Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Thanks brother, I appreciate sharing how you like it :ok_hand: Helps me to know IS it appealing to draw traffic :wink: My first e commerce site design, I’m nailing it well.


Looks great.
I giggle every time I see that “legal disclaimer”… Vendors dropped that around here like a smoking grenade once we went legal(ish).
…Some lawyers got paid good money to dream that up.

Everything looks cool.



:rofl: I know, I’ve studied dozens of sites and that is very prominently displayed in terms, even on packaging/zip bags and boxes. Good for technicalities I suppose for farm bill compliance :thinking: I’ve read up on payment gateways and high risk payment processors, some want NO mention of physchoactive effects to qualify as an applicant.


Sick looking site! Can’t wait to get going outside this year. I’ll be coming back for the rks x cripxmas after I run the testers. Sounds like it stings the nostrils.sniff-ron-burgundy


I’ll get some pictures of my @OriginalDankmaster96 plants today. I just finished up potting the Maui and a couple other things.


When I first started smoking weed, it had a creeper effect. In fact, the first time I ever got high was on creeper. The effects were ‘meh’…until it hit. I had been standing in the middle of a field for quite some time until I realized it had taken effect. I shared it with my buddies, and they also underestimated it until it crept up on them.
A buddy of mine pranked another dude with it. He made sure to tell his victim that it hit immediately. The victim was of course initially unimpressed and said so. 5-10 minutes later, dude was leaned up against a tree, staring at his hands like they were the most trippy thing he had ever seen (and could very well have been at that point; that bud was psychedelic).


Oh yeah, I would agree, getting ‘stoned’ wasn’t instantaneous. It would build up over a period of an hour, then you’d know as time seems to slow down and perception and senses heightens, with all neurons and synapses firing on all cylinders it starts to register the body feeling that stone in the functions and that’s where you’re saying to yourself “damm I’m stoned” as moving around begins to feel different, and the environment has a different aire to it than when you smoked it, but yeah not apparent at first, it’s only long after that it ‘hits’ does the brain register as an altered state mind and body it’s under

Interesting! I tend to believe there’s a stored residual psychological trigger, especially if one has done pyschedelics LSD/pislocybin that bring on ‘trips’ from certain sativa’s. I’ve definitely had highs that induced reactions I get to tripping similarly. It’s not being registered as a “stone or high” but hallucinogenic experience, although I’ve heard hallucinogens are stored in spinal fluid for life, it’s more less psychologically triggered to feel as one or remembered when the brain experienced it :face_with_monocle:


I got that same strain for a summer in 99. Got it up in Plattsburgh. I remember I was working nights, and i had just gotten home. My brother waited up for me because he wanted to smoke. We smoked a bowl, and I turned on the crappy TV I had with some dragon ball z I taped on the vcr. 15 minutes later I look over at my brother and he’s just drooling all over his shirt. Slumped over, eyes so fucken red. He asked me something incoherently, and i tucked him in bed with a glass of water. That was the best shit I ever smoked. Hands down


Oh you want to drool… I can definitely oblige :smiling_imp::exploding_head:




Fuck, I can’t wait. CripXmas is right around the corner, just in time for the holidays. I won’t be letting it go this time


Just starting to collect the pollen now from IC x BX2. Absolute GLUE picking it off. Definitely has a noticeable sticky touch to it, also some purple on the sacks


NOW this poll tells you how many growers THINK they can breed and those that actually CAN. I always told everyone C is the right plant from all 3 to use. The AMAZING irony is similar results from both polls :flushed: Most failed to choose C over B because it only “looked bushier” but it split off too much and low glands. It was ok, but not the best. Congratulations to @Movement13 and @IKEA22 YOU have the eye to select and breed :face_with_monocle:


I have one of these kinda of the same. Doesn’t have its own spinner but each side has a different day of the week. 110°+ outside in summer so I know it’s a cooking!

Also digging your new site.


The good thing is it’s in the direct path of the sun during the day, so it will definitely cook even at lower temps. It’s already broken down by 1/4 volume

I’ll take pics of what it looks like next week.

Thanks I’m happy a lot are digging it, although I’m disappointed about this graphic artist on X. She has somehow dragged me into a BTC laundering scam sending my cash app handle to “other” customers for logo/labels payment. I may need a recommendation to take this existing design done and have it finished by a more reputable designer. Whoever can help me get this finished up properly, you’ll definitely know my gratitude when the seeds come in :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


There is a few people on here who can help. Let me think and I’ll remember which members do design.

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Basically all that needs to be done, is lettering to lime green, moved up slightly to fit avatar frame and more spikey trichome glands on the bud. If I only knew what this kind of graphic art is called :thinking:

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Here’s a couple shots of my grow.
Maui A bx2

Tampa Crippy
Cripxmas A bx2

I ended up with five Maui plants.


Looking great brother. How do you like their performance so far ? Anything in particular you’ve noticed from F4 plants ?

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I’ve been browsing your thread the last few days and you’re doing awesome work! I LOVE and miss those old school pine terpens. The only thing I found close to those terps was a 1:1 and that had to been around the mid 2000’s.

The site looks great too, by the way. I can’t wait to see you offerings. Take care :metal:


Thanks and welcome :grinning: I appreciate it. Actually you know, when dispos trying to market “pine” names (sugar pine) they know there’s a demand for it. Close for a few, like Pine OG or The White but ALL failed the mark that CripXmas delivers. What 1:1 strain is that ? :thinking: I’m trying to get open in time for 4/20, just being held up by a lowly crypto scammer posing as a cannabis graphic artist who won’t deliver a finished logo. I’m about to write it off and have a new one designed on Fiverr.