Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

First round of pollination on A2 have successfully taken

CripXmas B now dusted with NL2

I almost did the larger RKS plant but decided to wait being a week behind the A2’s, so next week I’ll do that

I’ve collected 7 bags of 1-2 dusting uses of A2 self. Some greener trying to rub on the screen to get more out as it continues dry out. Good amount as far I’m concerned for storage :+1:


It has been interesting running your crosses @OriginalDankmaster96.
They are teaching me some subtle things in regards to sexing and flowering. I noted earlier that they were very prompt to display sex via the preflowers.
Now I’m noticing how fast they are developing buds (flipped a week ago).

I’d have estimated them to be 2~3 weeks into flower if they were somebody else’s… Certainly not one week… :laughing:
…and they are all in lockstep, no laggars. They are in a hurry!



Strap in brother, you’re in for quite a speed racer show :joy: Yeah that’s what really caught my attention initially, was seeing that 4th week like it was the 6th, and both parents did pre sexing. There wasn’t a need to flip and now it seems consistent to offspring. Trust me, you’ll measure other plants by this rapid trait after you’re done, cause I’ve never seen anything like it from other plants, although maybe I found the secret sauce to pre-sexing and faster flowering :thinking:


Got 2 others now planned. Jacked NL2. Using my B3 NL2 pheno and cross it back to NL2, for a much stronger NL2 potency and profile of terps.

I’ll be taking the CripXmas B4 and crossing that to Island Crippy BX2 C reversal, so @MissinBissin you’ll be doing Dankmaster’s Crippy outdoors. This will be the plant we will see if Island Crippy has increase’s resistance to mold/rot because of the density CripXmas B buds get. I just started flip on both yesterday. Those who want to run outdoors this is what I’ll be sending you to trial run for the season, so step up if interested.


Great News @OriginalDankmaster96!!!

Half of its 2024 Cousins /Sisters (11 strains), got wet yesterday.
Nefertiti, Chem Fuego, Hawaiian Snow x Tent, Blue God, Red GSC, Apollo Ape, Dragons Blood Hash Plant, 3 different strains of Acapulco Gold. [barneys farm, msnl, nukeheads], Durban Poison !!

The rest (9 strains) get dunked tonight.

Looking forward to pushing your project!


Good to see you’re getting prepped. I should have it ready by mid May to send, so just in time :sweat_smile: Just rolled some IC BX2, it’s cured so well now of terpinolene, I believe the two will be a unique terp bomb together to experience.

Ooooh Hawaiian Snow, one of my favorite when I had to buy dispo :star_struck:


I got room for 2 more outside. I’m in upstate ny in the adirondacks. I’ve been reading up on your thread, and it all looks delicious. I grew up toking in the 90’s. Every bag I got up here smelled like pine. Never anything else. Even all the shit brick we got was straight pine. So many beans I carelessly flicked into the woods :slightly_frowning_face:

I’ve been searching for something potent and piney. My wife and I have enormous tolerance levels. She finally got there last week. Took 5 cookies 20 bong rips, and 2 doobers on the drive to the trails. Legend has it, I’m still walking that trail smoking doobs trying to get baked.

Just popped 13 black triangle, and I have pine Tar kush in the batters box


I will definitely be willing to grow these outdoors. My grow zone is 3a which I only have 105-110 days a year without frost so short cycle flowering is ideal. Add me to the tester group please :slight_smile:


Isn’t that IRONIC :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Not even a care back then… Perhaps we do care in retrospect missing it. I’ve always heard you never know how much you miss something until it’s gone away. Now we know more want pine than candy or deserts, especially older heads, but of course we have to factor it’s not just flavor but the effect of pine terps that we feel too. Anyway, let’s get you off the path. I’ll put you down with Missin. I’m glad you have studied up on thread, don’t get lax on defoliation. I believe that’s part of keeping mold/rot in check. The less air circulating increases chances but it’s also important to see better resistance, so maybe do one with diligent defoliation throughout flowering and one with very little removed. Anyway, glad to have you onboard the pine train for 24’ outdoors :partying_face::clap:t2::pray::smiling_face: I promise you’ll find the respite you long for :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Very well, I’ll put you down too. Yes your conditions are ideal to test natural reactions to how it performs from the artificial environment they were produced in :face_with_monocle:

Ok so we got a good outdoor group forming… definitely gonna be an interesting summer/fall :grin:


That’s just it, the effect of those terps. I wasn’t high, I was stoned. And so stoned, all the time. There’s a big difference. Most of these kids going to the dispo thinking that crap is weed have never been stoned.

Thank you for the work you’re putting into bringing
The droop face red chink eyes back, with a pine cone flair.

If that’s the case, I’ll be running them indoors too



I guess I’m just making cannabis dreams come true :smiling_face: but that makes it all worth it. At least I’ll be known as the grower that revitalized the pinene terpenes before completely lost to dilution :face_with_monocle:

Oh man, does THIS ever deserve the MORG :face_with_raised_eyebrow::ok_hand:


BUT I’m not done…

Chocolate Haze D x Xmas C BOTH male and female ARE going to be used here

CH D x Xmas male

Short and no stretching. The original plants had reach to them so they weren’t friendly to low clearance. I’m definitely collecting here

CH D x Xmas C female

Remember when I said I smelled sweet pine on the A2 x BX2, it’s HERE in this one. We could have another very special haze like bud with pine terps. I believe this pheno D is more of the Chocolope line but it definitely has sativa bud properties

And there I go AGAIN 2-2 and ANOTHER potential addition is coming into play

Corn x NL2 female

This one too. Staying very short, sturdy stalk. I definitely see the NL2 in the leaf shape here


Remember these ? I’m going to try again shortly. Probably near the end of the month once the pollinations are done, so MORE to come.


Oh dear God what is that :christmas_tree::christmas_tree:


Something I stumbled on searching around in 2021 when I first bought seed, and I thought perhaps there is that Mexican heritage known to be piney :thinking:


That’s an interesting one here’s the description of pine tree Haze
A Green Avenger Seeds strain that is from old school haze genetics. Flowering time has been reduced to 9 to 10 weeks. Extremely strong scent of pine that starts about two weeks into flowering. We do not recommend this strain for medical users. This plant is very long and lanky branches, it will need to be staked up before the start of the flowering period. This strain will stretch in flowering to about 125%. This plant will get very dense, large buds, and really doesn’t look like your typical haze plant other then the extreme stretching. We we not recommend this strain for outdoor growing in a Northern Hemisphere.

THC: 23% to 27%
Effects: Energetic, Happy, Laughing
May Help With: Depression, Partying, Social
Grow Environment: Indoor, Greenhouse


Yup, guess what the “fix” is for that looong lanky characteristic AND flowering time :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Launching by 4/20


A coupon code will be available exclusively for OG members lvl 1 5% lvl 2 15% and lvl 3 at 25% discount


Now that is starting to look very cool! :+1:
