Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Let the Krippy lines battle commence…will the PINE pheno reveal it’s self

From these 4 lines I will find and isolate the deepest strongest pine odoriferous male and find a female of sativa dom. I will probably grow one of each at a time to do the 3 way comparison (for now) on traits, characteristics and behavior. IF there’s no desired odor, structure, nodal lengths, hardiness to stress and deficiency, weak and small that plant won’t be used. I will keep growing in sets of 2 each until I see what I’m looking for. When I found my lucky FW male from 5 popped, I had put it under stress tests, away from light in a bathroom, less water root bound in a solo cup. It was a CHAMP w loads of pollen flowers, and that’s why GFW happened so fast. I knew my selection was right, and it showed the compact nodes in the GFW progeny I wanted. I recently stumbled on an article on how to select males, and after I was done going through it I knew I did everything that article said by natural instinct how I identified and selected, so that tells I’m doing things right all while being ridiculed not doing it to scale. OK well I’m not interested in that kind of legal issues, Staying under 40 plants at any given time is a must. Please don’t bother w me if you need scale. This is boutique style. I will NOT dust to make seed for the sake of it just to cash in, so I can’t tell you how selective this will be. I will take my time to ARRIVE in that pungent pine cone needle bliss that is dominant and pronounced while taking that high to sativa side of the spectrum. I’ll know it, cause it is unmistakable leaving no doubt I’m on the right track to getting the line that is deep pine stink and taste every time. I believe a combination of phenos in Krip and Xmas will be the path. Dank understands starting w top genetics to do a project like this is imperative to get desired results, so I’m not looking to be questioned over my practices. There’s instinct and senses involved along with high functioning autism, so I just have a way about it. Research GFW and decide if this has your interest or not. Those that want this intense pine smell and flavor, myself included, we are going to get there. I won’t rush, but my selections will be picky to meet the desired potential candidates. I proved myself 20 years ago, and I’ll do it AGAIN. Just follow along when I begin to germ the seeds and you’ll see I know what I’m doing that is innate. NO AXE GRINDING WILL BE ALLOWED OVER THIS! I WILL call a mod whoever wants to try it. Lets keep it constructive and insightful for all as we FIND OUT

Started 9/27/21

Seedlings - 6 rapid rooters, with clonex and GH rapid root at 1/4

Temp -87-88 RH

2 Da Krip
2 Krippy Kush
2 Xmas bud 79’


Man does Krip bring back memories of the 90’s! Hope you find what you’re looking for buddy. I’ll be checking in to see how it goes✌🏻


Good luck with the grow! I’m interested in what you find. I’ll be along for the ride.


I made a post, a long one ICMAG I’ll link that has load of info that will tell you there’s correlation to the story…

Krippy story correlations


Wow bud, this sounds cool. Will be hanging out in the corner watching the show. Way to jump right into the forum, really awesome.


Very nice selection….just in time for Christmas. Following away over in the corner.


OP we share a common bond and that is the search for the elusive pine pheno. kinda like how some ogers search for that road kill. pine should be just as highly regarded…at least to me

i sir will be following along with glee. good luck!


Good luck with the grow. I know I have some Tampa Crippie IX in the mail now. :+1:


Welcome, I’m interested in following this project.


I’ll follow along. I have xmas bud sitting in the cart right now


Thanks for the support guys! And yes I agree, the pinene terpene is palatable, because it so cool on the inhale and exhale than warmer smoother flavors such as earthy, citrusy and spicy. I hate menthol flavors, but the pine is divine. The Xmas bud has been purported to have that pine trait. The thought of combining these 2 for a stronger pine trait has me on edge. I want to SMELL the plant that is so deep and distinct, that will tell me which is the strongest to begin working w. I believe the smell will be key here. Last time it was about internodes, thus GFW being compact and bushy from the reports I read, filling in bud structure and density the IG13 lacked. Smell wasn’t my target. I pay attention to all characteristics, but knowing what to breed for and backcrossing is. Odor and flavor have a close interrelation, so I believe what stinks strongest should have the flavor pronounced next to it

Darkillusion, let me know what you find. This doesn’t and shouldn’t be a solo man show, and open collaboration considered to achieve the goal we all want. I’m all for it, who else is w me ?

