Defoliation vs No(little) defoliation

I understand. This not the most ethical or moral group of people.

I really don’t care about the politics and the hearsay drama of the cannabis industry. I’ve got bigger fish to fry.


If it’s landracey I don’t defoliate I use those ones for hash who cares what they look like your growing tricomes at that point.I reserve it for my indoor Cultivars I save the larf for outside.It does depend on the cultivar some don’t like it some scream for it.Like I said I don’t think there’s a wrong way


Top Shooter? So what kind of cannabis rocket fuel aka snake oil is that?

C99 at 6.5 weeks. My 4-6’ tall bushy plants are crammed together too.

My cross of C99 X Peak19 at 3.5 weeks.

7 weeks.

C99XPeak19 at harvest.

I will drop the fan leaves close to or at harvest for convenience sake, otherwise they stay on throughout the life cycle.

Again, I’ll chop out the big colas and place the remaining lower part of the plant back under the lights so those bud sites can bulk up. Gotta have leaves to do that, and I do.

I don’t use “bloom” foods. That’s stupid and just plays into the shysters’ hands.



Yep, I figured as much. And as usual these shysters don’t publish what’s in this stuff. No guaranteed analysis like legit companies.

READ people - Bloom Boosters Don't Work and are a Waste of Money

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Defoliating works when trying to create more light penetration deeper into the canopy rather than a flat even canopy if you leave leafs lol I think you get a higher yield with a deeper canopy but I don’t really like taking leaves as they fall off on their own when shaded out. My question would be is the quality better on the tops when not defoliating. We know that leaves store nutrients that the buds can pull from to grow. But…. If you’re already supplying all the nutrients the plants need maybe you don’t need that store of nutrients. Maybe the plant is already getting enough light to photosynthesis the amount of energy it needs. Personally I’ve seen better results when defoliating. Not only for penetration but for air flow to prevent issues. This run I’m making seeds and decided not to defoliate. Usually I do. I’ve been staying in optimum VPD levels and there’s no sign of any problems.

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I remove all lower branches including foliage because I think trimming larf is a waste of time.

Does this translate into bigger buds on the remaining tops?

Who know? Don’t care.


Fuels Bud is litterally twice the size of what you have growing and it’s even defoliated.Don’t see what there is to bash you can see it with your eyes right there.Don’t know about the product can’t say for it.

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Are you referring to disease pressure, rot? Using fans goes a long way to prevent botrytis or pythium rots.

Copper sulfate pentahydrate systemic fungicides go a long way to prevent rots. 2 tsp/gallon with a NIS surfactant, either Magnabon CS2005 or Phyton 35. You won’t find these solutions at cannabis vendors though.


Hah! So true @Foreigner . I’m growing for smoke, I don’t even really track anything anymore.

Only tracking I have is “oh, I’m out of smoke, should’ve grown more”. But I’ll avoid that problem now that I’m growing consistently again.


They are publishing it, it’s an obligation. It’s EU standarts.

Mainly it’s polarized K products (H&G are not the only ones to make it) with algae extracts, the one I’ve used on the pic is one of the most hardcore you can find on the market. You can make fat colas with a greedy sativa with just 1 ml / liter dose. But not sure you want to smoke it at this strength ^^ Off course you can use it not only to lure people on discount fem catalogs, but rightly at decent dose and to obtain very decent weed. But that’s not the same game, no one want to see a flushed specimen on a catalog. People want to dream on plastic leafs, burned tips and heavy defoliated colas. More bankable.


I don’t “flush” unless I’ve “dropped the kids off at the pool”. Flushing cannabis is another myth.


Yep, the subject become trendy again. Our little green world is an infinite loop.
But to link the flush with methods of defoliating, that’s a new flavor. Both are extremly contextual, passion will flow like a river :smile:

Most of my plants finish to flower in carency, it’s impossible to figure out wich one is flushed and wish one is not. Great enigma ^^

My local humidity is rarely under 80% for the year, bud rot is always a concern, that said I’ve not had rot in many years nothing at all?

Complete grows with 63% at best, mind you it doesn’t stop me worrying about it.


In the next day or so I’ll be harvesting a Cannacopia Lapz Mtn. indica. It has been watered with rainwater and well water since Nov. Main food I’ve fed it was Osmocote Indoor-Outdoor Plus, 5-6 month, 15-9-12, about a TBSP. mixed into the top inch of soil. Bit of the meals in the beginning though as part of my custom mixes. I’m not worried about the taste, it will be smooth…like my other girls. :laughing: Once you get past the smell…ya got it licked.

Most nauseating, stinky skunk I’ve ever grown. Seriously, I could not be in the same room as this flowering lady. Smell is a cross between diesel and lemon. She’s now finishing out in full sun, central Texas. Lows have been in the upper 40’s for her. We’re still running about 12/12 or so regarding visible light. Will get a black trash can place over it at sunset though until harvest.

First pure indica I’ve grown. Friend who gifted me these rare seeds said the high is smooth, euphoric yet laid back. Can’t wait. I loved the VERY euphoric, happy highs of the Lebanon blond hash we got back in the late 60’s. Used to mix some into the Mexican brick weed, joints.

Uncle Ben


You know what’s cool about science? It’s always expanding and building upon itself.

Here’s a research study proving defoliation increases yield and standardizes cannabinoid profiles throughout the plant.

I love being a “new crop newbie”, as I don’t let my biases make me have to stick with outdated information for 20+ years.

Buenos humos, Señor Ben.


They also say that the flower stretch is a “myth”…


Interesting read, thanks for sharing. There are quite a few questionable caveats such as the one on stretching as it relates to “most folks switch from MH to HPS which induces such due to the far red” yada yada. I used both in combination and stretching is the real deal.

Also, they grew hemp in the study - no THC, high CBD. It was a study of the physiology of the plant.

Uncle Ben

Just replied to that. What a farce.

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Aye, they stated that no stretching was noticed upon flipping the plants to 12/12. I only have noticed stretch previously when switching to 12/12 too quickly after a transplant.

EDIT: I should note that I’ve only utilized LED for my grows, which sadly wasn’t referenced in the study.

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I originally wanted to do a study on flushing’s capability to speed up curing, but maybe I’ll start with by following the exact procedures on a non-hemp cultivar and report back.

I’m understanding that you believe the information doesn’t apply since it’s hemp?