Dequilo's 2021 grow some indoor fun:) closed 3/32021

Sweet setup! Nice and clean. I can tell you took pride in that work.


Mahalos (Thanks) bro.

Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:


I do have some plates and windmills here and a fork truck battery

so I make some power :slight_smile:

for my grows I buy power from the power company easier to work with for

that use

What I am doing right now is using 440 watts of LEDs for 4 hours to replace

4 hours of 3400 watts of HIDs

4 x 3400 = 13.6 KWHr replaced with 4 x .44 = 1.76 KWHr which will save me

1.76 x .16 = .28 dollars US a day or 8.40 $ US a 30 day month LEDs


13.6 x .16 = 2.21 dollars US a day or 66.30 $ US 30 day month HIDs

so the saving should be on the lights 66.30 HIDs - 8.40 LEDS = 57.90 a month

long as they stay out of flower we are all good, time will tell it always does

so like I have said I have around 5 weeks to dial it in

all the best and enjoy the day



because new they are 120 dollars and he has spun gold so it is better than new :wink:

but someone sent me an offer on the same one for 50 bucks so I bought that and will

build a second as I can use it and to put it up in this thread for people to see

it done

there is a learning curve on the storage of power

be safe and stay well



Thank you Sir nice having you along for the show :slight_smile:




used Fork Truck batteries can be found also golf cart batteries are cheap


the big lead/acid one take care but last forever

all the best and grow well



Those fork truck batteries are a bitch to move!!


Thoughts 1/27/2021

so I was doing a plants count last night and stopped when the number started to

get high :frowning:

why count it is not legal to grow here so who care how many plants I have

I have no room I have Adult plants that could flower but no flower room

I can whack them back hard up pot to a seven gallon from a 3 gallon then

just keep cutting them back while they build a large root mass than plant

them outside to smoke

of take more clones and throw them away as I have lots of plants

I might to find someone here (New York)that could finish them and use the plants

the Autos for some reason I was thinking smaller or shorter oh well

the are growing

they are doing well I will give them some 10-30-20 this week

random shots

just some plants

they are the one I have is 1600 pounds it is good to move them once if you can

I have mine on wheels :wink:



The struggles of plant life are real brotha! :laughing: looking great tho!


Nice those are some beast batteries :+1:t4:wish I could get those for a fair price here in Hawaii, but shipping them cost an arm and a leg to get those beasts here.

Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:


I work at a manufacturer so they were going to pay to get rid of it, so I put in a truck and got rid of it

at my house :slight_smile: for less than they were going to pay :wink:


Lol :rofl: hell yea bro that’s what we call some “Boss Status” good call saved them money and now saving you money :+1:t4: :rofl:

Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:


Go poke around in the Industrial areas. Might find some to make a deal with.


Whoa, the wife has me confined to a closet. I’ll hang out and live vicariously if ya don’t mind.


enjoy wait until i am back outside and have more room :slight_smile: I love to grow the weed it is

a way for me to keep good mental health

I like plants a lot and love to grow be sure to check out my outside thread for more plants

and madness

all the best and be well



Got thier tree of life bx. Had a solid female Really menthol like bud stacks good.i just dont like menthol in weed. Not mint its like vicks vapor rub menthol. I Hit it with tiramisu pollen been sitting on the seeds for a year now. I been trying to get up to date on this thread last couple days you got a lot going on in here. You ever flipped trays of clones in those square pots at that size? I have a case of 3.5" i was thinking of setting trays like that and throwing em under hps12/12 straight from cloner with beards hanging.


Thanks for taking the time to go thru it :slight_smile: I do have a lot going on

in about 5 weeks I will really be working on my outside stuff for bean making

I have I did 144 six inch square pots under 3 - 400 watt High Bay HPS lights in a 4 foot by 8 foot

space it worked out well

if remember I did about 10 or so grams a pot but I did 4 or 5 days of veg to get the roots

going in the pro-mix

Sea of Greens are great if you do not have a problem with a high plant count

you can go right to 12/12

all the best and be safe



Today is 1/30/20212

I believe my whole problem is I require Adult Supervisor left to my own I will forever

make bad choices :frowning:

so today I am just rolling one the size of my thumb it is after 1 pm here I start at

4 am most days and would have at the least a handful of canna capsules in me

so like 10 - 15 minutes ago i was having a moment of lucidity and Thought way too many plants

Holy Cow !! way too many plants and spring is too far a way

so after I spark up this fatty I will need to come to some kind of rational solution to

the plant problem

I have 8 plants over year old from seeds that could be flowered today

no room

they would make great mother plants

I have 6 clones of the ones I want no need for them as mother

I need some outside plants to smoke without seeds so maybe I can take them out of

the 3 gallon pots up pot to 7 gallon pots

cut off 75 - 80 % of the top growth feed them weak to use outside mid May God Willing

which would work as they would be monster by fall outside this year

I got 3 Hempys in 5 gallon Lowes pails that who knows what I will do with them and at this point

I am not even sure why or what I was thinking

I will need to start over and read the bullshit I wrote here to sort it out

if they can make it til spring I will dig a hole and plant them and they will grow

I have about 2 dozens seedling I want

most of the other stuff is genetics that I have no real want or need for and if they do not make it outside

as I told my 3 kids “to bad to sad” life goes on

so now that this hard hitting Indica is starting to work I should write to myself here

planting seeds is not the right answer

be safe and be free



Man, is that a glimpse of lucidity? ejem|nullxnull At least you can choose the healthier and better good looking, you will have a great harvest. How’s your flower room project going? :sunglasses:


need wood which is hard to get right now and it is cold it was overnight -21 F with the wind

but soon :slight_smile:

if it was warmer…I would be outside

all the best and be safe
