Dank Den Diary's

This is one area I’m going to concentrate on my next grow is having sufficient calcium j my soils Iv read increased calcium helps plants to increase their BRIX levels and helps against pests and probably mold and mildew IIRCC by building the plants waxy covering.


I have been having the same issue with calcium on the sebs rev and hog, our humidity has been up and down a lot the last 3 weeks. I top dressed with a cup of crab meal in each pot, to try and increase it as well as some gypsum. Thought I was back on track and the sebs rev started showing more deficiency, but the humidity was bad again during last week. I am worried now I may have over done it with the calcium.

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I really don’t know how easily gypsum breaks down on an organic level or if it does for that fact id like to go something more like eggshells or bonemeal even though that haS a bit of phosphorus as well not a bad thing going into flower IMO a good calcium additive would be a WSC (water soluable calcium) made the KNF way


WSC foliar is the best bet, but gypsum is mildly water soluble. a teaspoon in a gallon of water will dissolve about 90% over a couple of days IME.


Any updates , pics , etc? Inquiring minds want to know!


Hey Buddy!!!

Sorry it took me until now to get back to you. I just finished trim jail for the Nitemare bed…The total for the bed, after the sweat was 4 lbs-4oz under 4 lites. So above what I was expecting…And the quality of smoke, was very smooth and strong smoke. I will take pics of the finished product tonight or tomorrow…I still have a pretty good stint here in trim prison…I am just waiting for the Pink Nuken to finish sweating, and I will take a pic of both the Nitemare, and the Pink Nuken tomorrow and share…I have to get back to jail haha…

Later Buddy…



That sounds awesome ! If this is anything to look forward to it’s said no-till beds continue to get better with time ! I’m on year two of my 4x4 boxes and with comparisons of the 2018 thread same time frame this years bed is getting crazy! I think when I get back from my get away they’ll be some heavy looking shit on my plants!


Thanks for the reply, when you are on a holiday…

I seen the bed hit a bit of a wall three quarters the way through the pull, I think I could have done better, if I hit them with the Molasses during the flower cycle. Next pull, I will be using the Molasses to harden the plants up more, and give them a bit more triches. All in all, for the first pull I am happy with it…I am going to be a lot more diligent with teas and the such, for this next round. I am really interested in what my bed will be like next year, after hearing your experience.

Any suggestions for my bed between pulls? Like any type of top dressing, or things to feed the worms etc…

Later Pal,



Just sling all your leaf trimmings on the bed and any bits of branch chopped up.


Yup what @Shadey mentioned sow your cover again if need be keep it wet top dress grow the cover crop up and cut back from time to time


@Tinytuttle Thanks guys…I will be doing this tonight, after I spot water the girls I have left finishing…

Digging the No-Till…BIG TIME…



There is no digging in no till :smirk:


Ha! You son of a gun…



How’s things going on up in your neck of the woods?

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R we in trim jail now? Busy times?

Hey there Tiny,

Yes!! I finally only have one more day in Prison haha… I will be back in here in a couple of days…I had a shit storm hit with my old partner…

I’ll get back to you in a bit Buddy!!



Oh no hope things worked themselves out!

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That doesn’t sound good when you say old partner, but it may be a blessing in disguise, he sounded like an idiot.

Man you have been trimming for ages guess that’s the punishment for growing so much weed lol.


Yes, it has been a stint and a half haha…I always let the girls finish at their pace…Then cut, hang, and trim, then sweat in order they come down. I also keep a small trim crew, giving them more hours spread out, instead of a big crew a couple of days…I try to make sure my friends and family eat, before other trimmers get brought in.

So this pull pretty much took two weeks total time, spread out over three weeks?

And I have always sat and trimmed every pull I have grown, from start to finish. Lead by example haha…I have served some serious trim time in my life…

It has been crazy work for one person (minus my Ol’Lady’s help)…And it’s only half of the shop. I will need to hire a couple buddy’s full time soon…In order for me to not get burned out too fast. I will be taking some pics of hte smoke that came out of the shop…I think the Pink Nuken being my favorite…Blue Tooth a VERY close second…

Have a good night fellas!!! I’ll talk to you soon…



I hope you get enough out of this grow to pay him out, and get him out of your hair, without causing too much financial hardship.

Can’t wait to see the pics.