Dancing bear hookahs come get one!

The top of the head on my piece is the bowl and downstem then you use a small hose from the belly to toke off… he also said he was going to make them bongs or hookahs.


Keep me posted things a lil hectic for me with family and the holiday :ok_hand:

I believe he said they will be done by 4/20/2021 if thats what your referring to. I don’t think they’ll be ready for Christmas this year. @Redribbonultra

Yeah I’m going to make it so you can either have the down stem in the belly or the head. I was thinking about 14mm holes but I’m thinking now maybe do the top 14mm and the bottom an 18mm. That way whatever you got already you could rig up or whatever… and use it as a bong, rig or hookah. I’m going to need you guys to put what colors you want by your name. Yeah I like those original colors but I’m down to do different colors also. And definitely not going to be done by Christmas lol, but am planning to have them to everyone by 4/20/21! So we all can fire them up the first time on 420 or have a sweet gift for some lucky hippie!


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