smile:


Good ol’ Florida …


^ no judgement we all been there…

Someone actually stopped a terror attack before it happened!

The patriot act is working you guys! Took 20 years but hea the shoe bomber and these dudes, got `em!

Also @rats driving tiny cars in traffic to relax, better than scientist messing with you all the time, maybe sometimes on the weekend the rat on down the scenic route? Naw mean charge the cars with higher power batteries they keep in the rat fridge at night for extra juice, tiny slick rat tires and whatnot you know feed a little speed to their rides?

I’m sure they like it they are fast on their little rat feet in the city streets.

No Comment :joy:

“safe sex” :joy_cat:


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Excerpted from below;

Measles not only weakens your immune system in the short term, bouts with the virus seem to wipe your immune system’s memory, causing the body to forget how to fight off things that you may have already conquered.




I reckon there’s a lot of us lucky to be alive then.
Hands up if you caught measles and still alive.
We’ll get to those others soon…