Update ;

1 Xmas has sprouted and coming up. The other has cracked but has yet to upright it’s self

1 Krippy Kush has cracked. I thought I didn’t see anything, but in water I saw the hull split and revealing the white embryo. It’s replanted back in the RR cube

Here is the shot I took to show the seed vendor the embryo is dormant

2 Krippy BX and 1 Krippy Kush have not… change of plans for those. I went reading about older and stubborn seed germination, and Comamus posted where to get a hot pepper germination kit. I ordered and then I thought the seeds could end up rotting of mildew growing being stubborn, so I stopped. Dried them off well and put them back. Still firm and waxy When the kit arrives, I have a nail file I’ll use to rub on the shells to help crack them and I’ll put them in and let the saltpeter and gibberrellic solution do it’s magic. I feel I should give them the best chance than just hope for a crack w time. I really wanted to do it by the rapid rooter to avoid damage to the tap root. Last time I did it, one of my Colombian Gold’s tap root became too long to insert in the RW cube and the tip broke off. Tried to save it, but it stunted

I’ve always been very careful when planting, and loosing even one seedling weighs heavy. I was like I can’t let it happen again. Some seedlings have too much twist in their tap root, and even just a tiny curl. Picking those up isn’t easy and inserting into holes even trickier w bending style roots. It’s nice and easier when it come relatively pointed straight. Hopefully they don’t come out too difficult to pick up and insert in the paper towel method. If that happens I may just plant them straight in the cups of soil mix rather trying to insert a curly root and risking damage

Fingers are crossed to see the other 3 crack🤞


Xmas is now planted

The one Krippy Kush that did crack. I decided to take the point of a toothpick along the split, and carefully remove the embryo from half. I would like to show you a picture of that, but too difficult to do. Hopefully now that’s it’s free of the shell, it will grow its tap root. It was still white and solid, not mushy. Who knows but I am scuffing and soaking in a solution before anymore tried. These are beyond the simple tried and true germination methods

Tampa Crippy IX feminized and regular now ordered. (Thanks Darkillusion)


I am down for that, but right now I am short on grow room. Just started a Romulan Ale project after that is finished I was planning on doing a seed run on the TC IX.


Just let me know, and yeah I’m right there in the same boat being limited myself. I think a combination of Tampa 9 and Xmas is going to be the right track. So I can give some Xmas for you work w and that will double the chance of getting the right one to begin the cross over


What are you trying to do a BX?
I know after I do a seed run on them if they pan out that is, I was thinking about doing a Tampa Crippie IX X Orange Kush Cake or SFV OG cross.


More of a hybrid isolating pinene terpene to be dominant and pronounced in the resulting crossover, so that keeps coming out consistent as the flavor.

When you take the venture into breeding you begin to learn as it goes, so when I grew Fig Widow seeds out after being able to sample it, I had a flavor profile to go on, which is complex but nutty tones, so I knew Fig Widow would pass this on to G13, and that’s exactly what happened, the lemon-citrus profile was replaced similar to peanut butter, the nutty balanced out rougher lemon-lime citrus. That’s why I say this Xmas bud may be the road to smoothening out the harsher-funky fuel-gas notes to be balanced and smoother. I’ve tried diesel once and I’m no fan of that flavor profile, so less of these acrid profiles to be minty-herbal-piney as what’s pronounced, and that combination will be the fresh wintergreen ahhh cool smoke to inhale and exhale that’s harsh free and so pleasant to enjoy, get what I’m saying :wink:


Xmas seedling grew in a loop out the RR and strangled its self…I’ve tried to replant, but I think it’s too late to rescue…Now I gotta re-do another

LOL what’s next


Looks like an interesting project, pulling up a chair and getting some popcorn. Happy growing!

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3 Xmas are up. At first the new ones came up lighter in pigment and had me worried they could be albino, but the chlorophyll is showing slowly

Next will be the others, WHEN I get the solution and I’m so glad I pulled them before too much time passed. I won’t get it until the end of the week

3 Xmas Bud 79
2 Krippy Kush (will germ 2 or all 3 if those don’t crack)
2 808 Crip BX (will do 2 at a time until I get 2 sprouts)
1 Tampa Crippy XI fem
2 Tampa Crippy XI regular 2 (again 2)

This will be all I do until other plants are removed from contention and then I will REPEAT this schedule until the keepers come. Should I have a bumper crop over 1lb, then I switch gears and double the numbers where this is all I’m concentrated on, the pine stank pheno’s to be begin the process of back crossing exclusively for pinene dominance.


We will start by documenting the seed. I have found correlation just by the seed.The Krippy Kush that I started a while back. I told you that it just split it’s shell but is dormant. The seed did not reveal a tap root. I just recently started some Tampa Crippy XI. One seed has done the same that seed did, Again showing no tap root. I decided to plant the seed since it was half open. Here I decided to take a picture of it to show you the same trait of the seed. (Yes I believe this is a shared trait.) What I’m getting at is, the Krippy Kush AND Tampa Crippy XI ARE related. Slowly we will unravel the mystery and find the connections that shows interrelation and what characteristics are indeed “Krippy” and between these 4, I can tie it together. As more is revealed we will definitively learn which “names” trace back to the true traits. This is what I will do, is find the links of all 4. Finally we can have true documented stats then. Noticing this w how the seed germinates is definitely part of getting to the bottom of characteristics and traits all 4 share. Seeing this in two is telling, and quite obvious if the other germinate without tap roots. I didn’t say every seed. I just managed to catch it by selecting the seeds coincidentally. More to come as this gets underway