Current Events (NonCannabis)

:unamused: (:middle_finger: sociopaths)


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I read a story a long time ago about a guy from america who was there as oil contractor in the 90s and saw lots of public beheadings of drug users. Good times. IMHO we all have more of a chance to change things where we live be being better people but I know watching cnn and pointing the finger rules but the man in the mirror is the only one who affects change. /soapbox

Not saying usa is perfect no drawing moral equivalence either but worth keeping in mind since so many in usa use free speech to fling around words like dictatorship when in a real one you cannot say things like that, it’s all relative idk.

Nice Scimitars on that crest, gooooooooooooooooooooodtimes…

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Fair points @Dale, however, the bulk of that article is fascination with the beheadings…not terribly convincing of much beyond the obvious. :thinking: :us:

:evergreen_tree: :zipper_mouth: :laughing:


Eat Less Red Meat, Scientists Said. Now Some Believe That Was Bad Advice.

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One thing that seems strange is how can one get paid six figures and be in that position physically have your person in the kingdom of saudi and not know that is a part of life there? It would be like the environmentalist or whoever crazy guy went to talk to these natives on an island near india all the governments make it illegal to interact with them because their tribe likes being isolated and doesn’t want 21st century and modern berkenstock idiot rows a canoe over there and gets himself murdered and I believe canabalized and the family sues india, and india presses charges against them for idk endangering native tribes or something.

Everyone is crazy that’s my point don’t get educated at University of Virginia and use it to go to North Korea to get beat into a coma for stealing in the hotel. Stay class, human beings!

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“This is nothing like on the brochure!”

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:astonished: :laughing: :joy: thank YOU internet!



Brexit…ridicule Britain. Go on we deserve it :rofl:

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“Hold your nose `cuz here comes the cold water…”

Imagine if Stalin or Hitler had these:

Stay safe (stay strapped)


Welcome to the shit show…


good times.

In entertainment news, I saw the new Will Smith movie Gemini. That guy is a gem I tell you, I put him right up there with Michael Douglas and Christopher Walken and that is coming from a big fan of Fresh Prince of Bel Air. He is like Keanu after Bill and Ted and just grew into one of the best actors ever. Keanu moreso though to me because he had to do it all with only two facial expressions: Unimpressed Keanu face and Bill and Ted’s woah face (not to be confused with Office Space o face, different face)

Don’t listen to politicians talk war its not good and what they want (que putin and the rest to weigh in, who cares)


I agree with this part but the rest is just crazytown to me. :smile:


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not the first time I have absorbed that sentiment.

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Also we already do a perfectly good war the war in afghanistan. 16,000 American farm boys a year get sent there to try and “save” the people from the Taliban in a country where over 45 million people come from the Taliban’s home province.

If the previous decade taught us anything, and it hasn’t, how many concurrent quagmire’s does the USA need? We’re protracted enough there has to be a better way for the desperately poor to go to school here and level the playing field that doesn’t involve a canteen and gun and jumping from a plane.

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ever heard of Sexy Vegan?? he got busted having sex? with his dog… he posted the video on his own social media :laughing:

sexy vegan claims it was only a video of his dog licking his butt that he posted to his twitter… it’s not sounding too good though
sexy vegan: “i didn’t know bestiality was illegal… and i’m innocent of bestiality even tho … but, but, lemme say this…”

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Try having sex with the most dangerous animal of all, American women…

^ if any world ruler reads overgrow, please please don’t do this someone has to stop this guy look at his mustache, turkey was not always one party system this has to stop while we still can.

Hopefully fake news but if true this has bad idea written all over it. Rolling out war ships usually is an act of war and the med has lots of hot heads, not a good idea from a guy who says he is going to take the rest of cypress (has already taken the north) and while denying the genocide of the greeks and armenians he threatens to repeat this and take the greek islands.

I know the other world leaders are no prize pigs but this one has to be stopped.

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IDK if its true or anyone reading it but fox news lady says her source tells her Justice Dept watchdog agency report on misuse and violating the law is finished and it’s “as thick as a phone book”





my will has checks going out in the mail, i wouldn’t subject a funeral on anyone decent enough to attend mine.

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It’s for the children…

Illinois Red-Light Cameras Have Collected More Than $1B From Drivers Since 2008