Dequilo's 2021 grow some indoor fun:) closed 3/32021

Damn brother… my skinny ass wouldnt be able to put on a enough clothes to stay warm. Lmao


Ear them … oil infusion, cannabis lasagna, quiche, omelet, juice with mint and pineapple, saute with bratwurst, etc

The leaves cook down like spinach; it’s just another green leafy vegetable. Compost the stems and roots.


OK on a different note after smoking a few and drinking some canna oil I am good :slight_smile:

Too many plants Be Real you need plants to OverGrow the World :wink:

but no talk of plants or I will plant seeds because in the pin head world I live in

planting the seed is always the right answer

But here some Stoner Since for you all

I have been on my light schedule for almost a week and my plants are no worst for wear

I will use it for a bit longer to see

of course some of my plants are in per flower they are year old Indicas

but not crazy

I do notice that the nodes are not as tight the but 4 less hours of 3400 watts of HIDs is

making my pocket book happier saving about 12 KwHrs

I do have some 5500k LEDs four foot light coming on Monday so next week I will put up the LEDs

permanent and do some electrical work

build power relays for timers to turn on and off my HIDs all the 220 timers other than big bucks

look like junk so I will build a controller so much cheaper and safer

that can running all 5400 watts if I want to

all the best and be safe



Your plants are looking great,
Looks like you have plenty of extra, just in case. Strictly for breeding purposes .
Gonna be a lot of smoke. :smile:


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :star_struck: Looking good brother


Looks like another great thread! I got my seat pulled up!


Me too! :joy:

I really appreciate how inspirational you are to many growers dequilo. It amazes me how you can bring so many people out of their shell. Be careful with shaggy though, I hear he can talk your ear off! :joy:


I was about to say the same exact thing. @dequilo is a pleasure to interact with. Imagine if the rest of the world followed his lead. Dequilo is full of knowledge as well.


OK Folks today is 1/31/2021 time for some words and pictures

So my inside grow room has been running for seven days on the new lights schedule

I am running about 400 watts of LEDS for 2 hours from 5 pm to 7 pm, about 3300 watts of mixed HIDs

for 10 hours from 7 pm to 5 am and 400 watts of LEDs for 2 hours 5 am to 7 am

which give me a 14 hour day and a 10 hour night :slight_smile:

after 7 days it appears to be keeping my plants out of flower just fine the growth has been a bit slower

but my room has been running colder at lights out as with the wind chill here it has been

  • 25 F overnight and the days have been 6 F

so light out temperatures have been 60 F at the floor and 65 F at the root zone

but it is warming up next week to 32 f and I am also changing out the LEDs they are way too

red 3500k I am going to 5500k for more blue

some auto I do not see any flower parts yet but I need to count days

@Heritagefarms your autos a couple days apart they are doing well nice big fat stems

about three days ago

seedlings and clones no stretching yet from new light schedule

seedlings recovering after some light trimming

clones out of the drink cups

Island Sweet Skunk seedling

coming back sadly the will come back nicely and I will more than likely chop them down and shit can

them as I will not flower them but better to be growing them right now and not seeds :wink:

a look around the room

66 clones that I have no need for or room for someones brother was going to be a grower wanted 50

clones said to my friend have him try 10 no wants 50

spent all his money on the wrong stuff and is not a grower

oh well they will hit the bin and it was a good test of the cloners

all the best and grow well



There definitely strong plants :muscle: they take a little longer then some autos to trigger but you end up with more then a 1/4 ounce of weed :rofl: those little guys serve a purpose but not in my yard.


need a big fat stem to hold up big fat buds no staking here :slight_smile:

will need a chainsaw :wink:


@dequilo, you’re it! When I grow up, I’ll be just like you, give me some time. In my simple way, I’ve been keeping the humidity from 70% to 75%, temperature 28.5 to 31 degrees, and hoping I’m not messing up… For my clones, that is. Keep up the good work!


Wow my friend. Beautiful beautiful healthy and happy plants. Share your secrets my friend. @dequilo

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Lol, when you jumping in the group???


Whoa, everything has really made a jump in growth!


I gotta get a new phone. Those group text make mine now almost unable to function. I don’t know why it works that way.

I do miss being the village idiot though. :rofl:


Shit I got my moments too :laughing:… well look forward to bs’ing with you more in the future. You plants are wonderful looking too btw.


Thanks bro. Yeah, I was proud of their judgment. I always thought you seemed cool from your comments. I don’t mind to text sometimes if you grab my number from turtle.


Sweet, yeah ill hit ya up one of these days… sorry @dequilo back to normal scheduled programming.


If dequilo doesn’t like it, I’m not bothered.

He may be a sociopath, but I’m a narcicist! :joy: